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Everything posted by cgm225

  1. I have a two dimensional array with multiple entries, something created like: $this->Data[$id] = array( 'dir' => $dir, 'filename' => $filename ); And then I find a particular key and value in that array like so: return $this->Data[$this->id]; However, how can I reset the $this->Data array to hold just the $this->Data[$this->id] value, and none of the other values that were also in the array, and also still maintaining the two dimensional structure.
  2. Currently for my applications I generate pagination with maybe 20 lines of procedural code. However, it is generally not that reusable and requires a fair amount of reworking if I use it in a new script. My question is, are there any OOP approaches to pagination? If so, could you provide some example code or tutorial? Thanks in advance!
  3. What if the key values are not 1, 2, 3, 4 but rather 1000, 1001, 1002, or something else, how can I echo/print the third position regardless of the key name?
  4. If I have an array with several entries, how can I echo/print only the third one?
  5. Got it.. I needed.. $this->photoData[$id] = array( );
  6. I have the following method that returns photo entries from a MySQL database. However, even when there are multiple database entries/rows, the array only returns with one entry. I have tried to debug it, and it does not seem to be a problems with the limits or binding. Any ideas? public function findPhotos() { $query = 'SELECT id, filename, caption, date, location, album, timestamp FROM images WHERE album = ? ORDER BY filename ASC LIMIT ?, ?'; $statement = $this->connection->prepare($query); $statement->bind_param('sii', $this->albumData['id'], $this->skip, $this->numberRows); $statement->bind_result($id, $filename, $caption, $date, $location, $album, $timestamp); $statement->execute(); while($statement->fetch()) { $this->photoData = array( 'id' => $id, 'filename' => $filename, 'caption' => $caption, 'date' => $date, 'location' => $location, 'album' => $album, 'timestamp' => $timestamp ); } }
  7. What is the regular expression for just numbers? I have this for numbers and letters: $regex = '/[^-_A-z0-9]++/';
  8. Is it possible to "exit" the action/execution of an included file, but NOT the execution of the file that included it? Restated, if I have: SomeFile.php '--------------included AnotherFile.php Is is possible to exit AnotherFile.php but continue on with executing SomeFile.php Thanks in advance!
  9. What does your directory structure look like for your applications? Where do you put your config files, your media files (like photos, etc), etc? I am curious what the best way to structure my web server directory is...
  10. Do I need to close my mysqli object? I am hearing different things, and this article says I need it... What are the communities thoughts?
  11. Like this? public function setRegistryArray($registryItems) { foreach ($registryItems as $key => $value) { $this->set($key, $value); } }
  12. I tried that and was having trouble with the logic.. could you give me some sample code?
  13. I am creating a new method in which I pass a $registryItems variable that is an array, all as follow public function setRegistryArray($registryItems) { //$registryItems is an array() } Within that method, I want to use the following existing method so I can add the $registryItems array values to the registry: //Sets registry variable public function set($label, $object) { $this->store[$label] = $object; } However, I am uncertain how to do this. Thank you in advance!
