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Everything posted by graham23s

  1. Hi Guys, I'm having trouble with a bit of syntax: if ((!empty($_POST['twitUser']) && !empty($_POST['twitPass'])) Is the proper way to put () around both !empty fields or () around the whole code? thanks guys Graham
  2. Hi Guys, I'm trying to think of a way to give users credit for referring other users, in each users account there is a link: http://www.site.com/sign-up.php?r=8 <-- is is the users ID. when new users goto: http://www.site.com/sign-up.php?r=8 to signup what would be the best way to give user 8 the credit for signing up another user? thanks for any help guys Graham
  3. Hi Mate, Still never worked, the thing is if i do this: <?php ob_start(); session_start(); include("inc/inc-dbconnection.php"); include("inc/inc-online.php"); include("inc/inc-functions.php"); include("inc/inc-header.php"); ?> <div class="fcp-main-content-area"> <div class="fcp-breadcrumb"> <ul> <li><a href="index.php">Home</a></li> >> <li><a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">Previous Page</a></li> >> <li>Login in to your account.</li> </ul> </div> <?php if (isset($_POST['submitLogin'])) { // POST vars $user = $_POST['user']; $pass = $_POST['pass']; // Errors array() $errors = array(); // Potential errors // Empty fields if (empty($user) || empty($pass)) { $errors[] = "You never filled in all the fields above."; } // Does user exist? $qU = "SELECT * FROM `fso_users` WHERE `user_email`='$user' AND `user_password`='$pass' LIMIT 1"; $rU = mysql_query($qU); if (mysql_num_rows($rU) < 1) { $errors[] = "We don't recognise those login details, have you typed them correctly?"; } // Count the errors and display if (count($errors > 0)) { print "<div id=\"error\">"; foreach($errors as $error) { print "<b>></b> $error<br />"; } print "</div>"; } // Update the login timer and redirect $timer = mysql_query("UPDATE `fso_users` SET `user_last_login`=NOW() WHERE `user_email`='$user' AND `user_password`='$pass'"); // Array() $aU = mysql_fetch_array($rU); // $_SESSION['']; $_SESSION['loggedIn'] = 1; $_SESSION['user_id'] = $aU['user_id']; // Lastly redirect to the account page header("Location: account.php"); ob_clean(); } ?> <div id="div-regForm"> <div class="form-title">Log In</div> <div class="form-sub-title">Login & see your points score!</div> <form id="regForm" action="login.php" method="post"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td><label for="fname">Email:</label></td> <td><div class="input-container"><input name="user" id="user" type="text" /></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label for="lname">Password:</label></td> <td><div class="input-container"><input name="pass" id="pass" type="text" /></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td><input type="submit" class="greenButton" name="submitLogin" value="Login" /> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </form> </div> <?php include("inc/inc-footer.php"); ?> The way it is above i can type anything in or even just hit the submit it logs in normally and even displays the proper data on the account page: <?php include("inc/inc-sessions-user.php"); include("inc/inc-dbconnection.php"); include("inc/inc-online.php"); include("inc/inc-functions.php"); include("inc/inc-header.php"); include("inc/inc-arrays.php"); ?> <div class="fcp-main-content-area"> <div class="fcp-breadcrumb"> <ul> <li><a href="index.php">Home</a></li> >> <li><a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">Previous Page</a></li> >> <li>My account - [<a href="logout.php">Logout</a>]</li> </ul> </div> <?php print $_SESSION['loggedIn'] . " + " . $_SESSION['user_id']; ?> <?php include("inc/inc-footer.php"); ?> I'm thinking it must be an error with my if/else code somewhere. cheers mate Graham
