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Everything posted by mondodru

  1. Oops, the solution was pretty easy, i just used the Like thingy. $query = "SELECT * FROM bp_blog WHERE timestamp LIKE \'%$combo_date%\'";
  2. Hey Gang. I have a question for you. I am building a news archive, with a calendar. I have my database built to use a Unix timestamp, in the format: 0000-00-00 00:00:00. I want to link the dates on the calendar so that when the user clicks a link for one of the days, he will be directed to a page with all news articles from that day. My problem is, I have the dates loaded as varables, however, I don\'t want to specify a time. My current (none-working) query is as follows: $day = $_REQUEST[\'day\']; $month = $_REQUEST[\'month\']; $year = $_REQUEST[\'year\']; $combo_date = "$year-$month-$day"; echo "<p>Archive for $combo_date</p>"; $query = "SELECT * FROM bp_blog WHERE timestamp=\'$combo_date\'"; This of course doesn\'t work because the $combo_date does not include the time. Is there anyway I could make this work without specifying the time? Thanks!
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