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Everything posted by xNuminous

  1. if it is easier as said before to put it in 1 table with 2 fields? and thank you i appreciate your help
  2. would anyone be able to help code this? its for a project so it wont be used for the real thing but ill still give you credit
  3. sorry im not very good with php and mysql its for a company to do with driving lessons, its done in several areas and the prices changes now and again and as you can see im not very good with php/mysql so more  than anything we need a way of editing/adding/deleting the feilds like a very simple version of phpadmin sorry for all the problems but thanks for the help
  4. 1 town has 1 price eg stevenage - 12 etc kinda like how was said before where each town and each price has an id and they need to be displayed next to each other
  5. hm... yeah i dunno how to explain it any better 1 database - mysql called database1 2 tables - town and price but caesar what you said is right, sorry im not entirely sure what other information to give you i just need the 2 tables displayed next to each other like caesars example but both next to each other sorry for the hassle everyone and thanks for the help
  6. i already have the tables created i just need to be able to display it edit/add/delete
  7. yeah, i just need a basic php page that will display it as shown like in a html table or something and as for the edit/add page anything will do i just need to be able to add/edit/delete towns/prices from the 2 tables thanks, xNuminous
  8. im wondering if anybody could help me... I need to make a page that displays data from a database, these are tables town and price. Eg Town            | Price stevenage        5 Hitchin            6 Letchworth      10 thats how it would be displayed i also need a page to edit/add data to this if anyone could help/assist it would be much appreciated and credit will be given thanks in advance, xNuminous.
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