  4. Hi Mate, ah ok, i'll use that as a rule of thumb for all forms i moved the PHP code to the top but this else code doesn't seem to be executed: } else { // Update the login timer and redirect $timer = mysql_query("UPDATE `fso_users` SET `user_last_login`=NOW() WHERE `user_name`='$user' AND `user_password`='$pass'"); the credentials are definately correct i can't see what's wrong. cheers mate Graham
  5. Hi Guys, Something seems to be up with my login script, once the credentials are put in it doesn't seem to goto the protected page which is: account.php code: <?php ob_start(); session_start(); include("inc/inc-dbconnection.php"); include("inc/inc-online.php"); include("inc/inc-functions.php"); include("inc/inc-header.php"); ?> <div class="fcp-main-content-area"> <div class="fcp-breadcrumb"> <ul> <li><a href="index.php">Home</a></li> >> <li><a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">Previous Page</a></li> >> <li>Login in to your account.</li> </ul> </div> <div id="div-regForm"> <div class="form-title">Log In</div> <div class="form-sub-title">Login & see your points score!</div> <form id="regForm" action="login.php" method="post"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td><label for="fname">Email:</label></td> <td><div class="input-container"><input name="user" id="user" type="text" /></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label for="lname">Password:</label></td> <td><div class="input-container"><input name="pass" id="pass" type="text" /></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td><input type="submit" class="greenButton" name="submitLogin" value="Sign Up" /> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </form> <?php if (isset($_POST['submitLogin'])) { $user = $_POST['user']; $pass = $_POST['pass']; $errors = array(); // Potential errors // Empty fields if (empty($user) || empty($pass)) { $errors[] = "You never filled in all the fields above."; } // Does user exist? $qU = "SELECT * FROM `fso_users` WHERE `user_name`='$user' AND `user_password`='$pass' LIMIT 1"; $rU = mysql_query($qU); if (mysql_num_rows($rU) < 1) { $errors[] = "Those login details are in-correct."; } // Count the errors if (count($errors > 0)) { foreach($errors as $error) { print "<div id=\"error\">$error</div>\n"; } } else { // Update the login timer and redirect $timer = mysql_query("UPDATE `fso_users` SET `user_last_login`=NOW() WHERE `user_name`='$user' AND `user_password`='$pass'"); // Array() $aU = mysql_fetch_array($rU); // Credentials $_SESSION['logged_in'] = 1; $_SESSION['user_id'] = $aU['user_id']; // Lastly redirect to the account page header("Location: account.php"); ob_clean(); } } // End main isset ?> </div> <?php include("inc/inc-footer.php"); ?> I have something similar on another site and that seems to work i can't figure it out any help would be appreciated cheers Graham
