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  1. Well, If you are serializing, and want this to move across different sessions, you may also consider it storing in a mysql database! you can do a lot with this... just a tip of iceberg .
  2. Okay, I have had a similar experience when I began doing OO Programming. Well let me help you clear your Object Oreinted basics first. I have written an article on object oriented programming on my blog. The url of the post is http://loveofphp.com/programming/object-oriented-programming.html. Hope this is an enjoyable ride for you. Thanks Jyot Vakharia
  3. The only change seems to be here <?php for ($i=1; $i <= $_REQUEST['times']; $i++) {my code here}
  4. Hey you need to graph? If its for non commercial use, i would seriouly recommend using the jpgraph lib. Check it out at http://www.aditus.nu/jpgraph/ Thanks Jyot
  5. Hey, Here is your code <? echo '<table border="0" bgcolor="#ffffff" class="MainBody1" width="50%" align="center">'; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM workhours WHERE jobid='".$jobid."' AND stepid='".$idr."'"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $css_class = ($css_class=='row_style_1') ? 'row_style_2' : 'row_style_1'; echo "<tr class='$css_class'>"; echo '<td width="80" class="underline">'. $row['date'] .'</td>'; echo '<td width="120" class="underline">'. $row['name'] .'</td>'; echo '<td width="80" class="underline">'. $row['hours'] .'</td>'; echo '<td class="underline">'. $row['notes'] .'</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table><br>'; ?> AND HERE is the CSS CODE FOR IT <style type='text/css'> .row_stlye_1 { background-color: #eaeaea; } .row_stlye_2 { background-color: #ffffff; } </style> That should be it. Thanks Jyot
  6. hi, Other than that, one more thing you need to do is call your connect function. dont forget to do that. you might end up struggling to get a connection
  7. Hi what are the approximate charges (per hour basis) for a good / experienced PHP / MySQL programmer Thanks Jyot
  8. Hi what are the approximate charges (per hour basis) for a good / experienced PHP / MySQL programmer Thanks Jyot
  9. So make it order by admin_id and it will be in the ascending order....
  10. the format for cron is in general path/to/php/interpreter -q /path/to/page eg. /usr/bin/php -q /home/organicc/public_html/reports/report.php
  11. str_replace("\n","<br />", str_replace("\r","<br /",str_replace("\n\r", "<br /",$string))); Remember the changing of order is going to change functionallity. in anycase you shouldnt use \n\r outside. Thanks Jyot
  12. Well the prev one was a beauty. One more logic i find good is as under error_reporting(0); while(count($nos) < 10000) { $no = rand(1, 10000); if(!(in_array($no,$nos, true))) { $nos[] = $no; } }
  13. Well one of the best ways to do it is check the file extensions on the server side. So that it allows only the extensions you require. Thanks Jyot
  14. Well in this case you may use header("location:$new_site_addr"); ??
  15. again, if you want it CSS compliant... i.e. not use border... declare a class for it... like <img class='boderless' src='...' /> and in the style define .borderless { border: none;}
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