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Everything posted by Heath

  1. I am sorry to keep bumping this but I still have not resolved this could I please receive any tips any one may be able to provide.
  2. can i get some help with this please?
  3. Hi, im trying to develop a social network submission code through a form... this is what I have so far but its not working correctly.... Form HTML. [code]<form action="submission.php" method="post"> Title: <input type="text" name="title"><br> URL: <input type="text" name = "name"><br><br> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> </form>[/code] And the php is... [code]<? function checkOK($field) { if (eregi("\r",$field) || eregi("\n",$field)){ die("Invalid Input!"); } } $title=$_POST['title']; checkOK($title); $url=$_POST['url']; checkOK($url); $to='<a href="http://myjeeves.ask.com/mysearch/BookmarkIt?v=1.2&t=webpages&title=<$title>&url=<$url>">Bookmark to AskJeeves!</a>'; echo "Thanks for your comments."; } else { echo "There was a problem sending the mail. Please check that you filled in the form correctly."; } ?>[/code] My goal is to have a bunch of box's to check to enable you to submit it to several different websites, it will submit the information typed in the form, and open up several browsers, submitting the form.... any type of check box, or drop down that allows multiple choices would work.... Any help with this please?
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