  6. Hi Mchl, ah i never saw that, thanks mate i use xmlWriter a fair bit in vbnet, the output using fwrite has been surprisibly good, the output now is: <gallery title="Miracle Lift - Before And After Photos" thumbDir="./images/thumbs/" imageDir="./images/" random="true"> <category name="Before Miracle Lift"> <image> <date>2010-01-02 14:06:32</date> <title>TEXT</title> <desc>Esther, before her procedure.</desc> <thumb>thumb-esther_before_(front).jpg</thumb> <img>esther_before_(front).jpg</img> </image> </category> <category name="After Miracle Lift"> <image> <date>2010-01-02 14:07:07</date> <title>TEXT</title> <desc>Susan 4 days after.</desc> <thumb>thumb-sus_4_days_after_(front).jpg</thumb> <img>sus_4_days_after_(front).jpg</img> </image> </category> </gallery> Using the ammended code: <?php // Include the database connection include("admin/inc/db-connection.php"); $q = "SELECT * FROM `mftl_categories`"; $r = mysql_query($q); $file = "gallery_test.xml"; $fh = fopen($file, 'w'); $stringData = "<gallery title=\"Miracle Lift - Before And After Photos\" thumbDir=\"./images/thumbs/\" imageDir=\"./images/\" random=\"true\">\n"; //$stringData .= "<category name=\"$catName\">\n"; //fwrite($fh, $stringData); // Loop while ($a = mysql_fetch_array($r)) { $catName = $a['category_name']; // Select the images... $qI = "SELECT * FROM `mftl_images` WHERE `image_category`='$catName'"; $rI = mysql_query($qI); $aI = mysql_fetch_array($rI); // Local vars $imgDate = $aI['date']; $imgCate = $aI['image_category']; $imgFull = $aI['image_fullsize']; $imgThum = $aI['image_thumbnail']; $imgDesc = $aI['image_description']; if ($catName == $imgCate) { $stringData .= "<category name=\"$catName\">\n"; } $stringData .= " <image>\n"; $stringData .= " <date>$imgDate</date>\n"; $stringData .= " <title>TEXT</title>\n"; $stringData .= " <desc>$imgDesc</desc>\n"; $stringData .= " <thumb>$imgThum</thumb>\n"; $stringData .= " <img>$imgFull</img>\n"; $stringData .= " </image>\n"; $stringData .= "</category>\n"; } //fwrite($fh, $stringData); $stringData .= "</gallery>\n"; fwrite($fh, $stringData); fclose($fh); ?> The only thing is, there is actually 3 images being pulled from the database, but the way the code is now, it's only showing 1 of each category, i ideally need it structured like: <gallery title="Miracle Lift - Before And After Photos" thumbDir="./images/thumbs/" imageDir="./images/" random="true"> <category name="Before Miracle Lift"> <image> <date>2010-01-02 14:06:32</date> <title>TEXT</title> <desc>Esther, before her procedure.</desc> <thumb>thumb-esther_before_(front).jpg</thumb> <img>esther_before_(front).jpg</img> </image> <image> <date>2010-01-02 14:06:32</date> <title>TEXT</title> <desc>April, before her procedure.</desc> <thumb>thumb-april_before_(front).jpg</thumb> <img>april_before_(front).jpg</img> </image> </category> <category name="After Miracle Lift"> <image> <date>2010-01-02 14:07:07</date> <title>TEXT</title> <desc>Susan 4 days after.</desc> <thumb>thumb-sus_4_days_after_(front).jpg</thumb> <img>sus_4_days_after_(front).jpg</img> </image> </category> </gallery> is there any way i could accomplish this? i can't think how i would go about it lol thanks mate Graham
  7. Hi Guys, i'm using fwrite to generate some xml for the image gallery, the structure of the gallery xml is: Gallery XML: <gallery title="Miracle Lift - Before And After Photos" thumbDir="./images/thumbs/" imageDir="./images/" random="true"> <category name="Introducing Seattle"> <image> <date>03.31.06</date> <title>View of Seattle</title> <desc>View of Seattle</desc> <thumb>seattle5.jpg</thumb> <img>seattle5.jpg</img> </image> <image> <date>03.31.06</date> <title>View of Seattle</title> <desc>View of Seattle</desc> <thumb>seattle7.jpg</thumb> <img>seattle7.jpg</img> </image> <image> <date>03.31.06</date> <title>My Town</title> <desc>On the way home</desc> <thumb>seattle10.jpg</thumb> <img>seattle10.jpg</img> </image> </category> <category name="Wedding"> <image> <date>02.44.04</date> <title>La Jolla Wedding</title> <desc>La Jolla Wedding</desc> <thumb>wedding1.jpg</thumb> <img>wedding1.jpg</img> </image> <image> <date>05.13.05</date> <title>Amazing Kiss</title> <desc>Amazing Kiss</desc> <thumb>wedding2.jpg</thumb> <img>wedding2.jpg</img> </image> <image> <date>11.21.05</date> <title>Wedding Time</title> <desc>Bride smiling</desc> <thumb>wedding3.jpg</thumb> <img>wedding3.jpg</img> </image> <image> <date>02.44.04</date> <title>10th anniversary</title> <desc>Picture taken on our 10th anniversary.