  14. I have a notes/blog class that returns entries from a MySQL database. Everything works fine, but I wanted to know if there was a better way to implement the class. Currently, I can grab either (1) many entries or (2) one entry, and, depending on which, I output the returned data (1) within a foreach loop, or (2) within a simple if statement. My question is, is there a way to make my procedural code more efficient where I am only needing one block of code to echo these variables, not two? Any other feedback is also appreciated Thanks in advance! Example use of notes/blog class: //Setting entry variable $regex = '/[^-_A-z0-9]++/'; $entry = isset($_GET['entry']) ? preg_replace($regex, '', $_GET['entry']) : null; //Setting MySQLi connection object and selecting database $mysqli = $this->registry->get('mysqli'); $mysqli->select_db('exampl_db'); //Instatiating new Notes class $notes = new Notes($mysqli); if (!$entry) { $notes->setLimits(); $notes->findEntries(); //First block of procedural code outputting many entries foreach($notes->getData() as $note) { echo $note['id'] . "<br>"; echo $note['title'] . "<br>"; echo $note['date'] . "<br>"; echo nl2br($note['note']) . "<br>"; echo $note['timestamp'] . "<br>"; } } else { $notes->findEntry($entry); $note = $notes->getData(); //Second block of procedural code outputting one entry if ($note) { echo $note['id'] . "<br>"; echo $note['title'] . "<br>"; echo $note['date'] . "<br>"; echo nl2br($note['note']) . "<br>"; echo $note['timestamp'] . "<br>"; } } Notes class: <?php class Notes { //Declaring variables private $connection; private $id; private $data = array(); //Sets MySQLi connection public function __construct(mysqli $connection) { $this->connection = $connection; } /* Sets limits for prepared statement used in the getEntries() method. If * limits are not manually set, then default values are used. */ public function setLimits($skip = 0, $numberRows = 10000) { $this->skip = $skip; $this->numberRows = $numberRows; } /* Creates a two dimensional array in which entry id numbers are stored in * the first dimension, and then for each id number, a second array (i.e. * the second dimension) is assigned, which contains all the field values * for that particular entry. */ public function findEntries() { $query = 'SELECT id, title, note, date, timestamp FROM notes ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ?, ?'; $statement = $this->connection->prepare($query); $statement->bind_param('is', $this->skip, $this->numberRows); $statement->bind_result($id, $title, $date, $note, $timestamp); $statement->execute(); while($statement->fetch()) { $this->data[$id] = array( 'id' => $id, 'title' => $title, 'date' => $date, 'note' => $note, 'timestamp' => $timestamp ); } } /* Creates a one dimensional array in which an entry's id number and all * other field values are stored. */ public function findEntry($id) { $query = 'SELECT id, title, date, note, timestamp FROM notes WHERE id = ?'; $statement = $this->connection->prepare($query); $statement->bind_param('s', $id); $statement->bind_result($id, $title, $date, $note, $timestamp); $statement->execute(); if($statement->fetch()) { $this->data = array( 'id' => $id, 'title' => $title, 'date' => $date, 'note' => $note, 'timestamp' => $timestamp ); } } //Returns the one or two dimensional array of data public function getData() { if (!empty($this->data)){ return $this->data; } else { return false; } } } ?>
  15. Thanks again for all your help. Could you explain a little more about the class's accessors, and using a foreach loop? I am not sure what you mean, and what I am supposed to be doing. Also, I have the $mysqli->close in the index.php5 so I do not have to redundantly close it in each module. No good? What should I be doing? Finally, what is wrong with using those constants? Should I just be directly inserting those values into the mysqli statement? Thanks!
  16. How does this look? I used a registry. Do you have any feedback for things I can improve? Index.php5 <?php //Initializing session session_start(); //General includes require_once 'configurations.php5'; //General configurations require_once MVC_ROOT . '/MysqliSetConnect.php5'; //MySQLi settings|connection require_once MVC_ROOT . '/Authentication.php5'; //User authentication require_once MVC_ROOT . '/RegistryItems.inc.php5'; //Default registry items require_once MVC_ROOT . '/ModelViewController.php5';//MVC with registry class //Instantiating registry $registry = new Registry($registryItems); //Instatiating front controller $controller = FrontController::getInstance(); $controller->setRegistry($registry); $controller->dispatch(false); //Closing MySQLi object created in MysqliSetConnect.php5 (included above) $mysqli->close(); ?