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Everything posted by zfred09

  1. Anyone?
  2. Well assuming you fixed the errors you were asking about in the first place it shouldn't really matter.
  3. If you want the image script try that, otherwise all you need to do is call the function. So where you want "I love my affiliates to display" use this code. <?php affiliates();?>
  4. Looks pretty good, nice techy/gamer style layout, however it is far too busy and difficult to navigate. Reading text on top of busy images isn't very appealing. Nice job otherwise.
  5. Not sure if this is proper placement for this thread, anyways, you have the basic idea right with the include and external file, however you should create a function inside of the external file. Then on your pages you can call this function and it will display the info you want it to. in external file... function affiliates(){echo "I love all my affiliates.";} on each page include "file.php"; and when you call it... affiliates();
  6. Hello, I am releasing my site http://www.tutorcnx.com. Please let me know what you think. Any suggestions/comments are welcome. Thanks.
  7. The black heading are far better than the white before, however I still am not a huge fan of the overall color scheme. It's too pastel, maybe that's the style you were going for and that's fine, just my opinion.
  8. I agree with the above comments. A tool I have found useful in the past for color scheme generation is http://www.wellstyled.com/tools/colorscheme2/index-en.html.
  9. Those colors really aren't going to contrast well if used together. A good tool for checking contrast is http://snook.ca/technical/colour_contrast/colour.html. Additionally, if you are looking into choosing a color scheme try http://www.wellstyled.com/tools/colorscheme2/index-en.html.
  10. How do you fix this?
  11. Hello once again, I think I fixed most of the above problems (Please check), except I still cannot block the cgi-sys url. Any idea how to do this as the folder does not show up in my ftp? Thankyou all for your help so far.
  12. Yes I could do that except the directory doesn't show up anywhere, at least that I can find.
  13. Thank You for your finds, I pry won't get around to fixing them until this weekend. Also about the zidub.com/cgi-sys/scgiwrap url, I contacted my host about this a while ago and they said they couldn't do anything about it. They don't even have it blocked on their webpage. How would I go about blocking this?
  14. Hello everyone, This is a project of mine that I have been working on the past couple months, basically it is a user generated content site, where users find articles/news/lyrics and submit them. The website will then convert this submission and make it viewable on your Zune or Ipod. We are currently just starting beta and would appreciate feedback and/or your help in spreading the word about the site. Thanks. www.zidub.com
  15. What he is trying to say with the div tag is make it so that there is no defined height. So it stretches as more content is added.
  16. Well one thing I see right away is this $newsid = (int)$_GET['newsid']; This is what I was talking about, there is no check on this $_GET value, say you expect this in the address bar www.yoursite.com?newsid=230 what keeps a hacker from entering www.yoursite.com?newsid=getallyourpasswords This is where you need to implement one of the techniques I outlined above to make sure that you only get what you want in that $_GET variable, not something malicious.
  17. Couldn't you just check each id until you find one that is available? Like have a field named available with 1 being available and 0 being taken, then a simple query like SELECT customer_id FROM db WHERE available = '1'; //didn't check syntax for the available slots would return the number available.
  18. I was under the impression that the goal was to delete the session, but I am glad it's working.
  19. Make sure that anywhere where a user can insert something, such as a html input field or the address bar if you are using $_GET variables, that that input is checked. This can be done in a variety of ways including Regular Expressions, mysql_escape_string, etc. Basically just make sure they have to enter what you expect them to enter. Say you have an input where you ask for their name, make sure the only thing they can enter is letters, not special characters, etc.
  20. Or this... $_SESSION = array(); if (isset($_COOKIE[session_name()])) { setcookie(session_name(), '', time()-42000, '/'); } session_destroy();
  21. The concept is not a bad idea actually, but the styling needs work. The teal links don't go with the royal blue header, the text in the header is fuzzy, the yellow header text doesn't really appeal with teal, consider a very slight or nearly transparent background gradient or pattern (used improperly this could just make things worse), in general it looks like a website out of the late 90's, it badly needs some modern styling. The coding seems to be pretty solid and the auto-refresh adds a nice touch. Also consider using Google AdSense for advertising as you get started and then switch to setting up ads through you as it may be hard to convince a company to buy adspace directly from you.
  22. Alright I'll check that out tomorrow and reply back how it goes. For now thanks for the help.
  23. No, I understand what's happening in my browser. How does php determine what is a newline? Certain number of characters? I am wanting to count the number of lines, for a pagination technique that I am trying, instead of entering each separate paragraph into a db, I am inserting a key into the string before it is stored in the db so when it comes out user end I merely explode the string at that key. I have it working based on characters, but the problem with that is if a user inserted many paragraphs, it still takes up the physical space, but not the characters. So I am looking for a way to count the number of lines instead.
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