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Everything posted by breath18

  1. ok got it, i will see what i can do
  2. So you dont like how the puzzle highlights when you miss up ? i will look into the div, and see how it flows with the page Thanks for the input.
  3. no input ?
  4. I just finished Changing how the puzzles looks: take a look http://beta.daily-sudoku.org/fungame.php?level=1 For some reason it looks better in FF the IE, and when you open it just imagine that it opened in a pop up.
  5. Hey guys, if you dont mind looking at my new layout for Daily-Sudoku.org and letting me know what you all think, and what you think i should change. beta.daily-sudoku.org Thanks in advance. Breath
  6. Here is the new layout we are working on. It looks better in FF then IE but there is a news ticker that only works in IE at the moment. New: http://beta.daily-sudoku.org/newLayout/ Old : http://www.daily-sudoku.org Thanks for your input
  7. ok i will thanks....
  8. I have moved my site (Daily-Sudoku.org) to a new server, and would like some people around the world to please test it and see how fast it loads for you. Links: http://www.daily-sudoku.org/ http://www.daily-sudoku.org/sudoku/tournament.php?t_id=6 http://www.daily-sudoku.org/sudoku/monster.php?t_id=2 Please post your location, and about how fast it loaded. Thanks for the help. Breath
  9. im sorry but i dont understand what you mean, please give an example
  10. im having problems connecting to my smtp server ATM, but you can login with test/1234 or test2/1234 or test3/1234
  11. Hey guys, I have been working on now for a couple of weeks (at night) a new tournament for my Daily-Sudoku Site. The beta site is located at: http://beta.daily-sudoku.org/sudoku/monster.php?t_id=6 It’s dubbed Monster Tournament: They way it works basically is the more you play the better you can do in the tournament. Its kind of hard to explain how it all works if you have never seen the site but basically it is comprised of mini tournaments where your standing in each tournament is added up to give you a final score. What I need some help is with two things A: Over all look of the site, if there is anything you don’t like, please let me know, if there are things you like, please let me know. B: I need a couple of people to register and play a couple of games, give up on a couple, close the puzzle without pushing any of the buttons. What ever you can think of to break the system. (Remember it is still in beta so i might be playing with it ) Thanks for the help Breath
  12. that could work, tho i dont know if it would move on, it might still wait for the exec to finish, i dont believe it would but i do not know for 100% sorry i can not be of more help.
  13. so i follow, the user clicks on the link, the site then sets a cookie, but then does not read the cookie untill they refresh the page one More time ? Hopefully im on the right track, let me know
  14. if you use a exec command it will then run in a so called seperate thread. http://us2.php.net/function.exec thats what i would give a try, i BELIEVE this could help you out.
  15. thats good to know...... i will have to keep my eye open for this problem.
  16. what exaclty are you searching for ? are you trying to just make something like a vooting both ? or what. if you can post alittle more information, i might be able to help you out.
  17. i would use something like this: $query = mysql_query("Your Query"); while($info = mysql_fetch_array($query) { $info[colName]; } i like this method because it converts your result into an array which is very flexable.
  18. www.daily-sudoku.org Let me know what you guys think.. any advise would be highly appreciated Breath
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