> My MVC WITH a registry class <?php class FrontController extends ActionController { //Declaring variable(s) private static $instance; protected $controller; //Class construct method public function __construct() {} //Starts new instance of this class with a singleton pattern public static function getInstance() { if(!self::$instance) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; } public function dispatch($throwExceptions = false) { /* Checks for the GET variables $module and $action, and, if present, * strips them down with a regular expression function with a white * list of allowed characters, removing anything that is not a letter, * number, underscore or hyphen. */ $regex = '/[^-_A-z0-9]++/'; $module = isset($_GET['module']) ? preg_replace($regex, '', $_GET['module']) : 'home'; $action = isset($_GET['action']) ? preg_replace($regex, '', $_GET['action']) : 'frontpage'; /* Generates Actions class filename (example: HomeActions) and path to * that class (example: home/HomeActions.php5), checks if $file is a * valid file, and then, if so, requires that file. */ $class = ucfirst($module) . 'Actions'; $file = $this->pageDir . '/' . $module . '/' . $class . '.php5'; if (!is_file($file)) { throw new FrontControllerException('Page not found!'); } require_once $file; /* Creates a new instance of the Actions class (example: $controller * = new HomeActions(), and passes the registry variable to the * ActionController class. */ $controller = new $class(); $controller->setRegistry($this->registry); try { //Trys the setModule method in the ActionController class $controller->setModule($module); /* The ActionController dispatchAction method checks if the method * exists, then runs the displayView function in the * ActionController class. */ $controller->dispatchAction($action); } catch(Exception $error) { /* An exception has occurred, and will be displayed if * $throwExceptions is set to true. */ if($throwExceptions) { echo $error->errorMessage($error); //Full exception echoed } else { echo $error->errorMessage(null); //Simple error messaged echoed } } } } abstract class ActionController { //Declaring variable(s) protected $registry; protected $module; protected $registryItems = array(); //Class construct method public function __construct(){} public function setRegistry($registry) { //Sets the registry object $this->registry = $registry; /* Once the registry is loaded, the MVC root directory path is set from * the registry. This path is needed for the MVC classes to work * properly. */ $this->setPageDir(); } //Sets the MVC root directory from the value stored in the registry public function setPageDir() { $this->pageDir = $this->registry->get('pageDir'); } //Sets the module public function setModule($module) { $this->module = $module; } //Gets the module public function getModule() { return $this->module; } /* Checks for actionMethod in the Actions class (example: doFrontpage() * within home/HomeActions.php5) with the method_exists function and, if * present, the actionMethod and displayView functions are executed. */ public function dispatchAction($action) { $actionMethod = 'do' . ucfirst($action); if (!method_exists($this, $actionMethod)) { throw new FrontControllerException('Page not found!'); } $this->$actionMethod(); $this->displayView($action); } public function displayView($action) { if (!is_file($this->pageDir . '/' . $this->getModule() . '/' . $action . 'View.php5')) { throw new FrontControllerException('Page not found!'); } //Sets $this->actionView to the path of the action View file $this->actionView = $this->pageDir . '/' . $this->getModule() . '/' . $action . 'View.php5'; //Sets path of the action View file into the registry $this->registry->set('actionView', $this->actionView); //Includes template file within which the action View file is included require_once $this->pageDir . '/default.tpl'; } } class Registry { //Declaring variables private $store; //Class constructor public function __construct($store = array()) { $this->store = $store; } //Sets registry variable public function set($label, $object) { $this->store[$label] = $object; } //Gets registry variable public function get($label) { if(isset($this->store[$label])) { return $this->store[$label]; } return false; } public function getRegistryArray() { return $this->store; } } class FrontControllerException extends Exception { public function errorMessage($error) { //If and throwExceptions is true, then the full exception is returned. $errorMessage = isset($error) ? $error : $this->getMessage(); return $errorMessage; } } ?> RegistryItems.inc.php5 <?php $registryItems = array(); $registryItems['pageDir'] = MVC_ROOT; //MVC root path **required by MVC classes $registryItems['mysqli'] = $mysqli; //MySQLi connection object $registryItems['auth'] = $auth; //MysqliAuthentication class object ?> Thanks again!
  17. I have seen include files with the following extensions: somefile.php somefile.inc.php somefile.inc What is the most appropriate file extension for include?
