I have a page where if the user scrolls to the bottom then new content is loaded. This code is being used:
if ($(window).scrollTop() == ($(document).height() - $(window).height()))
Now when the scrollbar is right at the top of the scroll, when you refresh the page the scroll bar remains at the top and when scrolling down to the bottom new content is loaded.
However if I scroll halfway down the page and THEN I refresh the page, then the scrollbar isn't right at the top, it is slightly lower down (about 20-30 pixels down) and when I scroll down to the bottom the content is not loaded. When I looked at Firebug, I saw that this function was being called TWICE when this happened and the second time was failing. I'm not sure why it is calling the function twice when the scrollbar is offset from the top on page reload :s
Any help?