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Everything posted by c_shelswell

  1. Whats the best way to do this? : I need to make a page that will allow someone to upload a large file to a server. I need to use ftp to do this as the filesize will be much larger than my hosts php setting will allow. I'm trying to use this: [code]<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="include/my_ftp.php"> <input name="file" type="file" size="40"> <input type="submit" name="upload" value="Upload">[/code] to browse and select a file to upload the thing is the method to upload on my other page requires the full file path [code]if (isset($_POST['upload'])) { $file = ($_FILES['file']['name']); putFile($file);   } } } function putFile($file) { $conn = DoConn(); if (ftp_put($conn, "/www/images/name.gif", $file, FTP_BINARY)) { echo 'yes'; } else { echo 'nope'; } }[/code] as far as i can find out the $_FILES variable won't ever get the full file name. Is there a way of doing this? or even a better way of trying to do what i'm after. Thanks
  2. Hi does anyone know how i might remove the file path from a string. I'm guessing i use eregi or something like that just can't figure out how to do it. say i have [b]"E:\Documents and Settings\The King\Desktop\annaalien.jpg"[/b] and i want to end up with just [b]"annaalien.jpg"[/b] the file path will be different each time. Many thanks
  3. Hi does anyone know why i might be having a problem here. I've got a bit of php the brings up my ftp server list as link so i can download a file. it's working fine at the root level and when i click a file it will download it no probs to my c:/ drive. However when i go to the www. section of my ftp it won't download it. Here's my code: [code]function getFile() { $conn = DoConn(); $currDir =""; if (isset($_GET['currFile'])) { $currFile = $_GET['currFile']; if(ftp_get($conn, "c:/".$currFile, $currFile, FTP_BINARY))    [color=red]<< line 105[/color] { echo 'the file <b>'.$currFile.'</b> was succesfully downloaded.'; } else { echo 'the file <b>'.$currFile.'</b> could not be downloaded.'; } } }[/code] this is the error i get Warning: ftp_get() [function.ftp-get]: Can't open playlist.xml: No such file or directory in E:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\admin\my_ftp.php on line 105 i've marked line 105 cheers
  4. you can't start a session with all that html at the top of the page. you would need to put <?php session_start(); ?> all the html stuff then back to <?php you code here
  5. Hi i was wondering if someone might be able to help me with some CSS fomatting basically on a test site i'm making [url=http://www.oliperphonic.com]www.oliperphonic.com[/url] in the top menu bar i've got some link buttons on the right hand side and an item/price bit on the left. However when i start to reduced the size of the window the too start to clash. Can't quite figure out how to stop it. my css is [url]http://www.oliperphonic.com/require/sm_styles.css[/ulr] i'm sure lots of it's not great i'm just getting in to css. thanks for any help
  6. Hi i'm really desperate to find a tutorial for a flash mp3 player that loads a track by clicking on a HTML link. I'm going to have loads of tracks and i need them to load to a flash player from a regular website. Does anyone have any ideas where i might be able to find out how to do this? Many thanks
  7. actually would a simple link directing back to the main page with a $_GET on it be the best? I know it's reloading but can't think of a better way to do it.
  8. this might help you it's a really good tutorial for a login page with remember fetures and the ability to set user levels. I've got it working with my site to allow people of varying degrees different access around my site. [url=http://www.evolt.org/article/PHP_Login_System_with_Admin_Features/17/60384/index.html]http://www.evolt.org/article/PHP_Login_System_with_Admin_Features/17/60384/index.html[/url]
  9. Hi i'm looking to make a front page with items for sale. I'm intending on having 1 large "featured" bundle at the top then smaller pics and bundles underneath but with a "more info" button on them that when pressed will reload the featured bundle at the top of the page a replace it with the item clicked. I'm trying to do this all from the main page without frames. Is there a way to do this or even a site that anyone knows of that i could take a look at to do some research on it. Many thanks
  10. excellent thanks very much i thought there must be a way of getting rid of the $i counters it didn't look very elegant. thanks again.
