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Everything posted by balkan7

  1. i need help for check url, if in url exist folder like this: http://localhost/forums/ do something code, if url http://localhost/forums.php other code, i hope undestand me what i need. Thanks
  2. maybe this is solutions but i need real code. if i add in: echo "<input type='submit' name='post_rating".$rating_item_id."' value='".$locale['r103']."' class='button' />\n"; echo "<form name='postrating".$rating_item_id."' method='post' action='".$rating_link."'>\n"; now cooming post: if (isset($_POST['post_rating'])) { now we need post_rating along with rating_item_id convert to rating_item_id and place into datebase. Plz help i need this.
  3. code is: <?php function showratings($rating_type, $rating_item_id, $rating_link) { global $locale, $userdata; if (iMEMBER) { $d_rating = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT rating_vote,rating_datestamp FROM ".DB_RATINGS." WHERE rating_item_id='".$rating_item_id."' AND rating_type='".$rating_type."' AND rating_user='".$userdata['user_id']."'")); if (isset($_POST['post_rating'])) { if (isnum($_POST['rating']) && $_POST['rating'] > 0 && $_POST['rating'] < 6 && !isset($d_rating['rating_vote'])) { $result = dbquery("INSERT INTO ".DB_RATINGS." (rating_item_id, rating_type, rating_user, rating_vote, rating_datestamp, rating_ip) VALUES ('$rating_item_id', '$rating_type', '".$userdata['user_id']."', '".$_POST['rating']."', '".time()."', '".USER_IP."')"); } redirect($rating_link); } elseif (isset($_POST['remove_rating'])) { $result = dbquery("DELETE FROM ".DB_RATINGS." WHERE rating_item_id='$rating_item_id' AND rating_type='$rating_type' AND rating_user='".$userdata['user_id']."'"); redirect($rating_link); } } $ratings = array(5 => $locale['r120'], 4 => $locale['r121'], 3 => $locale['r122'], 2 => $locale['r123'], 1 => $locale['r124']); opentable($locale['r100']); if (!iMEMBER) { echo "<div style='text-align:center'>".$locale['r104']."</div>\n"; } elseif (isset($d_rating['rating_vote'])) { echo "<div style='text-align:center'>\n"; echo "<form name='removerating' method='post' action='".$rating_link."'>\n"; echo sprintf($locale['r105'], $ratings[$d_rating['rating_vote']], showdate("longdate", $d_rating['rating_datestamp']))."<br /><br />\n"; echo "<input type='submit' name='remove_rating' value='".$locale['r102']."' class='button' />\n"; echo "</form>\n</div>\n"; } else { echo "<div style='text-align:center'>\n"; echo "<form name='postrating' method='post' action='".$rating_link."'>\n"; echo $locale['r106'].": <select name='rating' class='textbox'>\n"; echo "<option value='0'>".$locale['r107']."</option>\n"; foreach($ratings as $rating=>$rating_info) { echo "<option value='".$rating."'>$rating_info</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; echo "<input type='submit' name='post_rating' value='".$locale['r103']."' class='button' />\n"; echo "</form>\n</div>"; } echo "<hr />"; $tot_votes = dbcount("(rating_item_id)", DB_RATINGS, "rating_item_id='".$rating_item_id."' AND rating_type='".$rating_type."'"); if($tot_votes){ echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' class='tbl-border center'>\n"; foreach($ratings as $rating=>$rating_info) { $num_votes = dbcount("(rating_item_id)", DB_RATINGS, "rating_item_id='".$rating_item_id."' AND rating_type='".$rating_type."' AND rating_vote='".$rating."'"); $pct_rating = number_format(100 / $tot_votes * $num_votes); if ($num_votes == 0) { $votecount = "[".$locale['r108']."]"; } elseif ($num_votes == 1) { $votecount = "[1 ".$locale['r109']."]"; } else { $votecount = "[".$num_votes." ".$locale['r110']."]"; } $class = ($rating % 2==0?"tbl1":"tbl2"); echo "<tr>\n"; echo "<td class='$class'>".$rating_info."</td>\n"; echo "<td width='250' class='$class'><img src='".get_image("pollbar")."' alt='".$rating_info."' height='12' width='".$pct_rating."%' class='poll' /></td>\n"; echo "<td class='$class'>".$pct_rating."%</td>\n"; echo "<td class='$class'>".$votecount."</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</table>\n"; }else{ echo "<div style='text-align:center'>".$locale['r101']."</div>\n"; } closetable(); } ?>