  18. Thank you for all your help. I will look into all those things. Also, a follow-up question.. I want to make sure I am keeping my module logic separate from my MVC logic. However, my user authentication class/module is used by almost all my other modules/apps, and so I have been including it in my MVC class as shown below (maybe use control-F with "user authentication" to find the line faster). Is this ok to do, or is there somewhere better I should be setting this variable? <?php class FrontController extends ActionController { //Declaring variable(s) private static $instance; protected $controller; //Class construct method public function __construct() {} //Starting new instance of this class with a singleton pattern public static function getInstance() { if(!self::$instance) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; } public function dispatch($throwExceptions = false) { /* Checking for the GET variables $module and $action, and, if present, will strip them down with a regular expression function with a white list of allowed characters, removing anything that is not a letter, number, underscore or hyphen. */ $regex = '/[^-_A-z0-9]++/'; $module = isset($_GET['module']) ? preg_replace($regex, '', $_GET['module']) : 'home'; $action = isset($_GET['action']) ? preg_replace($regex, '', $_GET['action']) : 'frontpage'; /* Generating Actions class filename (example: HomeActions) and path to that class (example: home/HomeActions.php5), checking if $file is a valid file, and then, if so, requiring that file. */ $class = ucfirst($module) . 'Actions'; $file = $this->pageDir . '/' . $module . '/' . $class . '.php5'; if (!is_file($file)) { throw new FrontControllerException('Page not found!'); } require_once $file; /* Creating a new instance of the Actions class (example: $controller = new HomeActions(), and passing page directory variable to the ActionController class. */ $controller = new $class(); $controller->setRegistry($this->registry); try { //Using the setModule method in the ActionController class $controller->setModule($module); /* The ActionController dispatchAction method checks if the method exists, then runs the displayView function in the ActionController class. */ $controller->dispatchAction($action); } catch(Exception $error) { /* An exception has occurred, and will be displayed if $throwExceptions is set to true. */ if($throwExceptions) { echo $error->errorMessage($error); //Full exception echoed } else { echo $error->errorMessage(null); //Simple error messaged echoed } } } } abstract class ActionController { //Declaring variable(s) protected $registry; protected $module; protected $viewData = array(); //Class construct method public function __construct(){} public function setRegistry($registry) { //Sets the registry object $this->registry = $registry; /* Once the registry is loaded, the MVC root directory path is set from * the registry. This path is needed for the MVC classes to work * properly. */ $this->setPageDir(); /* Setting variables for objects external to the MVC that are used in * multiple modules. These objects add NO functionality to the actual * MVC classes, but are used by multiple modules. */ $this->auth = $this->registry->get('auth'); //User authentication object } //Sets the MVC root directory from the value stored in the registry public function setPageDir() { $this->pageDir = $this->registry->get('pageDir'); } //Sets the module public function setModule($module) { $this->module = $module; } //Gets the module public function getModule() { return $this->module; } //Placing a value in the $viewData array at the key position public function setVar($key, $value) { $this->viewData[$key] = $value; } //Returns a value from the $viewData array located at the key position public function getVar($key) { if (array_key_exists($key, $this->viewData)) { return $this->viewData[$key]; } } //Gets the viewData array public function getViewData($viewData) { $this->viewData = $viewData; } /* Checking for actionMethod in the Actions class (example: doFrontpage() within home/HomeActions.php5) with the method_exists function and, if present, the actionMethod and displayView functions are executed. */ public function dispatchAction($action) { $actionMethod = 'do' . ucfirst($action); if (!method_exists($this, $actionMethod)) { throw new FrontControllerException('Page not found!'); } $this->$actionMethod(); $this->displayView($action); } public function displayView($action) { if (!is_file($this->pageDir . '/' . $this->getModule() . '/' . $action . 'View.php5')) { throw new FrontControllerException('Page not found!'); } //Setting $this->actionView to the path of the action View file $this->actionView = $this->pageDir . '/' . $this->getModule() . '/' . $action . 