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  1. I have solved the problem by using URLENCODE(). Thank you very much for the help and time spent in this thread. Best Regards, Luis Simoes
  2. This was the final statement and it didn't worked: http://***.blabla.com?clickTag='http://blabla.com/index.php?option=test&task=icansee&id=12'&url_redirect='http://***.blabla.com/index.php?option=redirectme&task=icansee&id=12' Damn this is a pretty new situation ehehe
  3. I think you didnt get it... imagine $variable1 = '***.blabla.com?test=true&return=false' can't you see? there will be several & and several ? but i think the ? are ok... the problem lies in the & symbols. Regards
  4. Hi how can i pass a value within a url that contains characters like ? and & and so on? Imagina this: http://***.blablabla.com?link=http://***.blaone.com?test=true&return=false See? What i wanted was that the target picked up the value http://***.blaone.com?test=true&return=fals in $_GET['link']... Best Regards
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