  4. change button whit this one: <input type='submit' name='save' value='Send now'> php code: <?php //first check if press submit button if (isset($_POST['save'])) { // ADD TO DATABASE $model_number=$_POST["model_number"]; $bag_name=$_POST["bag_name"]; $weight=$_POST["weight"]; $max_lenses=$_POST["max_lenses"]; $colour1=$_POST["colour1"]; $colour2=$_POST["colour2"]; $colour3=$_POST["colour3"]; $colour4=$_POST["colour4"]; $new_image1=$_POST["colour1url"]; $new_image2=$_POST["colour2url"]; $new_image3=$_POST["colour3url"]; $new_image4=$_POST["colour4url"]; $result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO bags (id, model_number, bag_name, weight, max_lenses, colour1, colour2, colour3, colour4, colour1url, colour2url, colour3url, colour4url) VALUES ('', '$model_number', '$bag_name', '$weight', '$max_lenses', '$colour1', '$colour2', '$colour3', '$colour4', '$new_image1', '$new_image2', '$new_image3', '$new_image4')"); if ($result) { echo "Success!"; } } ?>
  5. Java script working perfectly, when i open div tag for show and hide show me real id of download so when i try to rate that download id in datebase inserting only first id (1) so this is function for call rating: showratings("D", $data['download_id'], FUSION_SELF."?cat_id=".$_GET['cat_id']); rating function: function showratings($rating_type, $rating_item_id, $rating_link)
  6. If i try to rate some of download list just rate id=1 you cannot rate other id. I need help for get id for show hide tag. code is: <?php echo "<script type='text/javascript' language='JavaScript'> function showhide(id){ if (document.getElementById){ obj = document.getElementById(id); if (obj.style.display == 'none'){ obj.style.display = ''; } else { obj.style.display = 'none'; } } } </script>"; echo "<a href='#' onclick=\"showhide('".$data['download_id']."_ratings'); return(false);\"><img src='".DLL."ratings.png' border='0' title='Ratings' alt='Ratings' /></a>"; echo "<div id='".$data['download_id']."_ratings' style='display: none;'>"; if($allow_ratings != false){ showratings("D", $data['download_id'], FUSION_SELF."?cat_id=".$_GET['cat_id']); } echo "</div>";
  7. guys how can i get real id from open it for vote, if i vote only vote id=1, i need help to get id from show rating in div tag: <?php echo "<script type='text/javascript' language='JavaScript'> function showhide(id){ if (document.getElementById){ obj = document.getElementById(id); if (obj.style.display == 'none'){ obj.style.display = ''; } else { obj.style.display = 'none'; } } } </script>"; echo "<tr>\n<td width='30%' class='tbl2'><b>Ratings:</b> \n<a href='#' onClick='showhide('".$data['download_id']."_ratings')'><img src='".IMAGES."ratings.png' border='0' title='Ratings' alt='Ratings' /></a></td>\n</tr>"; echo "<div id='".$data['download_id']."_ratings' style='display:none;'> ".showratings("D", $data['download_id'], FUSION_SELF."?cat_id=$cat_id&download_id=".$data['download_id'])."</div>"; ?>
  8. Soryy Crayon Violent, yes i see data from onClick='showhide('".$data['download_id']."_ratings'); i tryed whit many modifycation but nothing again, when i rate one from download rating all downloads. Exactly problem is not working link on image, this tag is opened not hidden -> <div id='".$data['download_id']."_ratings' style='display:none;'>. Exactly doesn't work, where i wrong ?
