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Everything posted by Jan

  1. Jan

    UPDATE Problem

    thanks a lot! everything works fine and it once again feels so good to finish somethin \"hand-made\" :wink: keep helping guys you\'re great :!:
  2. Jan

    UPDATE Problem

    Hi! I cant figure out what i am doing wrong on this part in my php script. [php:1:312fb693e6]<?php mysql_connect($db_host, $db_name, $db_password) OR DIE (\"Konnte nicht mit MySQL verbinden.\"); @mysql_select_db($db_name) OR DIE (\"Konnte nicht mit Datenbank auf MySQL verbinden.\"); $res = mysql_query (\"SELECT * FROM taskoverview\"); $numberRows = mysql_num_rows($res); for ($i = 0; $i < $numberRows; $i++) { $d_name = $_POST[\"name$i\"]; $d_beschreibung = $_POST[\"beschreib$i\"]; $d_duedate = $_POST[\"duedate_value$i\"]; $d_aufwand = $_POST[\"aufwand_table$i\"]; $d_status = $_POST[\"status_table$i\"]; $d_verantwortlich = $_POST[\"verantwort$i\"]; mysql_query (\"UPDATE taskoverview SET name=$d_name, beschreibung=$d_beschreibung, duedate=$d_duedate, aufwand=$d_aufwand, status=$d_status, verantwortlich=$d_verantwortlich)\"); } ?>[/php:1:312fb693e6] $db_host, $db_name, $db_password are definetely set correctly. the name of the table \"taskoverview\" exists and is spelled correctly. and all the $_post variables are there. I checked them with some echo messages. I get no error which makes me post it here. Once again, id be greatful for help!!! Thank you!
  3. i know that doesnt help, but all i did was copy and paste it into my local PhpMyAdmin and it worked... Sorry
  4. try to only use the first WHERE and delete the second one. ... WHERE bla = \'$bla\' AND bla2 = \'$bla2\' no second \"WHERE\"
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