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Everything posted by Gibbs

  1. [quote author=jesirose link=topic=123517.msg510584#msg510584 date=1169481244] try adding trim($name) and then checking the strlen($name) > 0 [/quote] trim prints correctly. Strlen outputs 14 (which is correct). @RedArrow That does nothing for me (I even addressed a typo :P) Thanks for the replies so far by the way
  2. [quote author=jesirose link=topic=123517.msg510578#msg510578 date=1169480806] Try $_POST['name']; [/quote] I have $name = $_POST['name']; and my form set to post. On the page i've printed all the vars and they come out fine I just didn't want to spam the page with echoed HTML  :P
  3. I don't want to use javascript and every PHP form validation scripts i've taken a peak at look very complicated for such an easy task. All I want to do is check the the fields are filled in. It doesn't bother me about the lengths etc. I'm running into problems with what I've done below. [code=php:0]if ($perform == check) { $errorcheck = FALSE; echo "<br><br>"; if (empty($name)) { $errorcheck = TRUE; } else { $errorcheck = FALSE; } if ($errorcheck = TRUE) { echo "<p class=\"error\"><b>An error occured. Please check below.</b></p>"; } else { echo "<p>Please make sure the details are correct.</p>"; } [/code] That's the top of my code. I've tried quite a few variations including an ifelse(!empty($var)) and HTTP_POST_VARS as well as if $var == "" etc. The problem is $errorcheck always comes back as 1 even if $name isn't empty. Hell I had $errorcheck return as 0 and it still printed the error message. Sorry if im babbling im getting a headache over this and need to move on to more pressing matters. Thanks for any help.
  4. I noticed that if I get "Name" from a MySQL database the results are different to getting "name". Is it possible to counter this without having to change "Name" or "name" in PHP?
  5. Grrr. It's always something stupidly easy I get headaches over. Thanks for the help! That print_r($_POST); is very useful, will be using it a lot in the future. Thanks again everything is working :)
  6. Sorry still new to this. [quote]Array ( [bio_fname] => Name [bio_sname] => Name [bio_age] => 32 [bio_gender] => Male [bio_birth] => London [bio_residence] => Devon [bio_bio] => TEST [bio_education] => TEST [bio_training] => TEST [Submit] => Submit Entry )[/quote] Looks like that worked... What can I do with this info, or what does it indicate?
  7. [quote author=jesirose link=topic=123041.msg508204#msg508204 date=1169162128] add this ?><pre><? print_r($_POST); ?></pre><? before here: $firstname = $_POST['bio_fname']; And tell me what it prints. [/quote] It prints "Array ( )" Edit: I'm using a lot of includes on this page. Could they be conflicting (although everything else is working...)?
  8. $perform==submit1337 etc work. These are being returned as the number 1 after submitting the form... [code]$firstname = $_POST[bio_fname]; $secondname = $_POST['bio_sname']; $age = $_POST['bio_age']; $gender = $_POST['bio_gender']; $birth = $_POST['bio_birth']; $residence = $_POST['bio_residence']; $bio = $_POST['bio_bio']; $education = $_POST['bio_education']; $training = $_POST['bio_training'];[/code]
