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Everything posted by garethhall

  1. Thanks for the reply but no luck I still get an Internal Server Error There is something wrong the the RewriteCond as commenting that out makes the error disappear.
  2. I have been tying to get the site redirection to work but I keep on getting an internal server error Here is what I need if the url is not http://www2.mydomain.com/content/newzealand/mpc/mpc_newzealand_website/en/home_mpc/van** or http://www2.mydomain.com/content/newzealand/mpc/mpc_newzealand_website/en/home_mpc/truck*** then redirect http://www.mydomain.com This is what I have at present but like I said it does not work. Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteCond !http://www2.mydomain.com/content/newzealand/mpc/mpc_newzealand_website/en/home_mpc/van.* RewriteCond !http://www2.mydomain.com/content/newzealand/mpc/mpc_newzealand_website/en/home_mpc/truck.* RewriteRule .* http://www.mydomain.com [R=301,L]
  3. Try $sql = "UPDATE `master` SET `LOCATION` = '{$LOCATION}', `Location Name` = '{$Location Name}' WHERE `Asset Number` = '{$Asset Number}'" or $sql = "UPDATE `master` SET `LOCATION` = '$LOCATION', `Location Name` = '$Location Name' WHERE `Asset Number` = $Asset Number" or $sql = 'UPDATE `master` SET `LOCATION` = ' . $LOCATION} . ', `Location Name` = ' . $Location Name . ' WHERE `Asset Number` = ' . $Asset Number
  4. This is so frustrating the documentation on SOAP for php is very poor. Here is a very simple example. I need this request: <soapenv:Body> <ns1:retrieveCompanyCompleteDetails v:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" ns1="MED:CompanyDetailsService"> <companyNumber href="#id0"/> <clientBillingReference xsi:type="xsd:string"></clientBillingReference> </ns1:retrieveCompanyCompleteDetails> <multiRef id="id0" soapenc:root="0" v:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xsi:type="xsd:int" soapenc="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/">1015969</multiRef> </soapenv:Body> MY php $CompanyDetailsService = new SoapClient('http://ws.eat.business.govt.nz/med-services/services/CompanyDetailsService.svc?wsdl'); $result = $CompanyDetailsService->retrieveCompanyCompleteDetails('1968659'); But my php posts this <SOAP-ENV:Body> <ns1:retrieveCompanyCompleteDetails> <companyNumber xsi:type="xsd:int">1968659</companyNumber> <clientBillingReference xsi:nil="true"/></ns1:retrieveCompanyCompleteDetails> </SOAP-ENV:Body> How do I get the right request?
  5. Hi I have to use soap to query an api but I am having some trouble the get the right response. Here is the API information I was supplied M = mandatory L = list parameter 1-M = list of values containing at least one value, and may contain many values 1-4 = list on values containing at least one value, and must contain no more than 4 values Parameter M L Desciption addressWordList Y 1-4 A list of “keyword” elements. See table below for details. addressTypeList Y 1-M May contain: “ROF”, “AFR”,”AFS” or ”ASR” companyBodyTypeList Y 1-M May contain: “DOMESTIC”, “I”, “N”, “O” or “T” companyStatusList Y 1-M May contain: “50”, “55”, “56,57”, “60”, “61,71”, “62”, “63,64,66”, “65”, “70”,”72”,”80” "keyword" element: Component M Description keyword Y A word which must appear in the company’s address (any line of that address) operation Y May contain: “CONTAINS”, “BEGINSWITH” Notes: 1. for the “addressWordList” parameter: a. each address word string must contain exactly one “word” (that is; do not put any <space> characters in the string) b. every value in the list of keywords must appear in the target address data (that is; this is an “AND” search condition) c. the list of keywords must be supplied in the same order as the words appear in the target address string. For example, for address “10 Ash Road, Nelson” enter the keywords in this order: “10”, “Ash”, “Road”, “Nelson”. Do not enter them in this order (for example): “Nelson”, “10”, “Ash”, “Road”. d. each address word string has leading and trailing blanks removed before being used in the search. The search is case-insensitive. 2. the element values within each “list” parameter above (other than the “addressWordList” parameter – described separately) will be used in an “OR” search condition (one or more of the individual element values must exist in the target data) to create the filter for that individual parameter. For example, the following partial filter condition is possible: (body_type = ‘U’ OR body_type = ‘X’ OR body_type = ‘P’ OR body_type = ‘L’ OR body_type = ‘O’) AND (status = ‘50’ OR status = ‘80’) 3. for the “addressTypeList” parameter: see the appendix for a description of each code 4. for the “companyBodyTypeList” parameter: the value “DOMESTIC” may be used to narrow the search to companies with body types of U, X, P or L (“unlisted company”, “private company”, “public company” or “listed”). 