</desc> <thumb>wedding4.jpg</thumb> <img>wedding4.jpg</img> </image> <image> <date>05.13.05</date> <title>SD wedding</title> <desc>Wedding at SD convention center</desc> <thumb>wedding5.jpg</thumb> <img>wedding5.jpg</img> </image> <image> <date>11.21.05</date> <title>Wedding Time</title> <desc>Wedding photo</desc> <thumb>wedding6.jpg</thumb> <img>wedding6.jpg</img> </image> <image> <date>06.14.06</date> <title>Togetherness</title> <desc>Wedding ceremony in Hawaii</desc> <thumb>wedding7.jpg</thumb> <img>wedding7.jpg</img> </image> </category> <category name="View of Asia"> <image> <date>04.01.06</date> <title>Bangkok</title> <desc>Bankok</desc> <thumb>bangkok1.jpg</thumb> <img>bangkok1.jpg</img> </image> <image> <date>04.01.06</date> <title>Bangkok</title> <desc>Bankok</desc> <thumb>bangkok2.jpg</thumb> <img>bangkok2.jpg</img> </image> <image> <date>04.01.06</date> <title>shopping in Singapore</title> <desc>shopping in Singapore Lau Pa Sat Festival Market Great place to drink & eat your lobsters..</desc> <thumb>sin.jpg</thumb> <img>sin.jpg</img> </image> <image> <date>04.01.06</date> <title>China Town Mexico</title> <desc>Chinese lion head over drums</desc> <thumb>china1.jpg</thumb> <img>china1.jpg</img> </image> <image> <date>04.05.06</date> <title>little bells</title> <desc>voice from the thailand's temple</desc> <thumb>bell.jpg</thumb> <img>bell.jpg</img> </image> <image> <date>04.08.06</date> <title>Green tea farm</title> <desc>Daehan green tea farm: Boseong, South Korea</desc> <thumb>korea1.jpg</thumb> <img>korea1.jpg</img> </image> </category> <category name="Trip to Montreal"> <image> <date>03.25.06</date> <title>Touring Old Montreal</title> <desc>**** Touring Old Montreal ****</desc> <thumb>tour3.jpg</thumb> <img>tour3.jpg</img> </image> <image> <date>03.25.06</date> <title>Touring Old Montreal</title> <desc>**** Touring Old Montreal ****</desc> <thumb>tour6.jpg</thumb> <img>tour6.jpg</img> </image> <image> <date>03.25.06</date> <title>Touring Old Montreal</title> <desc>**** Touring Old Montreal ****</desc> <thumb>tour10.jpg</thumb> <img>tour10.jpg</img> </image> <image> <date>03.25.06</date> <title>Touring Old Montreal</title> <desc>**** Touring Old Montreal ****</desc> <thumb>tour11.jpg</thumb> <img>tour11.jpg</img> </image> <image> <date>03.25.06</date> <title>Touring Old Montreal</title> <desc>**** Touring Old Montreal ****</desc> <thumb>tour13.jpg</thumb> <img>tour13.jpg</img> </image> </category> </gallery> My code for generating the XML file: <?php // Include the database connection include("admin/inc/db-connection.php"); $q = "SELECT * FROM `mftl_categories`"; $r = mysql_query($q); $file = "gallery_test.xml"; $fh = fopen($file, 'w'); $stringData = "<gallery title=\"Miracle Lift - Before And After Photos\" thumbDir=\"./images/thumbs/\" imageDir=\"./images/\" random=\"true\">\n"; $stringData .