  9. I'm really confused. To test that i'm getting the right information from the forms i've printed them... Any help would be great! This is how i'm getting the info: [code=php:0]include("include/session.php"); $userx = $session->username; // Get the username logged in $perform = $_GET['perform']; // Get the perform URL $table = "bio"; // The table to read and write to // Get the employee details (if they submit them) $firstname = $_POST[bio_fname]; $secondname = $_POST['bio_sname']; $age = $_POST['bio_age']; $gender = $_POST['bio_gender']; $birth = $_POST['bio_birth']; $residence = $_POST['bio_residence']; $bio = $_POST['bio_bio']; $education = $_POST['bio_education']; $training = $_POST['bio_training'];[/code] This is the form etc... [code=php:0]if ($perform==add) { echo "<p>Welcome $userx. Please submit accurate and correct information only. If you make any mistakes or your details change you may update your entry at any time. <br>Thank you.<br></p> <table width=\"500\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"> <form action=\"vtxemp.php?perform=submit1337\" method=\"post\"> <tr> <td width=\"115\" height=\"25\"><p align=\"right\">First name: </p></td> <td width=\"385\"> <input name=\"bio_fname\" type=\"text\" class=\"textpm\"></td> </tr> <tr> <td height=\"25\"><p align=\"right\">Second Name: </p></td> <td><input name=\"bio_sname\" type=\"text\" class=\"textpm\"></td> </tr> <tr> <td height=\"25\"><p align=\"right\">Age: </p></td> <td><input name=\"bio_age\" type=\"text\" class=\"textpm\" size=\"2\" maxlength=\"2\"></td> </tr> <tr> <td height=\"25\"><p align=\"right\">Gender: </p></td> <td> <select name=\"bio_gender\" class=\"dropdownl\"> <option value=\"Male\">Male</option> <option value=\"Female\">Female</option> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td height=\"25\"><p align=\"right\">Place of Birth: </p></td> <td><input name=\"bio_birth\" type=\"text\" class=\"textpm\"></td> </tr> <tr> <td height=\"25\"><p align=\"right\">Current Residence: </p></td> <td><input name=\"bio_residence\" type=\"text\" class=\"textpm\"></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=\"top\"><p align=\"right\">Employee Bio: </p></td> <td><label> <textarea name=\"bio_bio\" cols=\"60\" rows=\"10\" class=\"textpm\"></textarea> </label></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=\"top\"><p align=\"right\">Education: </p></td> <td><textarea name=\"bio_education\" cols=\"60\" rows=\"4\" class=\"textpm\"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=\"top\"><p align=\"right\">Training: </p></td> <td><textarea name=\"bio_training\" cols=\"60\" rows=\"4\" class=\"textpm\"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=\"top\">&nbsp;</td> <td><label> <input type=\"submit\" name=\"Submit\" value=\"Submit Entry\"> </label></td> </tr> </form> </table>"; } if ($perform==submit1337) { echo $firstname or die("First name not entered"); echo $secondname or die("Second name not entered"); echo $age or die("Age not entered"); echo $gender or die("Gender not entered"); echo $birth or die("Place of Birth not entered"); echo $residence or die("Current Residence"); echo $bio or die("Employee Biography not entered"); echo $education or die("Education details not entered"); echo $training or die("Training details not entered"); //$create = "INSERT INTO $table (firstName, secondName, age, gender, placeBirth, cResidence, bio, education, training, username) //VALUES ('$firstname','$secondname','$age','$gender','$birth','$residence', '$bio', '$education', '$training')"; //$create2 = mysql_query($create) or die("Database Entry Failed"); //echo("<br><br>Thank you. Your details have been submitted to the Vortex Network Employee Database"); }[/code] I'm so confused as to whats going wrong.... Please help! Thank you :)
  10. Gibbs