5. for the “companyStatusList” parameter: the value “61,71” is not a typing error. It may be used to narrow the search to companies with a status of 61 or 71. The same applies for the values “63,64,66” and “56,57”. This is my code And I get this error: "Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [soapenv:Server.generalException] At least one address word must be specified, but no more than four in /Users/garethhall/Sites/querytool/public_html/index.php:58 Stack trace: #0 [internal function]: SoapClient->__call('performAddressS...', Array) #1 /Users/garethhall/Sites/querytool/public_html/index.php(58): SoapClient->performAddressSearch(Array) #2 {main} thrown in /Users/garethhall/Sites/querytool/public_html/index.php on line 58" <?php $CompanyMiscSearchService = new SoapClient('http://ws.eat.business.govt.nz/med-services/services/CompanyMiscSearchService.svc?wsdl'); $result = $CompanyMiscSearchService->performAddressSearch(array( 'addressWordList' => array('auckland'), 'addressTypeList' => 'ROF', 'directorStatus' => array('valueString' => 'CURRENT'), 'companyBodyTypeList' => array('valueString' => 'DOMESTIC'), 'companyStatusList' => array('valueString' => 50 ), )); print '<pre>'; print_r($result); print '</pre>'; ?>
  6. Hello, I have a SQL query below and it works but I have a slight problem. When fl.body_value is empty I don't get a result. So how do I Join on a table even if it's empty? In this case f.uri will always have a value. SELECT f.uri , fl.body_value FROM node n RIGHT JOIN field_data_com_slider_image fd ON n.nid = fd.entity_id RIGHT JOIN file_managed f ON fd.com_slider_image_fid = f.fid RIGHT OUTER JOIN field_data_body fl ON n.nid = fl.entity_id WHERE n.type = 'com_slider' AND n.status = 1
  7. Hi I am working on a php module and I am getting this "Notice: Undefined index:" Error. Now I know that I can change my php settings to not show the error but I would like to fix it properly. What am I doing wrong? <?php function _com_slider_image_styles() { $styles = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__); // Grab from cache or build the array. if (!isset($styles)) { if ($cache = cache_get('image_styles', 'cache')) { $styles = $cache->data; } else { // Select all the user-defined styles. $user_styles = db_select('image_styles', NULL, array('fetch' => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) ->fields('image_styles') ->orderBy('name') ->execute() ->fetchAllAssoc('name', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } } $com_styles = null; foreach($styles as $key => $value){ $com_styles[$key] .= $key; // PROBLEM HERE! } return $com_styles; } ?>
  8. Viewing the source gives C2YuzOj FCPieffLIEYdrtPAAQDVeg yT P2 N4Echw=
  9. I still have not been able to come up with a solution. Is there anyone else that can help?
  10. Yes I thought I'd better include my encryption, decryption functions <?php define('CYPHER', 'My secret key'); /*** Encryption ***/ function encrypt($text){ $ivSize = mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB); $iv = mcrypt_create_iv($ivSize, MCRYPT_RAND); $encrypt = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, CYPHER, $text, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv); $encode = base64_encode($encrypt); return trim($encode); } /*** Decryption ***/ function decrypt($text) { $ivSize = mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB); $iv = mcrypt_create_iv($ivSize, MCRYPT_RAND); $decode = base64_decode($text); $decrypt = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, CYPHER, $decode, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv); return trim($decrypt); } <?
  11. But I need it to echo C2YuzOj+FCPieffLIEYdrtPAAQDVeg+yT+P2+N4Echw=
  12. Hi Guys I have a $_GET[] variable that is not echoing out correctly. If I look at $GET in the uri then I have upload-swf.php?s=C2YuzOj+FCPieffLIEYdrtPAAQDVeg+yT+P2+N4Echw= But when I echo <?php echo $_GET['s']; //echo decrypt($_GET['s']); ?> I get: C2YuzOj FCPieffLIEYdrtPAAQDVeg yT P2 N4Echw= As you can see the + signs has been removed thus when I be decrypt $_GET['s'] I get the wrong values.