= "<category name=\"$catName\">\n"; fwrite($fh, $stringData); // Loop while ($a = mysql_fetch_array($r)) { $catName = $a['category_name']; // Select the images... $qI = "SELECT * FROM `mftl_images` WHERE `image_category`='$catName'"; $rI = mysql_query($qI); $aI = mysql_fetch_array($rI); // Local vars $imgDate = $aI['date']; $imgFull = $aI['image_fullsize']; $imgThum = $aI['image_thumbnail']; $imgDesc = $aI['image_description']; $stringData .= " <image>\n"; $stringData .= " <date>$imgDate</date>\n"; $stringData .= " <title>TEXT</title>\n"; $stringData .= " <desc>$imgDesc</desc>\n"; $stringData .= " <thumb>$imgThum</thumb>\n"; $stringData .= " <img>$imgFull</img>\n"; $stringData .= " </image>\n"; $stringData .= "</category>\n"; } fwrite($fh, $stringData); $stringData .= "</gallery>\n"; fwrite($fh, $stringData); fclose($fh); ?> this produces something very close but not quite right: <gallery title="Miracle Lift - Before And After Photos" thumbDir="./images/thumbs/" imageDir="./images/" random="true"> <gallery title="Miracle Lift - Before And After Photos" thumbDir="./images/thumbs/" imageDir="./images/" random="true"> <category name="Before Miracle Lift"> <image> <date>2010-01-02 14:06:32</date> <title>TEXT</title> <desc>Esther, before her procedure.</desc> <thumb>thumb-esther_before_(front).jpg</thumb> <img>esther_before_(front).jpg</img> </image> </category> <category name="After Miracle Lift"> <image> <date>2010-01-02 14:07:07</date> <title>TEXT</title> <desc>Susan 4 days after.</desc> <thumb>thumb-sus_4_days_after_(front).jpg</thumb> <img>sus_4_days_after_(front).jpg</img> </image> </category> <gallery title="Miracle Lift - Before And After Photos" thumbDir="./images/thumbs/" imageDir="./images/" random="true"> <category name="Before Miracle Lift"> <image> <date>2010-01-02 14:06:32</date> <title>TEXT</title> <desc>Esther, before her procedure.</desc> <thumb>thumb-esther_before_(front).jpg</thumb> <img>esther_before_(front).jpg</img> </image> </category> <category name="After Miracle Lift"> <image> <date>2010-01-02 14:07:07</date> <title>TEXT</title> <desc>Susan 4 days after.</desc> <thumb>thumb-sus_4_days_after_(front).jpg</thumb> <img>sus_4_days_after_(front).jpg</img> </image> </category> </gallery> i can't see why the title (top) tag is generated twice, the loop doesn't start untill well below,. thanks fior any help guys Graham
  8. Hi Guys, I have a dynamic flash photogallery that displays the images/titles according to whats in the xml file, i'm going to be pulling information from the database to generate the xml file but i'm not sure how thats done? do i make a gallery.php file and force it to be read as an xml file with .htaccess? thanks guys Graham
  9. lol that is a very good point hehe, i think i might just finish watching the bond movie and leave this till next year lol thanks guys Graham
  10. Hi Guys, I was looking at it as more of a challenge to myself to see if i could do it lol, i usaualy get there in the end with programming tasks, but the more i read it looks like it might be a lot of wasted time in the end eh? thanks guys Graham
  11. Hi Guys, From my initial search i know this isn't the easiest of things to do I am coding up a small game for my mates little boy, it's guess the numbers etc with each number on a seperate .jpg, the part i am doing just now is the AI (in it's basic form) of the computer player, they are white text on a black background, i was wondering how hard it would be to code in PHP to read that number? it's not a captcha or anything just basic number, plus double figure number would have 2 numbers on it, a bit more difficult. is there any tutorials or anything i could read up on, reading images? thanks for any help guys Graham
