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  1. the else won't work either !!! it's driving my nuts actually
  2. exactly, i added the define, still the same what's weird is the when the == is put the script works fine and reads the else, when i change to < it just stops. Thanks for helping i will try and figure it out  ???
  3. ok thanks for the reply first, here is the whole thing i am creating a user send your picture as ecard thing, the user goes to the site upload their picture, then be able to send it to family and friends etc, boring i know but it has a small twist to it. so when the user uploads the picture or image that's where the $IMG_WIDTH goes in, then the script takes you to a bunch of templates to put up the card together, so the $IMG_WIDTH is a value which is variable once you uploaded, in the file1.htm and file2.htm i set 2 values for the table width of the page one of them is a fixed 750 the other is width={IMG_WIDTH}. now the script if/else is working on the == 750 the else works fine on the < it just doesn't read the else. i just tried a small thing which i put a small echo"img=$IMG_WIDTH" on top of the page and it's reading the img width fine just the ELSE statement is not working in the < less than. Thanks for your time.
  4. Hello, i been trying to make the following script work, and i been having some difficulty cause it's acting weird here's the script <?php if ($IMG_WIDTH < 750) { (include "/pathname/file1.htm"); } else { (include "/pathname/file2.htm"); } ?> $IMG_WIDTH is a constant which is given by uploading a picture, so to keep the layout of the website the same no matter the width i create 2 files for the headers and footers to load in 2 conditions if the image is smaller or bigger than 750. now the script is only reading the if part and not the else part when i put the parameter of <, and when i put the == the script works fine. can anyone help in this ? thanks for your time in advance
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