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Adam last won the day on October 20 2013

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About Adam

  • Birthday 07/24/1989

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    Sheffield / UK

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  1. Gulp runs in the node environment, so you can just use node's module loader to import the data within arrayfile, then export it as an array for your Gulp script to import. arrayfile.js: module.exports = { somefile: require('./somefile'), someotherfile: require('./someotherfile') }; gulpfile.js: var data = require('./arrayfile'); console.log(data.somefile); console.log(data.someotherfile); You could export an array from arrayfile.js (the name of which obviously doesn't make much sense when you export an object), however having named properties to access a different file's data feels a little more elegant, and is better for readability.
  2. This isn't valid syntax: CKEDITOR.instances."editor2"(...) You'll get an error thrown for an unexpected string there. Assuming editor2 is a property of instances, then you can just use this: CKEDITOR.instances.editor2(...)
  3. While I wouldn't agree that it looks totally different in every browser, I wouldn't say that I like the look of it. The colours don't work together, the images look bad quality, everything just seems unorganised. If you're hoping to get work from this website I would seriously invest a bit of time into learning a bit about design, or just go with something simple.
  4. Why over 3112? Strikes me as an odd number to limit it to.
  5. By "moved to another table" I presume you just mean normalised? It really depends on what kind of functionality you're going to provide. If it's just a basic send mail wrapper then you probably don't need to worry, given it will be sent in the CC header in exactly that format. If however you want to provide a more advanced address book, and/or provide some kind of filtering of sent mails, then I would probably normalise the data. Normalising the data complicates the code of course, so unless you have the need to do it I wouldn't bother -- KISS.
  6. After saving the data in the database, you need to retrieve the last inserted ID, and then redirect the user to another URL with that ID passed as some kind of parameter. This other URL will then run a script that fetches the information back from the database using the ID passed in the URL, and then display it in some kind of template. Individually they're all relatively simple things to do; just google them separately, and put the pieces together.
  7. Given the scale of the current crisis, I could be willing to help free of charge, but would need to know more about your charity and whether it's likely to do any good (no offence).
  8. Why would it? Just set the initial value to whatever is the latest record's ID.
  9. Generally the only difference is the encryption level, liability insurance and whether you get the full green bar. Seeing the green padlock is apparently important now to users, as they're made more aware of web insecurities, and of course Google now rank you higher for having an SSL cert. SSL should not be a worrying factor of speed these days. If someone is having issues then it's more than likely the server at fault, not a direct result of having an SSL certificate. Bottom line is definitely have an SSL cert if you're selling stuff, but realistically I wouldn't worry about paying out of the arse for anything advanced. Run of the mill will do until you enter the major bucks revenue wise.
  10. Adam

    Back online.

    I tried to connect to the IRC server But it said you need not bother Server is down, probably forever Heartbroken, I cried for an hour Half an hour later IRC is still down.
  11. Adam

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    Any news on IRC boys?
  12. Can't believe you registered just to post that. CodeIgniter sounds perfect for you.
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