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Everything posted by Adam

  1. You could still upload the file with PHP, but just not copy it from temporary memory? Obviously then you can take the file path info from the $_FILES array and store it in a database or, however you plan to store the data.
  2. Ahh! If you have a pretty large amount of emails in an array like in your original code, you could use: $mails[1] = "test1@teste.com"; $mails[2] = "test2@teste.com"; $mails[3] = "test3@teste.com"; $mails[4] = "test4@teste.com"; foreach ($mails as $email) { $mail->AddBCC($email); }
  3. What do you mean by this? If it's not working, what error are you getting? What is actually happening?
  4. Just spotted problem I think, change: while(list($subcat_id, $subcategory2)=mysql_fetch_array($subcategory2)){ To: while(list($subcat_id, $subcategory2)=mysql_fetch_array($result)){
  5. $result = mysql_db_query($dbname,"SELECT `subcat_id` FROM subcategory2 WHERE `subcat_id` != '$val2' AND subcat_id LIKE '$val%' ORDER BY `subcategory2` ") or die(mysql_error()); ... if no error is returned try printing out the SQL: print "SELECT `subcat_id` FROM subcategory2 WHERE `subcat_id` != '$val2' AND subcat_id LIKE '$val%' ORDER BY `subcategory2` ";
  6. $to = 'blabla@bla.com,another@who_ever.com'; $to = 'blabla@bla.com, another@who_ever.com'; Perhaps?
  7. I went to grab a coffee in between replying and didn't see your reply at first, but I was going with that there weren't spaces between the email address? I'm not sure how tight PHP is with this?
  8. What work have you done on it so far? This may be better suited in the freelance forum?
  9. Any time, just mark the topic as solved if all your issues have been... solved.
  10. There's probably a function to produce random decimals, but you could use: $damage = number_format(rand(1, 999), 2, '.'); .. not tested.
  11. EDIT: Redarrow's onto it!
  12. Looking at your mail function: mail("kalcotter1@yahoo.com", "Someone Registered at BuyWithoutDebt", $name, "From: BuyWithoutDebt"); It's probably safer in that respect to use an email for the "From:" header, and also add a reply-to email address (even if it's noreply@...) - this may stop the long ugly email address showing. Something like: mail("kalcotter1@yahoo.com", "Someone Registered at BuyWithoutDebt", $name, "From: BuyWithoutDebt@example.com\r\nReply-To: noreply@example.com\r\n");
  13. You may have some configuration forcing it not to work. Try: include './../footer.php';
  14. Add something like: if (empty($_REQUEST['name']) || empty($_REQUEST['email'])) { die('Enter name and email...'); } Before creating the $name var. .... or better yet: <?php print "Thank you $name for registering to win!"; if (empty($_REQUEST['name']) || empty($_REQUEST['email'])) { print 'Enter name and email...'; } else { $name = "Name: ".$_REQUEST['name']."\n" ."Email: ".$_REQUEST['email']."\n" ."Address: ".$_REQUEST['address']."\n" ."City: ".$_REQUEST['city']."\n" ."State: ".$_REQUEST['state']."\n" ."Zip: ".$_REQUEST['zip']."\n" ."How they heard about us: ".$_REQUEST['hear']; mail("kalcotter1@yahoo.com", "Someone Registered at BuyWithoutDebt", $name, "From: BuyWithoutDebt"); } ?>
  15. Nice one!
  16. Try this: $name = "Name: ".$_REQUEST['name']."\n" ."Email: ".$_REQUEST['email']."\n" ."Address: ".$_REQUEST['address']."\n" ."City: ".$_REQUEST['city']."\n" ."State: ".$_REQUEST['state']."\n" ."Zip: ".$_REQUEST['zip']."\n" ."How they heard about us: ".$_REQUEST['hear'];
  17. I can't see any reason why it wouldn't work, but you're going a round-about way of doing it. You could just put $cert straight into the in_array() function, removing the need for: $num = count($cert); for ($i=0; $i >= $num; $i++) { $id[] = $cert[$i]; }
  18. Perhaps show us the SQL, bit more code?
  19. $prep1 = mysql_query(" update contacts set phone = replace(phone, ' ', ''), phone = replace(phone, '-', ''), phone = replace(phone, '(', ''), phone = replace(phone, ')', '') ");
  20. I think there's a good opportunity for some humor, if it's done right, but I think it would be really hard to build up a user base with what Ken2k7 said. I'd suggest following everyone's advice with centering it, better color scheme and graphics etc, and also making the links more obvious and adding a rollover effect.
  21. Yeah, it's processed server side so it doesn't matter which browser they are using.
  22. Also take a look at the advertising services Facebook offers, and the range of departments they employ: http://www.facebook.com/advertising/ http://www.facebook.com/careers/ I'm assuming PHPFreaks just doesn't have anywhere near this at hand...
  23. Yeah after a quick look on Google, seems isset() can be a little undependable for certain situations.
  24. Redarrow means here: $sSql = ($_GET['type']) ? .... You can safely just use the above code, but I guess for coding standards it's better to use isset(): $sSql = (isset($_GET['type'])) ? .... I'm not really sure what the general opinion on this is?
  25. mysql_real_escape_string() is just preventing someone from injecting their own SQL - more about XSS. You'd pass the type var through the URL: http://craighooghiem.com/goodwills/final/inventory.php?order=type&ordertype=DESC&type=Cars (Or something) .. Then you retrieve the value in the PHP with $_GET['type'].
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