  12. ahh thanks guys, all of them would do perfect Graham
  13. Hi Guys, When coding in vb.net i can use: if (html.Contains("string i'm searching for") then... its a really fast way to see if the html string contains some text, i was wondering if there was anything similar for php? cheers for any info guys Graham
  14. Hi Mate, Here it is: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> - <CartGetResponse xmlns="http://webservices.amazon.com/AWSECommerceService/2009-10-01"> - <OperationRequest> - <HTTPHeaders> <Header Name="UserAgent" Value="Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; SU 3.23; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)" /> </HTTPHeaders> <RequestId>0WQF79V8AA6Q5BDXZHQZ</RequestId> - <Arguments> <Argument Name="Service" Value="AWSECommerceService" /> <Argument Name="Operation" Value="CartGet" /> <Argument Name="Version" Value="2009-10-01" /> <Argument Name="Timestamp" Value="2009-12-20T13:47:59Z" /> <Argument Name="AssociateTag" Value="firschoishop-21" /> <Argument Name="Signature" Value="=" /> <Argument Name="HMAC" Value="" /> <Argument Name="CartId" Value="277-8907303-9128266" /> <Argument Name="AWSAccessKeyId" Value="AKIAI4FF5RJXRBLUF6FQ" /> </Arguments> <RequestProcessingTime>0.0379190444946289</RequestProcessingTime> </OperationRequest> - <Cart> - <Request> <IsValid>True</IsValid> - <CartGetRequest> <CartId>277-8907303-9128266</CartId> <HMAC>5ETnH+45f5IRoHePIEoyT2XcEiw=</HMAC> </CartGetRequest> </Request> <CartId>277-8907303-9128266</CartId> <HMAC>5ETnH+45f5IRoHePIEoyT2XcEiw=</HMAC> <URLEncodedHMAC>5ETnH%2B45f5IRoHePIEoyT2XcEiw%3D</URLEncodedHMAC> <PurchaseURL>https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/cart/aws-merge.html?cart-id=277-8907303-9128266%26associate-id=firschoishop-21%26hmac=5ETnH%2B45f5IRoHePIEoyT2XcEiw=%26SubscriptionId=AKIAI4FF5RJXRBLUF6FQ%26MergeCart=False</PurchaseURL> - <SubTotal> <Amount>2156</Amount> <CurrencyCode>GBP</CurrencyCode> <FormattedPrice>£21.56</FormattedPrice> </SubTotal> - <CartItems> - <SubTotal> <Amount>2156</Amount> <CurrencyCode>GBP</CurrencyCode> <FormattedPrice>£21.56</FormattedPrice> </SubTotal> - <CartItem> <CartItemId>U3CJYU4J8670SU</CartItemId> <ASIN>B0027UY836</ASIN> <MerchantId>A3P5ROKL5A1OLE</MerchantId> <SellerId>A3P5ROKL5A1OLE</SellerId> <SellerNickname>Amazon.co.uk</SellerNickname> <Quantity>1</Quantity> <Title>The Haunting In Connecticut [DVD] [2009]</Title> <ProductGroup>DVD</ProductGroup> - <Price> <Amount>1258</Amount> <CurrencyCode>GBP</CurrencyCode> <FormattedPrice>£12.58</FormattedPrice> </Price> - <ItemTotal> <Amount>1258</Amount> <CurrencyCode>GBP</CurrencyCode> <FormattedPrice>£12.58</FormattedPrice> </ItemTotal> </CartItem> - <CartItem> <CartItemId>U1PTXH2CW08KEJ</CartItemId> <ASIN>B001PR1ZOC</ASIN> <MerchantId>A3P5ROKL5A1OLE</MerchantId> <SellerId>A3P5ROKL5A1OLE</SellerId> <SellerNickname>Amazon.co.uk</SellerNickname> <Quantity>1</Quantity> <Title>Fast & Furious [DVD] [2009]</Title> <ProductGroup>DVD</ProductGroup> - <Price> <Amount>898</Amount> <CurrencyCode>GBP</CurrencyCode> <FormattedPrice>£8.98</FormattedPrice> </Price> - <ItemTotal> <Amount>898</Amount> <CurrencyCode>GBP</CurrencyCode> <FormattedPrice>£8.98</FormattedPrice> </ItemTotal> </CartItem> </CartItems> </Cart> </CartGetResponse> I really just need to add up all the quantities. thanks mate Graham