    Form Help!

    I've just been having a play around to see where you might have gone wrong. First of all when I try to create a database called "employee index" it created a database called "employee". Edit your database so that you are using underscores _ instead of spaces. So change "employee index" to "employee_index" and "employee details" to "employee_details". Then edit the PHP accordingly. Worth a try.
  11. Gibbs

    Form Help!

    Change "INSERT INTO $employee details" to "INSERT INTO $employee"
  12. So simple! I can't believe that  ::) Thanks for your help! :P
  13. Gibbs

    Form Help!

    Strange. $employee = "employee details"; $sqlquery = "INSERT INTO $employee blah blah blah SHOULD work. Are your user, host and password correct? What's the error?
  14. It's all done in the same page. I'm getting action using [code=php:0]<?php $action = $_GET['action'];[/code]
  15. Gibbs

    Form Help!

    Sorry yes I wasn't right. What's the name of the table your trying to put the information into? If you know the name above $sqlquery try this: $employee = "my table name". The start should then look like this: [code=php:0]<?php $user="root"; $host="localhost"; $password=""; $database = "employee index"; mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("employee index") or die(mysql_error()); $employee = "My table name" // Change this $sqlquery = "INSERT INTO $employee (Employee_ID,Surname,Forename,Job_title,Office_location,Telephone,Email,Expertise,Hobbies,DOB) VALUES ('$Employee_ID','$Surname','$Forename','$Job_title','$Office_location','$Telephone','$Email','$Expertise','$Hobbies','$DOB')"; [/code] Edit: Don't use spaces in variables/strings. $employee details won't work. Use $employee_details.
  16. I'm still confused. I've tried this (i'll post the entire part as it may make more sense). [code=php:0]$result=mysql_query("select * from $table where UserTo='$cookie' ORDER BY SentDate DESC") or die ("ERROR: PLEASE REPORT THIS"); echo "<table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1 width=400 valign=top>"; $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $messageid = $row[mail_id]; // mail_id while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<tr><td width=30><p>Mail:</td><td><a href=pm.php?action=view&mail_id=$row[mail_id]> $row[Subject] </a></td><td width=50> <a href=pm.php?action=delete&id=$row[mail_id]> <center>Delete </a><br></td></tr>"; } echo "</table>"; } if($action==view) { $result = mysql_query("select * from $table where UserTo='$cookie' and mail_id='$messageid'") or die ("cant do it1"); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); if($row[UserTo]==$cookie) { } else { echo "<p class=\"error\"><b>This isn't your mail!</b></p>" .$row; exit;[/code]
  17. I have a basic Private Message system working on my site. However i'm having problems with PHP getting the mail_id information from MySQL. If I do this I can get the mail ID: [code]$result=mysql_query("select * from $table where UserTo='$cookie' ORDER BY SentDate DESC") or die ("ERROR: PLEASE REPORT THIS"); while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo $row[mail_id]; [/code] However i'm trying to get the mail_id in a different part and am finding it difficult. When somebody selects a link this is used: [code]$result =mysql_query("select * from $table where UserTo='$cookie' and mail_id='[mail_id]'") or die ("cant do it1"); //echo mysql_num_rows($result); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); if($row[UserTo]==$cookie) [/code] However the mail_id isn't recognised like previously. Is there a way to use the code at the top to get the mail_id to work here? Any help appreciated. Thanks
  18. Gibbs

    Form Help!

    Im new too so don't expect too much  ;D What i'm trying to say is that you have "INSERT INTO $employee". This means INSERT INTO $MYTABLE. You don't have $employee set to anything though. So it's trying to INSERT INTO (nothing). Try changing $employee with $database (which you have set to "employee index")
  19. Gibbs

    Form Help!

    Try echo $employee (to see if anything is printed). It doesn't look like you've set $employee to anything (which is the table your trying to write to). If true your trying to write to a table with no name.
  20. Actually I do have a problem with this (dont want to create another thread). I need to read only rows that have "status" set to unread. I've tried this but it doesn't work.... [code]SELECT COUNT(status='unread') FROM $tblnamer AS TOTAL WHERE UserTo='$justr' ORDER BY SentDate[/code] Ah figured it out. SORRY! :P
  21. The edit buttons gone again  :o I figured it out. Thanks for your much needed help! :)
  22. [code]$get_mail = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT('status') FROM $tblnamer AS TOTAL WHERE UserTo='$justr' ORDER BY SentDate") or die ("<br><br>Can't execute $sql: " .mysql_error());[/code] This works (thanks to your help). When I run it through PHPMyAdmin is gives me the number 2. When I run $inboxcount = mysql_num_rows($get_mail); through PHP I get the number 1. Number 2 is correct. How can I get that number into a PHP string? Thanks by the way :)
  23. Hello, I have a database named "mail" which has 5 different fields. These are the fields: UserTo, UserFrom, Subject, Message, status, SentDate and mail_id. What I want to do is get the total number of rows that have status set to "unread" in them for a certain username. I would like to have a variable with a number so users know how many unread mails they have. Any help would be great. Thanks!
  24. Ah thanks. The reason was that the <br/> tags got added, as told to, but on opening the file it added new ones as the old ones were only being displayed. Difficult to explain. Your replies helped a lot though. Thank you jesirose and obsidian  ;D
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