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  1. hello, i have an application writen with php4 and mySQL on Apache. I have to allow the user upload a zip file, with XML data and then the script unzips  the file, parses the XML and stores the data in a mySQL table. The problem here is that the XML files are very big and the time that the XML parser needs to parse the file is alllllooooooot. I would like to know if it is possible to allow the user to click a button to fire the script and then do everything in the background without making the user expect the feedback. The script goes: fist i upload the file, then i unzip it in a folder and then i start to parce each document seperatelly(wich takes years to be executed becase one of the files is a 7MB XML file). So when the user presses upload i want to display a page to confirm the upload and then work all the other staf in the background. Is it possible? How can i do this? Thanks in advance for any help. 
  2. Thank you very much!!! I am now trying to discover the truth behind those lines of code using the javaScript console, although its not easy, it is a very good start. I love  firefox!
  3. i am totaly new in javascript and i would like to find where the errors are in my code. is there a tool or some hints to help me? i want to do this because i have embeded in my html and php code some javascript and it gives me two errors. as a result the page does not play as it should. IE points the errors but i cannot find them because the lines it gives are incorect and .... ??? iam new in this. Thank you in advance.
  4. Thank you for your reply . Yes i am using simple sessions and i accept all cookies but still the problem exists. It doesnt make sense. : (
  5. have you ever heard of that.Well i cant believe it(and it makes me feel stupid for saying such a thing but...) but it is true. In a login system Firefox logs as it should and explorer doesnt. the code for checking the username and password is in a file and goes like this : login form -> checking file -> if(ok)->login if(not)-> go to login form the code does a simple check with the database data and gives or not access. if someone ever heard of something like that please let me know i would Appriciate it. Thanks in advance.
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