  15. Hi Guys, I am trying to show the user how many items they have in their shopping cart, i get the quantities from an amazon aws xml file, i tried: <?php $response = simplexml_load_file($url); foreach($response->Cart as $item) { $cartQY = $item->CartItems->CartItem->Quantity; $array = array($cartQY); } print count($array); ?> $cartQY = $item->CartItems->CartItem->Quantity; this reads each node and returns the quantity of each item in the cart, the way i have it now the foreach overwrites the quantity instead of adding to it, i'm not sure how to incrememnt the value. any help would be appreciated thanks guys Graham
  16. Hi Guys, I can't figure out why i am getting a parse error with this basic ten op code: $prodTH = ($prodIA == "Y") ? "<img src=\"" . amazon_display_thumbnail($prodID) "\">" : '<img src="imgProducts/img-th/'.$productThumb.'" alt="'.$prodNM.'" border="0" /></a>'; i can't see where the error lies! any help would be appreciated thanks guys Graham
  17. Hi Guys, I am going to setup a cron job that deletes certain database tables after 24 hours have lapsed, i save the date in mysql as: 2009-12-09 23:43:03. i'm not to seure how to write it, so the cron job deletes X if 2009-12-09 23:43:03 > 24 hours. any help would be appreciated. thanks guys Graham
  18. Brilliant! works perfectly, thanks a ton WT. Graham
  19. Hi Guys, Been at this for ages now i can't figure out how to do this, i have a function: function: function billing_payment_string($cusID, $ip, $referrer) { $q = "SELECT * FROM `fhp_orders` WHERE `customer_id`='$cusID'"; $r = mysql_query($q) or die (mysql_error()); while ($a = mysql_fetch_array($r)) { //{ $pID = $a['product_id']; $pQT = $a['quantity']; //print "The product id is: ". $pID; . "And the quantity is: " . $pQT . "<br>"; //$test = array("$pID"=>"$pQT"); //print $pID; } //print_r($test); $parameters = array('ip'=>'92.xxx.xx.xxx', 'sid'=>'9fe512105552ebfe963a98684a8daaa0', 'lang'=>'us', 'shipping_method_id'=>'1', 'wm'=>'3000', 'tr'=>'8027', 'pr'=>'11', 'site_id'=>'8027', 'nocustom'=>'', 'host'=>'site.com', 'referrer'=>'http://www.site.com/checkout.php', 'query'=>'', 'free_ship_method_id'=>'0', 'usa_euros'=>'0', 'use_pounds'=>'0', 'tmpl'=>'157', 'currency'=>'USD', 'version'=>'2.50', '3456'='4' ); //print "<pre>"; //print_r($parameters); //print "</pre>"; // Serialize the string //$stringSerialized = serialize($parameters); // Return the string for use... return $parameters; } The query at the top of the function gets me product_id and quantity data of all the orders in the customers cart, i need to loop the data somehow inside the parameters array to look like: '2346'=>'2', '6742'=>'4', etc i tried putting the query inside the array but the script came up a blank page with no errors printed to screen, is there a better way to loop out the data to go inside the array? thanks guys Graham
  20. If the id is blank like you are showing: delete.php?delete=delete&id= there is a problem retieving the data from the database, better show your whole code Graham
  21. Hi Mate, That will always say "Topic Deleted" because it's next in line to execute to find out if it's really deleted do: <?php if ($sql) // Thgis checks if the delete was successful (true) else (false) { print "Topic Deleted"; } else { print "An error occured deleting the topic!"; } ?> When you hover your cursor over: <a href="delete.php?delete=delete&id=$id">Delete</a>*** do you see the ID in the bottom left window in explorer? Graham
  22. Hi Buddy, You don't seem to be passing the id through to the delete file, if ($_GET['delete']){ this checks if you want to delete the file, but then we need the id to tell mysql to delete. if you put: $id = $_GET['id']; in the delete file to that should work Graham
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