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Posts posted by Carterhost

  1. if you are unable to edit the php.ini file on your web host, you can put a local copy, with just the modifications you wish to make, in the root folder of your web host.
    I had the same trouble as you, so changed my local php.ini to read:
    [code]upload_max_filesize = 10M
    post_max_size = 11M
    max_execution_time = 300[/code]

    upload_max_filesize does what it says on the tin.
    post_max_size specifies the maximum size a POST can be (slightly larger than max_file_upload to account for any overheads or other fields)
    max_execution_time is the amount of time each script is given to run, you have to take into account the upload speed and filesize when working this out.

    Some webhosts may not be too happy with you doing this though, as they normally create php.ini for maximum performance among all their hosted domains. I suppose if they contact you about it, then you'll have to cease and desist.
  2. [quote]/path/action.php?query=value option[/quote]
    if you really want to do it that way, use the $_GET form method, and name your input "query".
    in it's simplest form:
    [code]<form action="action.php" method="GET">
    <input name="query" type="text" />
    <input name="submit" action="submit" value="submit" />

    Whatever you select in your input will be passed across in the URL.

    Or am I getting the wrong end of the stick?
  3. Thanks Steve, I'll read up on that, because 'superusers' have filesize limits of 100Mb!

    They can also leech files server-server, and I'm modifying a script to unzip zip files, while checking filetype(image/file/disallowed) and adding each file to the database.
  4. How would I prevent DOS attacks?, and how could I distinguish DOS from extremely high normal usage?

    JS confirm boxes implemented (I guess I was just putting off researching the code).

    The files and images are separated because I thought it would be easier to navigate.

    Oh, Green/Red for Success/Error now in, too.
  5. There's one problem I had: when the chat window was not minimized, it kept bringing itself to the front every time it refreshed. Probably handy if you want to keep on top of the conversation, but I wanted it in the background, to check when I was ready.

    Other than that, it's really, really nice. Love the look of it.
  6. I thought this may come in handy for those who don't have their own webspace, and wanted to post pictures or mp3's in web forums or myspace (I know, I know).

    Could some of you test it and let me know what you think?

    It is still in development, and I'd like some expert advice on what else it needs, or what I need to be careful of.

    Here it is: [url=http://transfer.carterhost.co.uk]transfer.carterhost.co.uk[/url]
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