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Everything posted by torvald_helmer

  1. how to send selected value from drop down list to database
  2. how to create a drop down list with data from a database?
  3. I want to select a row from a table where, e.g. name='george' instead of writing 'george', can I use a variable like this?: $xx = "george"; $result= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Names WHERE name=$xx"); does this work? I know I could try this on my own, but I do not have access to a database to test with, and I am wondering if this is possible...
  4. I have a html-file, which I want to extract the some content, and not any tag's. I thoguht I might start like this: $file = file("test.html"); foreach ($file as $line) { some code.... } A example is this line is the file: <tr><td class="felt">Car</td><td>Mercedes<br/></td></tr> How can I get just 'Car' and 'Mercedes' from this line? Has anyone got an idea? I really don't know where to go further... Need help!
  5. Thanks! That worked like I wanted it. While I am at it, do you have some tips about how to extract text? In addition to html, head, body, meta-tags the html-file consist of a table, and each of there rows (<tr>) have some text I want to extract. E.g <tr><td class="field">Lecturer</td><td>Professor Robert Langdon<br/></td></tr> All rows has the same field class. When I see the first <td>, here with 'lecturer', I want to to get the content of the second <td>. The first td is the name of a coloum in my database, which will have the content of the second td.
  6. Is there a way to print the html source code? $file = file_get_contents("text.html"); print_r($file); When I do this, it just shows the page as I would have seen it if I loaded the text.html in my browser. What I want is to print the source code, as this: <html> <body> texts and tags... </body> </html> Is there a way to do this?? I want this because I am making a script that reads text in xhtml-format and sending the text to a database. Instead of having pages with unstructured xhtml, I want to have it all in a database, structured form. So I need to now the tags, so I can get the text-content out of the tags and send it to databases.
  7. I have two arrays, $arr1 and $arr2. Values in the first corresponds to the same index-values in the second. How do I sort these array's ascending according to $arr1?
  8. I have a mulitarray. Each entry in the array consist of another array. Each of these consist of words, one word per index. array [ 0 = [arr1 = yellow, white, red] 1 = [arr2 = blue, red, green] 2 = [arr3 = violet, black, orange] ] Can I use in_array to see if a special word exists in all of these array? I mean does in_array work for multiarrays, will the function check all of the subarrays? And is there a way I can get the count of of how many array's the special word exist? E.g. take the word 'red' would have the count 2, because is exists in arr1 and arr2.
  9. $files is the list of files, I use this to make sure I go through all files. $terms contain the all the words from one file
  10. It didn't work quite as I want to. I have tried this, but it doesn't seem to work either: foreach($terms as $term) { /*array of terms from one file */ foreach($files as $file) { /*array of all files */ if(in_array($term, $file)) { $DF = 'increase variable by one for each time'; } } }
  11. I want to count the number of documents that contains a specified term (word)? This is known as document frequency (DF). I have an array that contains a list of txt-files. Foreach of these files I read one, and foreach of the files I read each term (word). Inside these two loops I count how many times a term exist in one file, and I also remove multiple occurances of a term, so my result is an array of terms from a file (one occurance of each term), and an array with the number of times the word occur in the file. I also want to know in how many of the total number of files each of these terms exist? Can I do this inside the loop somehow? Or is there another smart way to solve this?
  12. I uses the function in_array to find out if a specified word appears in a specified array, if it is there I want to get the index of this word in the array. So I can use this index to set a value in array2, at the same index. Jeg bruker in_array for å sjekke om et bestemt ord finnes i en bestemt array, hvis det finnes vil jeg få hentet ut indeksen dette ordet har i array'en. Så vil jeg legge inn et tall i en annen array på samme index som ordet. any good tips for this? if (in_array($word, $array1)) { $i = index_of_word($array); $array2[$i] = $number_to_put_in_same_index_as_the_word_in_array1; }
  13. I have a script that reads all files from a folder and store it in an array(1), then it read the file content of all the txt-files, removes small words that have no relevanse for the content, and then save all remaining word into an array(2). What can I do to find out how many times a spesific word appears in a txt-file, and in how many of the files this spesific word appear. E.g. the word 'report' appears 7 times in txt-file 1, and also it appear in txt-file number 2 3 14 and 56. I want to for each of my files take the first word in the array(2) and find out how many times it appears in the first txt-file, and then in how many of the other files it also appear (here the number of occurance in each file is not important), then I want to start over with word number to in array(2) and do the whole procedure all over again. Any good tips for me?
  14. I have created many linka i a table cell. They look like this: [code]<a href="?id=page2">page 2</a>[/code] When i press the links I want the php-page to load in another table cell, instead of going to a new page. I have used this php-code earlier on a different server, and it works just fine. But on my new server there is php5, don't know if that is the problem why it will not work. Therefore I need you pro help: [code] <?php if (!$id) {include("firstpage.php");} /*default page, will load first, and it does, but rest don't work */ elseif (!is_file("$id.php")) {echo 'Page is under construction.';} else {include("$id.php");} ?> [/code] When I press the links, the query line will look like this; http://www.blablabla.com/?id=page2 Does anyone have a clue?
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