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  1. Hello guys. I also have the same problem. I need to use php Curl Extension and my host deosn't have Curl extension compiled with php. But I really need this Curl. isn't there a way to get around this. [b]Is it necessary to re-compile php before one can use an extension. I think there should be a way to dynamically load extensions in php. [/b] Please I need anyone who can telll me how to get CURL working on my host. Please I need help.
  2. Am not new to php programming. I have run php programs on different servers. So am not new. But the server am presently using is trying to prove me wrong. Can someone help to prove me right that am not a kid in php programming. My problem is that, anytime I run a php program, if there is an error in the code, it usually display at runtime. That helps me to easily discover where the problem is and in most cases, I usually fix the error myself without any assistance. But the server I use presently does not display errors at runtime and I need it to display any error generated at runtime. [color=red]error_reporting(E_ALL);[/color] I tried adding the code above to the begining of every script, and yet it still doesn't display errors. I don't know how else I can get around this. The only thing is that, whenever I write a script and run it on my server and it shows a BLANK PAGE, instead of showing the actual output, I suspect an error to be stoping the script, then I would now run the script on my LOCAL server, then my local server will display the error, then I will correct it, and test it, then when its running perfectly on my local server, then I will move it to my real server, then it would work, without displaying a blank page. But guess what, am fed up of moving script from local server to real server. Please am dying in the need of a solution. I have profered the solution I know and its not working. Please help and help me. Thanks Ayanex
  3. [color=red]==================================================== <?php $req = 'numb=5UserEmail=ayanex675410@yahoo.com&Name=Ebun&Email=ebun@yahoo.com'; $header = "POST /SendMessage.php HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($req) . "\r\n\r\n"; $fp = fsockopen ('www.xyz.com', 80); if (!$fp) {echo "error in connection"; die(); } fputs ($fp, $header . $req); $res = ''; $headerdone = false; while (!feof($fp)) { $line = fgets ($fp, 1024); if (strcmp($line, "\r\n") == 0) { // read the header $headerdone = true; } else if ($headerdone) { // header has been read. now read the contents $res .= $line; } } echo $res; die(); ?> ====================================================[/color] The code above is to send an HTTP POST data to a file on my server. It works fine and very well but I just have a problem with fsockopen. I have a server that has many domain names registered under it. The above example works fine but if I change the host name to another domain on my server, it will always bounce back to the domain above (xyz.com). I discovered that all the domain names on my server resolve to only one IP address and this IP address in turn resolves to only one hostname (xyz.com). So what I need is a way to tell fsockopen to open exactly the domain name I specify as my host name and not the default domain name on my server. Remember I have many domain names on my server. Please is there a way to get around this. Please I need help as urgent as possible My head is craking over here.
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