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  1. I refering to the coding. I am using PHP and PHP GD.
  2. I have a file example.gif but i want to change it to example.jpg. How to I go about doing it?
  3. an example application is like Friendster, de uploading of photos. It has browse the photo den Upload can already. For mine, I also need to browse then it will have a preview button. By clicking the preview button, I get to see on an .html page the image I had browsed or selected.
  4. I am basically doing a form that allows me to browse a image and next step to allow Preview. Thirdly & lastly then confirming and insert into the Database. How do i get to preview my browsed image? Is there a way to do previewing?
  5. thanks. I will try that.
  6. I have succeed in upload an image - myimage.jpg (the location i get the image from is from the desktop) to a location I want to save it. Now myimage.jpg is being saved in that location. However, I need to rename myimage.jpg to 1.jpg then save the location of 1.jpg to the database. How do i go about coding it?
  7. Retrieve it for processing and displaying. My database only stores the address of the image. When i want to retrieve the image from the database, i can't get it cos there is only the address of the image.
  8. ok. noted. So if i store it as a path in the database, how to i retrieve the image. I want to use computer 1 to upload the image. Next, I will then use computer 2 to view the image. How do i retrieve it from the database the image's address/path then display out the image in computer 2? Need some help in codes. Thanks.
  9. I have a form that has a field and a button browse. I will click on the browse button to search for the image (in the computer) that i want, then I will click submit and it will store into my database. However what is stored in the database is the address (location of the image: eg C:\myimage.jpg). I don't the address to be stored but really the image itself. Help!!!
  10. Its ok. Thanks anyway, projectshifter. Anyone else out there can help me? Thanks!!!
  11. u can have a look at this site http://www.memoriesinmosaic.com/11.html and you may have a better understanding on what I am trying to say. Look under the MOSAIC WITH NON-CLEAR FACES; the ENLARGMENT. I want to tone the individual photos to suit the main photos. Hope you understand better and can help me. Thanks!!!
  12. Basically, I have an image and have another smaller image/photo on top of it. I want to get the commonly used colour in the image that the image/photo is on it and tone it to that particular colour; so that the image/photo is like part of the image. (Example: if the common colour is green then i will have to tone the image/photo to green.) Generally, i think have to do some looping etc.
  13. Anyone knows how to do toning of image?
  14. <?php $im_a = @imagecreatefrompng("images/Water lilies.png"); //$im_b = @imagecreatefrompng("images/SunsetEDIT.png"); $im_b_x = 10; $im_b_y = 10; $im_b = imagecolorallocatealpha($im_a, 0, 0, 0, 50); imagefilledrectangle($im_a, 0, 0, 100, 100 , $im_b); //$im_c = imagecolorallocatealpha($im_a, 255, 0, 0, 50); //imagefilledrectangle($im_a, 0, 0, 200, 200 , $im_c); header("Content-type: image/png"); imagepng($im_a); ?> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <?php $adImage = ImageCreateFromJPEG('images/Water lilies.jpg'); ImageAlphaBlending($adImage, true); $photoImage = ImageCreateFromJPEG('images/top.jpg'); //$photoImage = imagecolorallocatealpha($adImage, 0, 255, 0, 50); $logoW = ImageSX($photoImage); $logoH = ImageSY($photoImage); ImageCopy($adImage, $photoImage, 0, 0, 0, 0, $logoW, $logoH); //output to browser ImageJPEG($adImage); ImageDestroy($adImage); ImageDestroy($photoImage); ?> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Both have different output: First one, it has alpha but its a drawn rectangle. Second one, has photo overlap but not alpha. The output i hope to get is the combining of both - photo that is being alpha. thanks!!!
  15. I am faced with problems using php gd as i am doing some image manuplication. I am actually trying to display an image (e.g 800*600) as the main display then having a photo (e.g 100*70) on top on it, with a starting co-ordinate points of (0,0). I am able to display the photo on top of it but am unable to alpha the photo so that the display area behind the photo is visible too. does anyone knows how to solve my problem? Thanks.
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