  13. Thank you for the reply but I really need the compName in only on column. However I did solve the problem using UNION For interest sake I have include the completed statemant SELECT * FROM compRel RIGHT JOIN comp ON compRel.subCompId = comp.compID RIGHT JOIN compSettings ON comp.compID = compSettings.compId WHERE compRel.compId = 37 UNION SELECT * FROM compRel RIGHT JOIN comp ON compRel.compId = comp.compID RIGHT JOIN compSettings ON comp.compID = compSettings.compId WHERE compRel.subCompId = 37 ORDER BY compName ASC
  14. Hi Guys I have 2 tables Table 1 called 'comp' (Holds company details) and has fields like compID, compName, compPhone, compAddress Table 2 called compRel (Holds company relational data) has fields compId, subCompId The sql I need to get all the right company id's is SELECT r.compId, r.subCompId FROM compRel AS r WHERE r.compId = 37 AND r.subCompId = 37 And like I said this is all correct so far and outputs data like so compId subCompId 1 37 37 41 37 48 37 53 37 66 So need to join the compName from the comp Table on to the id's but the hard part is that the first line needs to join comp.compName on the compRel.compId and rest need to join comp.compName on compRel.subcompId I can't get this to work My sql looks like this now SELECT r.compId, r.subCompId, IF(r.subCompId = 37, r.compId, r.subCompId) AS rID, comp.compID, comp.compName FROM compRel AS r RIGHT JOIN comp ON rID = comp.compID WHERE r.compID = 37 AND r.subCompId = 37 So now I get a error "Unknown column rID" The thing is if I change ON condition to r.subCompId = comp.compID and I look at my result rID is outputting the correct id's so why is rID not working?
  15. If the sql is correct then I suspect it could be something with data you are inserting. Perhaps one of the variables is containing an invalid character and that is breaking the sql. It's bad practice to not check your data anyway so lets fix that first and hopefully it will work. <?php /*** Protect Variables from SQL injection ***/ function cv($value){ if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()){ $value = stripslashes($value); } if (!is_numeric($value)){ $value = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($value) . "'"; } return $value; } if($mode=='t') { $canSend=$_POST['canSend']; if($canSend==1) { $name=$_POST['txtName']; $useremail=$HTTP_SESSION_VARS['useremail']; if($name=="" || $name=="Your Friend\'s Name") $nameflag=1; $email=$_POST['txtEmail']; if($email=='') { $mailflag=1; } $re_user = "^[a-z0-9\._-]+"; $re_delim = "@"; $re_domain = "[a-z0-9][a-z0-9_-]*(\.[a-z0-9_-]+)*"; $re_tld = "\.([a-z]{2}|aero|arpa|biz|com|coop|edu|gov|info|" . "int|mil|museum|name|net|org|pro)$"; if(eregi($re_user . $re_delim . $re_domain . $re_tld, $email)==0){ $mailflag=1; } $subject=$_POST['txtSubject']; if($subject=="" || $subject=="Your Subject Here") $subjectflag=1; $str=$_POST['txtMessage']; $order = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"); $replace = '<br />'; $message = str_replace($order, $replace, $str); if($message=='') $messageflag=1; if($nameflag!=1 && $mailflag!=1 && $subjectflag!=1 && $messageflag!=1) { $message.="<br><a href='".$strsite."?".$username."'>".$strsite."?".$username."</a>"; $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; $headers .= "From: ". $useremail."\r\n"; $mail=mail($email,$subject,$message,$headers); $sql = "INSERT INTO log (user_id,receiver_email,subject,message) values ( ".cv($userid).", ".cv($email).", ".cv($subject).", ".cv($message).")"; if(mysql_query($sql)){ // insert ok }else{ //insert failed } if($mail) $sucess_flag=1; else $failure_flag=1; } } } ?>
  16. Hi, Please update code to: $sql = "insert into log (user_id,receiver_email,subject,message) values ($userid,'$email','$subject','$message')"; If it still does not work please verify that there is a mysql connection. Typically we pass mysql_query($sql, $connection) how the connection is not required but it depends on your code. So verify you can do a simple select from the DB
  17. Hi, I don't think using $.post is any harder to write than $.ajax. That said yes having a callback is useful. I fixed some typos in your code but obj is still undefined $.ajax({ url:'ajax/overview.php', type: 'POST', data:{'action' : 'noNewFiles'}, success:function(data, textStatus, obj){ console.log(obj); $('#newFiles').text(data); } });
  18. I have updated my code but obj is undefined $.post( 'ajax/overview.php', {'action' : 'noNewFiles'}, function(data, textStatus, obj){ console.log(obj); $('#newFiles').text(data); } );