  11. I was just wondering if there was a better way to write this. My query should return a few results and i'm adding it to an array in the foreach but i'm having to use an $i++; to add the next item to the array. The code works and returns what i'm after  just wondering if there's a slightly better way. thanks [code]function get_media_titles($mediaId) { $conn = db_connect(); $i=0; foreach ($mediaId as $key => $id) { $query="select media.title from media left join purchases using(media_id) where purchases.media_id='$id' limit 1"; $result= mysql_query($query); if (!$result) return false; $num_rows = @mysql_num_rows($result); if ($num_rows == 0) return false; if($result) { $titles[$i] = mysql_result($result, 0, 'title'); } $i++; } return $titles; }[/code]
  12. It seems if i don't have the "distinct" i get as many titles as there are purchases of that title in the purchases table. I'm only looking to get the name of it once.
  13. Ooops managed to get it. I used this. [code]select distinct media.title, media.picture from media left join purchases on purchases.media_id=media.media_id where purchases.media_id=4;[/code] perhaps there's a better way?
  14. Hi i'm sure this has a very simple answer. I'm looking to query mysql joining two tables. basically i have: Media media_id - title - picture and Purchases media_id - quantity all im looking to do is query mysql for the title of the media_id i give to it from the purchases table. I'm getting some results but i provides me with the title as many times as the media_id appears in purchases i only need it once. Here's my code. [code]select media.title, media.picture from media left join purchases using (media_id) where purchases.media_id='4';[/code] i'm pretty new to mysql and this is really just a guess if anyone could help that would be great. Thanks very much
  15. try omiting the password when i log on to mysql at home its not set up to have a password for the root user. I was getting the same error until i just logged on as root.
  16. thanks very much for the replies. in the end i did this as i realised i need to have all the months inbetween the first and the last one regardless of them actually being in the initial array.                 for ($fm=$firstMonth; $fm < $lastMonth+1; $fm++) { $monthArray[$fm] = $fm; $days_in_month[$fm] = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $monthArray[$fm], $currYear); } Thanks again. Just one quick thing though whats the code for getting those nice formatted text boxes for dropping code in? Cheers
  17. Hi i'm trying to find out each month in an array of dates I might have about 4000 different dates in the end all i need to do is find what months are present in the array. my array is currently: Array ( [0] => 2006-05-18 [1] => 2006-05-21 [2] => 2006-06-23 [3] => 2006-06-27 [4] => 2006-07-17 [5] => 2006-07-17 [6] => 2006-08-01 [7] => 2006-08-01 [8] => 2006-09-14 [9] => 2006-09-17 [10] => 2006-09-30 [11] => 2006-10-17 [12] => 2006-10-27 [13] => 2006-11-14 [14] => 2006-11-14 [15] => 2006-11-14 [16] => 2006-11-20 [17] => 2006-11-20 ) I thought i could use explode at "-" and then a foreach but i thought that might take a long time if i did have a lot of dates in the array. is there an easy way to do this? just so i get the output something like array (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) denoting months. many thanks
  18. excellent thanks - that'll be why it was changing the time when i changed my pc's clock - silly me  ;)
  19. Hi is there anyway using php to get the actual date from a trusted source rather than it taking the date from a users computer clock? Can it be grabbed off the internet in anyway? Many thanks
  20. brilliant thanks so much. I was trying to use a for statment too but it was the $row thing i was making a mess of. Couildn't get anything to display. I'll try this way. Thanks again