'View.php5'; /* Creating a new instance of the View class and passing the $pageDir, $viewData, and actionView variables */ $view = new View(); $view->setRegistry($this->registry); $view->getViewData($this->viewData); $view->setVar('actionView',$this->actionView); $view->render(); } } class View extends ActionController { public function render() { //Including default template settings require_once $this->pageDir . '/defaultTplSettings.php5'; /* Merging the default template variables with variables provided in the $this->viewData array, taken from the Actions class, giving priority to those provided by the action class, then extracting the array with the extract() function, which creates a variable for every array value, and the name of the value (the variable name) is the key's value. */ $templateSettings = array_merge($defaultTemplateSettings, $this->viewData); extract($templateSettings, EXTR_OVERWRITE); //Including template file within which the action View file is included require_once $this->pageDir . '/default.tpl'; } } class FrontControllerException extends Exception { public function errorMessage($error) { /* If and throwExceptions is true, then the full exception will be returned. */ $errorMessage = isset($error) ? $error : $this->getMessage(); return $errorMessage; } } ?>
  19. How does this look? Does my file naming look ok? And am I including everything in good locations? Do you have any other feedback? Thanks again! My index.php5 (where I instantiate the registry): <?php //Initializing session session_start(); //General includes require_once 'configurations.php5'; //General configurations require_once MVC_ROOT . '/MysqliSetConnect.php5'; //MySQLi settings & connection require_once MVC_ROOT . '/Registry.php5'; //Registry class and items require_once MVC_ROOT . '/Authentication.php5'; //User authentication //Instantiating registry $registry = new Registry($registryItems); //Including MVC classes and instatiating front controller require_once MVC_ROOT . '/ModelViewController.php5'; $controller = FrontController::getInstance(); $controller->setRegistry($registry); $controller->dispatch(false); //Closing MySQLi object created in MysqliSetConnect.php5 (included above) $mysqli->close(); ?> My Registry.php5 <?php //Registry class class Registry { //Declaring variables private $store; //Class constructor public function __construct($store = array()) { $this->store = $store; } //Sets registry variable public function set($label, $object) { if(!isset($this->store[$label])) { $this->store[$label] = $object; } } //Gets registry variable public function get($label) { if(isset($this->store[$label])) { return $this->store[$label]; } return false; } } /* Requiring file with a $registryItems array for use in the Registry class * constructor. This is NOT required for the registry class to work properly. */ require_once MVC_ROOT . '/RegistryItems.php5'; ?> My RegistryItems.php5 <?php $registryItems = array(); $registryItems['pageDir'] = MVC_ROOT; //**Required by MVC classes $registryItems['mysqli'] = $mysqli; ?> My ModelViewController.php5 <?php class FrontController extends ActionController { //Declaring variable(s) private static $instance; protected $controller; //Class construct method public function __construct() {} //Starting new instance of this class with a singleton pattern public static function getInstance() { if(!self::$instance) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; } public function dispatch($throwExceptions = false) { /* Checking for the GET variables $module and $action, and, if present, will strip them down with a regular expression function with a white list of allowed characters, removing anything that is not a letter, number, underscore or hyphen. */ $regex = '/[^-_A-z0-9]++/'; $module = isset($_GET['module']) ? preg_replace($regex, '', $_GET['module']) : 'home'; $action = isset($_GET['action']) ? preg_replace($regex, '', $_GET['action']) : 'frontpage'; /* Generating Actions class filename (example: HomeActions) and path to that class (example: home/HomeActions.php5), checking if $file is a valid file, and then, if so, requiring that file. */ $class = ucfirst($module) . 'Actions'; $file = $this->pageDir . '/' . $module . '/' . $class . '.php5'; if (!is_file($file)) { throw new FrontControllerException('Page not found!'); } require_once $file; /* Creating a new instance of the Actions class (example: $controller = new HomeActions(), and passing page directory variable to the ActionController class. */ $controller = new $class(); $controller->setRegistry($this->registry); try { //Using the setModule method in the ActionController class $controller->setModule($module); /* The ActionController dispatchAction method checks if the method exists, then runs the displayView function in the ActionController class. */ $controller->dispatchAction($action); } catch(Exception $error) { /* An exception has occurred, and will be displayed if $throwExceptions is set to true. */ if($throwExceptions) { echo $error->errorMessage($error); //Full exception echoed } else { echo $error->errorMessage(null); //Simple error messaged echoed } } } } abstract class