  19. Hey guys, I am just in the process on converting a system to use jquery instead of normal javascript. But i need to detect the readystate in the jquery. How do I do that? Normal JS function theNewFiles(){ xhrNewFiles=GetXmlHttpObject() if(xhrNewFiles==null){ alert("Browser does not support HTTP Request"); return; } var qstr; qstr = "action=noNewFiles"; qstr += "&sid="+Math.random(); xhrNewFiles.onreadystatechange = theNewFilesR; xhrNewFiles.open("POST","ajax/overview.php",true); xhrNewFiles.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); xhrNewFiles.send(qstr); } function theNewFilesR(){ if(xhrNewFiles.readyState == 3){ document.getElementById('newFiles').innerHTML = '<img src="images/loaderWhiteBG.gif" width="105" height="12" />'; }else if(xhrNewFiles.readyState==4 || xhrNewFiles.readyState=="complete"){ document.getElementById('newFiles').innerHTML = xhrNewFiles.responseText; } } Converted to jquery $.post( 'ajax/overview.php', {'action' : 'noNewFiles'}, function(data, textStatus){ $('#newFiles').text(data); } );
  20. LOL yes I just figured that out and come back to updated the status but you were to quick for me Thanks anyway
  21. Hi Can someone help me get this array structure right? When I do a print_r($regions); I get the following result. Array ( [0] => Array ( [nid] => 1079 [title] => Auckland [regions] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [nid] => 1230 [title] => Bay of Plenty [regions] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [nid] => 1231 [title] => Hawkes Bay [regions] => Array ( ) ) ) I am needing to add the following to this array [3] => Array ( [nid] => 999 [title] => Show All [regions] => Array ( ) I have to following code <?php $regions = dealer_regions($region); // This builds the current Array THIS IS CORRECT // Trying to add to the Array $regions[] .= array( 'nid' => '999', 'title' => 'SHOW ALL', 'regions' => array(), ); ?> So with the code above I get the this result Array ( [0] => Array ( [nid] => 1079 [title] => Auckland [regions] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [nid] => 1230 [title] => Bay of Plenty [regions] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [nid] => 1231 [title] => Hawkes Bay [regions] => Array ( ) ) [3] => Array ) So what am I doing wrong
  22. Hi I wonder if anyone can help me out. I am using the jquery tools plugins. I have posted this question on their forum to but no one has answered me yet. I need to run different scrollable objects concurrently. And it's not working for me. Actually if I change the class name away from scrollable it won't run at all. I have the scrollers set in a horizontal accordion. Here is my prototype page (it still just in the prototyping stage) http://www.communica.co.nz/concepts/prototyping/ As you can see the tab-horizontal accordion works. But only the "capacity scroller works"? Why does the others not work? and why am I forced to use a class of scrollable? Even if the is only one scroller I can not change the class. Thanks Gareth <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>jQuery Tools standalone demo</title> <!-- include the Tools --> <script src="http://cdn.jquerytools.org/1.2.4/full/jquery.tools.min.js"></script> <!-- accordion styling --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="tabs-accordion-horizontal.css"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="scrollable-horizontal.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://static.flowplayer.org/tools/css/scrollable-buttons.css" /> </head> <body> <!-- accordion root --> <div id="accordion"> <!-- accordion header #1 --> <span class="accord_trigger">Interior</span> <div style="width:320px;" class="accord-content"> <a class="prev browse left"></a> <div class="interior"> <div class="items"> <img src="http://www.communica.co.nz/concepts/kmsdata.co.nz/images/feature_image_01.png" alt="feature_image_01" width="50" height="50" /> <img src="http://www.communica.co.nz/concepts/kmsdata.co.nz/images/feature_image_02.png" alt="feature_image_02" width="50" height="50" /> <img src="http://www.communica.co.nz/concepts/kmsdata.co.nz/images/feature_image_03.png" alt="feature_image_03" width="50" height="50" /> </div> </div> <a class="next browse right"></a> <script>$(".interior").scrollable();</script> </div> <span class="accord_trigger">Exterior</span> <div class="accord-content"> <a class="prev browse left"></a> <div