  21. Hi i have this problem. I'm taking data from a mysql table and trying to output it formatted on my webpage. This is easy enough what i'm really stuck on is that i have many items and i want the first 3 to be formatted one way and the rest to appear a different way. the data to be formatted is taken from a function in a seperate file. I've basically got foreach ($media_array as $row){ i want it to be (basically) [b]"foreach ($media_array as $row '[i]until the point i tell it to stop[/i]')"[/b] any ideas would be great thanks the whole code is below. function display_bundles($media_array, $logImgUrl, $logUrl) { ?> <table width="80%" border=0> <tr> <td align="center"><h2>Featured Bundles</h2></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td align="right"> <a href="<?php echo $logUrl ?>"><img src="<?php echo $logImgUrl ?>" border=0/></a> <a href="./show_cart.php"><img src="../images/checkout.jpg" border=0/> </td> </tr> <?php if(!is_array($media_array)) { echo 'No bundles currently available'; return; } foreach ($media_array as $row) { $url = 'cart_add.php?media_id='.($row['media_id']).'&pic='.($row['picture']); $title = $row['title']; $pic = $row['picture']; echo '<tr><td align="center">'; // Displays and halfs actual image size the prints data if (@file_exists('./images/'.$pic.'')) { $size = GetImageSize('./images/'.$pic.''); if ($size[0]>0 && $size[1]>0) { echo '<img src="./images/'.$pic.'" width = '.$size[0]/2 .' height = '.$size[1]/2 .' /></td>'; echo '<td><div id="desc">'.$row['title'].'</div></td>'; echo '<td><div id="desc">'.$row['description'].'</div>'; echo '<br /><div id="price">Price £'.$row['price'].'</div>'; echo '<div id="buy_but">'; display_button ($url, 'buy', 'add to cart'); echo '</div></td>'; echo '</tr>'; } } } }
  22. Ok i'm really new to this so i'm sure someone will provide a better answer (or even a correct one). I think that you can't set the headers if any text or html has been sent before you modify the header. I think header changes must come first. Hope that makes some sense. Cheers
  23. Hi I'm new here and new to PHP i'm getting stuck on what is probably a very easy solution. I've got a shopping cart i'm making that sends info via $_GET to the show_cart.php page it's all working fine only problem is that everytime you hit refresh it adds the last item to the cart again. I presume because the $_GET info is still there. I tried changing the header location so that after a user had clicked on one item the page would set itself to simply show_cart.php rather than show_cart.php?media_id=1 etc. but because i'm using sessions PHP complains that the headers are already set. I've pasted the code below if anyone has any ideas that would be great. Many thanks <?php session_start(); require ('./login/include/session.php'); include('./require/required_funcs.php'); $imgUrl = "./"; echo '<div id="header"><h1>Your Shopping Cart<h1></div>'; page_header('Your Shopping Cart', $imgurl); @$new=$_GET['media_id']; $pic = $_GET['pic']; if ($new){ if(!isset($_SESSION['cart'])){ $_SESSION['cart'] = array(); $_SESSION['items'] = 0; $_SESSION['total_price']='0.00'; } if(isset($_SESSION['cart'][$new])) { $_SESSION['cart'][$new]++; } else $_SESSION['cart'][$new] = 1; $_SESSION['total_price']= calculate_price($_SESSION['cart']); $_SESSION['items'] = calculate_items($_SESSION['cart']); } if(isset($_POST['save'])){ foreach ($_SESSION['cart'] as $media_id => $qty){ if ($_POST[$media_id]=='0') unset($_SESSION['cart'][$media_id]); else $_SESSION['cart'][$media_id] = $_POST[$media_id]; } $_SESSION['total_price']= calculate_price($_SESSION['cart']); $_SESSION['items'] = calculate_items($_SESSION['cart']); } page_header('Your Shopping Cart '.$_SESSION['items'].' items', $imgurl); if($_SESSION['cart'] && array_count_values($_SESSION['cart'])) { display_cart($_SESSION['cart']); } else { echo '<p>There are no items in your cart</p>'; echo '<hr />'; } display_button('index.php', 'continue-shopping', 'Continue Shopping'); if (isset($session->username)) { $url = "./purchase.php"; } else { $url = "./login/login.php"; } display_button($url, 'go-to-checkout', 'Go to Checkout'); html_footer(); ?>
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