  9. maybe, now just show me ratings not hidding link in picture not working, and now when i try to rate one download rate everyone from that category, strange. i have set variable for show id to div tags and open from download id. what wrong here i dont know Soryy for bad english
  10. Hi guys, i have created function for show and hide rating in downloads so code not working propertly. code is: <?php echo "<script type='text/javascript' language='JavaScript'> function showhide(id){ if (document.getElementById){ obj = document.getElementById(id); if (obj.style.display == 'none'){ obj.style.display = ''; } else { obj.style.display = 'none'; } } } </script>"; echo "<tr>\n<td width='30%' class='tbl2'><b>Ratings:</b> \n<a href='#' onClick='showhide('".$data['download_id']."_ratings'); return(false);'><img src='".IMAGES."ratings.png' border='0' title='Ratings' alt='Ratings' /></a></td>\n</tr>"; echo "<div id='".$data['download_id']."_ratings' style='display:none;'> ".showratings("D", $data['download_id'], FUSION_SELF."?cat_id=$cat_id&download_id=".$data['download_id'])."</div>"; ?>
  11. no results i need just this one create in ajax function: echo "<br><div align='center'>You must wait <b>".$expire."</b> seconds</div><br>";
  12. Hi guys i have created code when user send msg for new msg must wait 30 minuts, so i wanna show minuts for expire whiout refrshing browser, only that can be whit ajax, but im new whit ajax. code is: <?php if (isset($_POST['send'])){ $user = $userdata['user_name']; $zelba = stripinput($_POST['muzicka_zelba']); $date = time() + 1800; if ($zelba != ""){ $result = dbquery("INSERT INTO ".$db_prefix."zelbi VALUES ('', '$user', '$zelba', '12', '0', '$date')"); if ($result) echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert(\"".$locale['007']."\");</script>"; } else { $error = $locale['005']; } } $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."zelbi WHERE korisnik='".$userdata['user_name']."'"); $find = dbrows($result); //if ($find != 0){ $row = dbarray($result); $date_now = time(); $minus = $row['date'] - $date_now; $expire = date("i", $minus); $check_date = date("d-m-Y H:i:s", $row['date']); $now = date("d-m-Y H:i:s"); if ($now < $check_date){ //$expire = $check_date - $now; echo "<br><div align='center'>".$locale['040']."<b>".$expire."</b>".$locale['041']."</div><br>"; } else { echo $locale['002']."<br /><form method='post' action='$PHP_SELF'> <input type='hidden' name='send'> <table align='center' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'> <tr> <td class='tbl'>".$locale['003']." <b>".$userdata['user_name']."</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td class='tbl'>".$locale['004']." ".$error."<br /><textarea name='muzicka_zelba' cols='50' rows='4' class='textbox'></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td align='center'> <br /> <input type='submit' class='button' value='".$locale['008']."' onClick=\"this.disabled=true; this.form.submit; this.value='".$locale['009']."'\" /></td> </tr> </table> </form>\n"; } ?>
  13. no no you not undestand me, everything working i just need select option for show ASC and DESC. echo "<div align='left'><select onChange=\"document.form.submit();\" name='sortiraj'><option>Select</option><option value='ASC'>ASC</option><option value='DESC'>DESC</option></select></div>"; just need when select ASC get from datebase ASC first.
  14. i chane but not working select option! i wanna when you select from option load get ASC or DESC, maybe this is wrong -> onChange=\"document.form.submit();\"
  15. i wanna for this get value: echo "<div align='left'><select onChange=\"document.form.submit();\" name='sortiraj'><option>Select</option><option value='ASC'>ASC</option><option value='DESC'>DESC</option></select></div>";
  16. Hi guys i need help whit select sorting, ASC or DSC. code: if (isset($_GET['mod']) && $_GET['mod']=='stored'){ if (isset($_POST['brisi_poraki'])){ $result = dbquery("DELETE FROM ".$db_prefix."zelbi WHERE id IN('" . implode("','", $_POST['add_check_mark']) . "')"); redirect(FUSION_SELF); } $sort = $_GET['sort']; if (empty($sort)){ $sort = "DESC"; } $rows = dbcount("(id)", "zelbi", "status='1'"); if (!isset($rowstart) || !isNum($rowstart)) $rowstart = 0; echo "<form name='brisi_poraki' method='post' action='".FUSION_SELF."?mod=stored'>\n"; echo "<div align='center'><img src='".IMAGES."dj.png' border='0'></div>"; echo "<div align='left'><select onChange=\"document.form.submit();\" name='sortiraj'><option>Select</option><option value='ASC'>ASC</option><option value='DESC'>DESC</option></select></div>"; echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' width='100%' class='tbl-border'>"; echo "<tr><td class='tbl1' align='center' colspan='5'><a href='dj.php?mod=objaveni'>".$locale['015']."</a> - <a href='#' onclick=\"window.location = 'JavaScript:window.location.reload()';\"/>Refresh</a> - <a href='dj.php'>".$locale['016']."</a></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td class='tbl1'>ID</td>\n<td class='tbl1'>".