class="exterior"> <div class="items"> <img src="http://www.communica.co.nz/concepts/kmsdata.co.nz/images/feature_image_01.png" alt="feature_image_01" width="50" height="50" /> <img src="http://www.communica.co.nz/concepts/kmsdata.co.nz/images/feature_image_02.png" alt="feature_image_02" width="50" height="50" /> <img src="http://www.communica.co.nz/concepts/kmsdata.co.nz/images/feature_image_03.png" alt="feature_image_03" width="50" height="50" /> </div> </div> <a class="next browse right"></a> <script>$(".exterior").scrollable();</script> </div> <span class="accord_trigger">Capacity</span> <div class="accord-content"> <a class="prev browse left"></a> <div class="scrollable"> <div class="items"> <img src="http://www.communica.co.nz/concepts/kmsdata.co.nz/images/feature_image_01.png" alt="feature_image_01" width="50" height="50" /> <img src="http://www.communica.co.nz/concepts/kmsdata.co.nz/images/feature_image_02.png" alt="feature_image_02" width="50" height="50" /> <img src="http://www.communica.co.nz/concepts/kmsdata.co.nz/images/feature_image_03.png" alt="feature_image_03" width="50" height="50" /> </div> </div> <a class="next browse right"></a> <script>$(".scrollable").scrollable();</script> </div> <span class="accord_trigger">Safety</span> <div class="accord-content"> <a class="prev browse left"></a> <div class="safety"> <div class="items"> <img src="http://www.communica.co.nz/concepts/kmsdata.co.nz/images/feature_image_01.png" alt="feature_image_01" width="50" height="50" /> <img src="http://www.communica.co.nz/concepts/kmsdata.co.nz/images/feature_image_02.png" alt="feature_image_02" width="50" height="50" /> <img src="http://www.communica.co.nz/concepts/kmsdata.co.nz/images/feature_image_03.png" alt="feature_image_03" width="50" height="50" /> </div> </div> <a class="next browse right"></a> <script>$(".safety").scrollable();</script> </div> <span class="accord_trigger">Awards</span> <div class="accord-content"> <a class="prev browse left"></a> <div class="awards"> <div class="items"> <img src="http://www.communica.co.nz/concepts/kmsdata.co.nz/images/feature_image_01.png" alt="feature_image_01" width="50" height="50" /> <img src="http://www.communica.co.nz/concepts/kmsdata.co.nz/images/feature_image_02.png" alt="feature_image_02" width="50" height="50" /> <img src="http://www.communica.co.nz/concepts/kmsdata.co.nz/images/feature_image_03.png" alt="feature_image_03" width="50" height="50" /> </div> </div> <a class="next browse right"></a> <script>$(".awards").scrollable();</script> </div> </div> <!-- activate tabs with JavaScript --> <script> $("#accordion").tabs("#accordion div.accord-content", { tabs: 'span.accord_trigger"', effect: 'horizontal' }); </script> </body> </html>
  23. Hello can some please help me sort this array by asc order. I have the array below that sorts a company name and it's id. I need to sort the array by company name in asc order I tried these variations of the sort function usort(), sort(), asort() but with no luck Just to show you the data in the array, if I do a print_r($compNames); I get this Array ( [48] => Harmony Publishers [49] => Demo Client [50] => johns Printing [51] => creative comps [53] => Myclient [56] => gogo ) <?php $compNames = array(); while($rw = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)){ $compNames[$rw['subCompId']] = comp($rw['subCompId'],'compName'); } sort($compNames); foreach($compNames as $name => $idComp){ echo $name.'-'.$idComp.'<br>'; } ?>
  24. Hello, Can someone help me out here please. I have the code below that looks for all the jpg files in the folder and works great but I need the files that are returned to be in a random order. How can I do this? Here is my code <?php $headerImages = "sites/default/files/images/header_images/"; $allowed_types = array('png','jpg','jpeg'); // create a handler for the directory $headerImageContainer = opendir($headerImages); $filecount = count(glob("" . $headerImages . "*.jpg")); $filecount += count(glob("" . $headerImages . "*.jpeg")); // keep going until all files in directory have been read while ($file = readdir($headerImageContainer)) { $ext = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);//get extention of file if(in_array(strtolower($ext),$allowed_types)){ $i++; echo "{ src: '/sites/default/files/images/header_images/".$file."' }".($i!=$filecount?',':''); } } // tidy up: close the handler closedir($headerImageContainer); ?> ]); });
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