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Everything posted by tj1717

  1. All, We recently went into Beta with a new bookmarking site called TekTag. We'd be curious to get your feedback. From our internal testing, generally seems to be working okay, with some intermittent problems that seem to be browser specific. So if you have loading or display problems, would be interested to know which brand/version you are using. If anyone's into RSS, would appreciate feedback there, too. BTW, a general thanks to php freaks. We found lots of good stuff in here that helped us build/debug TekTag. TJ
  2. I see a bunch of folks have looked at this topic.  Wondering if anyone has feedback? TJ
  3. We're just getting ready for widespread testing of our new site TekTag.com - kind of a specialized del.icio.us for technical support information.  We know the tabs could be made a bit prettier, and the Dashboard still needs some cleaning up.  Any other ideas?  To see all the tabs, you need to register - feel free - it's free, etc. Thanks, TJ
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