$locale['010']."</td>\n<td class='tbl1'>".$locale['011']."</td>\n<td class='tbl1'>".$locale['021']."</td>\n<td class='tbl1'>".$locale['012']."</td>\n<tr>"; if ($rows != 0) { $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."zelbi WHERE status='1' ORDER BY id ".$sort." LIMIT $rowstart,$broj"); while ($data = dbarray($result)) { if (iSUPERADMIN){ echo "<tr><td width='1%' class='tbl2'>".$data['id']."</td>\n<td class='tbl2 width='10%'>".$data['korisnik']."</td> <td class='tbl2' width='85%'>".$data['muzicka_zelba']."</td>\n<td class='tbl2'>".date("d-m-Y", $data['date'])."</td>\n<td align='center' class='tbl2'><input type='checkbox' name='add_check_mark[]' value='".$data['id']."' /></td></tr>"; } else { echo "<tr><td width='1%' class='tbl2'>".$data['id']."</td>\n<td class='tbl2 width='10%'>".$data['korisnik']."</td> <td class='tbl2' width='85%'>".$data['muzicka_zelba']."</td>\n<td class='tbl2'><a href='#'>".$locale['014']."</a></td></tr>"; } } echo "<script type='text/javascript'>"."\n"."function setChecked(frmName,chkName,val) {"."\n"; echo "dml=document.forms[frmName];"."\n"."len=dml.elements.length;"."\n"."for(i=0;i < len;i++) {"."\n"; echo "if(dml.elements[i].name == chkName) {"."\n"."dml.elements[i].checked = val;"."\n"; echo "}\n}\n}\n</script>\n"; echo "<tr><td colspan='5' class='tbl1' align='right'><a href='#' onclick=\"javascript:setChecked('brisi_poraki','add_check_mark[]',1);return false;\">".$locale['019']."</a> |\n <a href='#' onclick=\"javascript:setChecked('brisi_poraki','add_check_mark[]',0);return false;\">".$locale['020']."</a> |\n <input type='submit' name='brisi_poraki' value='".$locale['014']."' class='button'></td>\n</tr>\n</table>"; if ($rows > $broj) {echo "<div align='center' style='margin-top:5px;'>\n".makePageNav($rowstart,$broj,$rows,3,"$PHP_SELF?mod=stored&")."\n</div>\n";} } else { echo "<tr><td colspan='4' width='100%' class='tbl2'>".$locale['018']."</td>\n</tr>\n</table>"; } }
  17. i find solution but now need write minuts for next avilable post. code: for inseting time in db i used $date = time() + 1800; $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."zelbi WHERE korisnik='".$userdata['user_name']."' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,1"); $find = dbrows($result); if ($find != 0){ $row = dbarray($result); $check_date = date("d-m-Y H:i:s", $row['date']); $now = date("d-m-Y H:i:s"); if ($now < $check_date){ $expire = $check_date - $now; echo "<div align='center'>".$locale['040'].$expire."</div>"; }
  18. ok i got this one how to check date now? $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."zelbi WHERE korisnik='".$userdata['user_name']."'"); $find = numrows($result); if ($find != 0){ while ($row = dbarray($result)){ $date = date("d-m-Y", $row['date']); $now = date("d-m-Y"); } }
  19. hi can someone example me how to create code for users can send post whit time, like after 30 min can send new post before cannot send ?
  20. You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE banner_id = 30' at line 2 code: $banner_expire_choice = isNum($_POST['banner_expire_choice']) ? $_POST['banner_expire_choice'] : "1"; $expire = "NOW() + INTERVAL ".$banner_expire_choice." WEEK"; $bquery = "banner_url = '$banner_url', banner_img = '$banner_data'"; if ($banner_expire == "") { $update_banner = dbquery("UPDATE ".$db_prefix."banners SET banner_type = '$banner_type', banner_status = '$banner_status', banner_plan_id = '$banner_plans', client_id = '$client_id', banner_name = '$banner_name', ".$bquery." WHERE banner_id = ".$banner_id); echo "<center>".$locale['M_058']."</center><br /><br />"; } else { $update_banner = dbquery("UPDATE ".$db_prefix."banners SET banner_type = '$banner_type', banner_status = '$banner_status', banner_plan_id = '$banner_plans', client_id = '$client_id', banner_name = '$banner_name', banner_end = ".$expire.", ".$bquery." WHERE banner_id = ".$banner_id); echo "<center>".$locale['M_058']."</center><br /><br />"; }
  21. i think i find solution, but i need more secure inside. plz help if you have better solution. code: <?php //Prepare Banners for display function displayBanners($place=1){ global $db_prefix, $locale; $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."banners_plans"); $numrows = dbrows($result); if ($numrows != ""){ while ($data = dbarray($result)) { $plan_id = $data['plan_id']; $plan_array = array($plan_id); $plan_imp = implode(",",$plan_array); $plans = $plan_imp; //if (in_array($place, $plans)) } $bannersDb = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."banners WHERE banner_status = '1' and banner_plan_id = ".$place); if (dbrows($bannersDb)){ while ($tbData = dbarray($bannersDb)) $possRand[] = $tbData['banner_id']; $prCount = count($possRand)-1; $rand = mt_rand(0, $prCount); $banData = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."banners WHERE banner_status = '1' AND banner_id = ".$possRand[$rand])); return showBanner($banData); } else { return $locale['BB_001']; } } }?>
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