ActionController { //Declaring variable(s) protected $registry; protected $module; protected $viewData = array(); //Class construct method public function __construct(){ /* Setting variables for objects external to the MVC that are used in * multiple modules. These objects add NO functionality to the actual * MVC classes, but are used by multiple modules. THIS WILL BE GOING * THE REGISTRY.. NOT FINISHED!! */ $this->auth = MysqliAuthentication::getInstance(); //User authentication } public function setRegistry($registry) { //Sets the registry object $this->registry = $registry; /* Once the registry is loaded, the MVC root directory path is set from * the registry. */ $this->setPageDir(); } //Sets the MVC root directory from the value stored in the registry public function setPageDir() { $this->pageDir = $this->registry->get('pageDir'); } //Sets the module public function setModule($module) { $this->module = $module; } //Gets the module public function getModule() { return $this->module; } //Placing a value in the $viewData array at the key position public function setVar($key, $value) { $this->viewData[$key] = $value; } //Returns a value from the $viewData array located at the key position public function getVar($key) { if (array_key_exists($key, $this->viewData)) { return $this->viewData[$key]; } } //Gets the viewData array public function getViewData($viewData) { $this->viewData = $viewData; } /* Checking for actionMethod in the Actions class (example: doFrontpage() within home/HomeActions.php5) with the method_exists function and, if present, the actionMethod and displayView functions are executed. */ public function dispatchAction($action) { $actionMethod = 'do' . ucfirst($action); if (!method_exists($this, $actionMethod)) { throw new FrontControllerException('Page not found!'); } $this->$actionMethod(); $this->displayView($action); } public function displayView($action) { if (!is_file($this->pageDir . '/' . $this->getModule() . '/' . $action . 'View.php5')) { throw new FrontControllerException('Page not found!'); } //Setting $this->actionView to the path of the action View file $this->actionView = $this->pageDir . '/' . $this->getModule() . '/' . $action . 'View.php5'; /* Creating a new instance of the View class and passing the $pageDir, $viewData, and actionView variables */ $view = new View(); $view->setRegistry($this->registry); $view->getViewData($this->viewData); $view->setVar('actionView',$this->actionView); $view->render(); } } class View extends ActionController { public function render() { //Including default template settings require_once $this->pageDir . '/defaultTplSettings.php5'; /* Merging the default template variables with variables provided in the $this->viewData array, taken from the Actions class, giving priority to those provided by the action class, then extracting the array with the extract() function, which creates a variable for every array value, and the name of the value (the variable name) is the key's value. */ $templateSettings = array_merge($defaultTemplateSettings, $this->viewData); extract($templateSettings, EXTR_OVERWRITE); //Including template file within which the action View file is included require_once $this->pageDir . '/default.tpl'; } } class FrontControllerException extends Exception { public function errorMessage($error) { /* If and throwExceptions is true, then the full exception will be returned. */ $errorMessage = isset($error) ? $error : $this->getMessage(); return $errorMessage; } } ?>
  20. I have the following simple registry class working, but I wanted to know where I should be including all my registry->set() methods that are used to put variables/objects in the registry. Should I have a settings file? If so, is there a way to include those variables in a simple way in a .ini file without a redundant $registry->set statement each line? Could you provide me with some example code? Thank you all in advance! My registry class class Registry { //Declaring variables private $store = array(); static private $thisInstance = null; //Class constructor public function __construct() {} static public function getInstance() { if(self::$thisInstance == null) { self::$thisInstance = new Registry(); } return self::$thisInstance; } //Setting registry variable public function set($label, $object) { if(!isset($this->store[$label])) { $this->store[$label] = $object; } } //Getting registry variable public function get($label) { if(isset($this->store[$label])) { return $this->store[$label]; } return false; } } Example of current instantiation (which I do in my index.php5 file) //Instantiating registry & setting variables/objects $registry = new Registry(); $registry->set('pageDir', MVC_ROOT); //Registering page directory $registry->set('mysqli', $mysqli); //Registering MySQLi object
  21. I use gmail, but does hotmail have any filter features? Maybe you could filter that mail to your inbox?
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