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Everything posted by Zepo.

  1. Ok i have paging listing things from a table. I also have it not displaying certain things based on if there is anouther entree in anouther table. This causes paging problems because it will wnd up showing less and less instead having everything fall down. Example: loop: if(row exists in other table with same id) dont display So this causes the non display ones to count as an entree in the paging. Is there any way to make it check in the loop for the same id in anouther table before outputting?
  2. I was wondering what format 1209518611 is for a date, thats the date for 2006. How could i generate the current date in the same format?
  3. I want to create a templating system for my script but i need some explanations. I see in some scripts html files they have things like <!-- IF .draftrow --> and {L_LOAD_DRAFT}. I was wondering how to create a similar system, as in what each section of code stands for and its uses.
  4. Heres the code <tr bgcolor='#151515' onMouseover="roll('this, #545454');" onMouseout="roll('this, #151515');"></tr>
  5. I used the same rollover code on http://battleconflict.com/forums/ but on this page it seems to give an error and i'm totally lost. http://battleconflict.com/forums/viewforum.php?id=51
  6. NVM, changed to order by points DESC and it all works, thanks again. Works perfectly =].
  7. I did try break but it gives me this, Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')' in /home/zepo/public_html/development/v22/index.php on line 1108 That is the line with the break..
  8. One problem, exit closes everything after it and break doesn't do anything..
  9. Thank you very much charlie =]. Your a life saver lol.
  10. That wont work because i need to pull points from the database of id=$member[id] and i need to find the position of that member based on points. Example ID 1 - 50 points ID 2 - 24 Points ID 3 - 100 Points And $member[id] =3 Then the rank would output 1 and if it was id 2 it would output 3 ect.
  11. Ok i want to find the rank or position of a member based on their points. How would i do this?
  12. Ohh excuse me i was refering to vBulletin Forgot about visual basics sorry
  13. I want to integrate my register and login pages with vb's so when you register on my registration it also adds you to vb's and same with the logins. I cant seem to find any tutorials on this anywhere so i guess ill start here.
  14. Thank you very much sir.
  15. I have a loop thats ordered by the field proiority. It works fine untill the priority gets above 9. http://www.eliteladders.com/development/ladders.php As you can see it put it after 1. $groups=mysql_query("SELECT id,name,logo,active,priority,created FROM groups WHERE active='1' ORDER BY priority"); while(list($gid,$gname,$glogo,$gactive,$gpriority,$gcreated)=mysql_fetch_row($groups)){
  16. $extrasql echos ,PSN ID='TheZepo',Live ID='N/A'
  17. The error makes no sense because it looks right IMO.
  18. But it works fine without the $extrasql variable in there is what im trying to explain, so formatting isn't an issue.
  19. I dont see how this is relevant to the issue im having,i couldnt do that because the data's ina loop and its a variable.
  20. It worked before i put the extrasql in there, so im pretty sure thats the problem.
  21. $fields=mysql_query("SELECT id,name FROM customfields"); while(list($id,$name)=mysql_fetch_row($fields)){ $extrasql.=",$name='$member[$name]'"; } mysql_query("UPDATE members SET name='$member[name]', country='$member[country]', password='$member[password]', photo='$member[photo]', about='$member[about]', intrests='$member[intrests]', aim='$member[aim]', website='$member[website]' $extrasql WHERE name='{$_COOKIE['user']}'") or die(mysql_error()); Reads You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ID='N/As',PSN ID='TheZepos' WHERE name='Zepo.'' at line 10.
  22. Are you sure, $letter isnt defined, only $ltr is.
  23. Like most member lists have, when you click a letter it pulls all of the members whos name starts with the selected letter.
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