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Everything posted by ki

  1. ki

    eregi help

    okay what I want to know is how this wont error when theres spaces: eregi("^[[:alpha:]]{0,30}$", $_POST['register_City']) thats what i normally use
  2. ki

    [SOLVED] age

    thanks guys
  3. ki

    [SOLVED] age

    well, is there another way instead of mktime?
  4. ki

    [SOLVED] age

    well when a user enters hos exact birth month day and year i want to know how i can determine his exact age in years
  5. How can I determine someones exact age in years without doing date("Y") - $birthyear?
  6. okay I have a registration form that if theres an error it fills back all the input boxes with the information typed... and when session returns the value of the input, if theres a > in it, it screws up the whole page
  7. how do I make a scroll bar that has a variable that will be posted?
  8. ki


    how do you submit a form pressing enter on a text box without a submit button, or the way firefox works.
  9. ki


    okay i was wandering what would be better for using a friends script (MYSQL DATABASE) by an array or indiviually? indivually meaning adding 2 inserts into the friends table: friend 1 | friend 2 friend 2 | friend 1
  10. ki


    ah thank you this is exactly what i was looking for. and i did
  11. ki


    close, but it didnt seperate the individual terms
  12. ki


    okay say i want to list some interests like: php, css,html, vb6 programming then return those into links and make them proper making it turn into <a href="search.php?s=$TERM">$TERM</a> then adding a comma at the end, but making it turn out like this: php, css, html, vb6 programming
  13. ki


    thats not exactly what im looking to do; on this site, when you input say.... blah blah, blah blah blah, blah,blah blah,blah in a textarea, then after its posted and saved the database when someone retrieves it, it looks like <a href="search.php?s=$blah">$blah</a> then commas to seperate
  14. ki


    they way im talking about it is like this: [linkforsearch]blah[/endlink], [linkforsearch]blah[/endlink], [linkforsearch]blah[/endlink], [linkforsearch]blah[/endlink] like that
  15. ki


    what if i made split it to get the first one then use the 2nd half to return foreach with a comma in front?
  16. ki


    will that return the , too?
  17. ki


    okay how do i split say, i have this: blah,blah, blah,blah,blah, blah, blah, blah spaces and non spaces included, what im asking is how would i turn this and make each one of those a link to search the item in between the , and then link it to like page.php?search=blah, kinda like facebook does it, i know the search part but the array part is a blank to me, any help would be appreciated
  18. ki


    How can I use key commands in JS? like Ctrl + M or something
  19. ki


    so if i have a time standard of say, 00:00:00 so i would use an explode get the first one and use like +10
  20. ki


    okay on my site i use to use date_default_timezone_set('EST'); because EST is my timezone but some of my members are from different parts of the world... how would I go about adjusting my sites time to theirs?
  21. function Div_Toggle(e) { var dd = document.getElementById(e); if (dd.style.display == "") dd.style.display = "none"; else dd.style.display = ""; }
  22. ki

    mysql array

    Okay I wanna know how I can add variables into one giant array. okay I have a table with 2 columns, friend1 & friend2, I want it to be able to get all of the friends with 1 id so like SELECT * FROM `user_friends` WHERE `friend1` = '".$_SESSION['id']."' How would I turn that into an array?
  23. nah i got it already, i was adding options because i wanted the exact number of days in each month for my registration script
  24. okay what im trying to do is make it so when a person selects a month it will set the other dropdown box to exactly the number of days in the month I got most of what it is but when i add new stuff to it, it just adds on, and i tried adding options.length = 0; to it at the begging of the function and it works in FF and runs the script just fine but when i run it in ie7 it just clears the whole list and doesnt add anything. please tell me what you think is happening heres the code: function changeRegisterBirthday() { document.getElementById('register_BirthdayDay').options.length = 0; if ( (register_BirthdayMonth.options[register_BirthdayMonth.selectedIndex].value == "6") || (register_BirthdayMonth.options[register_BirthdayMonth.selectedIndex].value == "9") || (register_BirthdayMonth.options[register_BirthdayMonth.selectedIndex].value == "4") || (register_BirthdayMonth.options[register_BirthdayMonth.selectedIndex].value == "11")) { for (var i=1; i <= 30; i++) { document.getElementById('register_BirthdayDay').options[document.getElementById('register_BirthdayDay').options.length] = new Option(i, i); document.getElementById('register_BirthdayDay').selectedIndex = 0; } } if ( (register_BirthdayMonth.options[register_BirthdayMonth.selectedIndex].value == "1") || (register_BirthdayMonth.options[register_BirthdayMonth.selectedIndex].value == "3") || (register_BirthdayMonth.options[register_BirthdayMonth.selectedIndex].value == "5") || (register_BirthdayMonth.options[register_BirthdayMonth.selectedIndex].value == "7") || (register_BirthdayMonth.options[register_BirthdayMonth.selectedIndex].value == "12") || (register_BirthdayMonth.options[register_BirthdayMonth.selectedIndex].value == "10") || (register_BirthdayMonth.options[register_BirthdayMonth.selectedIndex].value == "8")) { for (var i=1; i <= 31; i++) { document.getElementById('register_BirthdayDay').options[document.getElementById('register_BirthdayDay').options.length] = new Option(i, i); document.getElementById('register_BirthdayDay').selectedIndex = 0; } } if (register_BirthdayMonth.options[register_BirthdayMonth.selectedIndex].value == "2") { for (var i=1; i <= 28; i++) { document.getElementById('register_BirthdayDay').options[document.getElementById('register_BirthdayDay').options.length] = new Option(i, i); document.getElementById('register_BirthdayDay').selectedIndex = 0; } } }
  25. actually all you would need is an span tag and innerHTML
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