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Everything posted by steviez

  1. Hi, On my site i need to delete multiple files at once, the files would be selected by a check box and then you would hit delete. How would i make php handle this? Steve
  2. Hi, does anyone know of a way to backup all of the files and folders in a dir with php? i need them to be "zipped" up and either put to a remote location via ftp or emailed. Any help would be great. Steve
  3. Hi, I am trying to make a new signup system for my site, there will be three signup steps to complete before you will be signedup. Ho do i make all the data from the parts available at the end step for them to be inserted in to the database? Any help would be great! Steve
  4. this is a javascript question...
  5. hi, open firefox and click on file->work offline and untick it See if that helps Steviez
  6. Shame cos i dont use any of that on my site, maybe its a bit too hard to do for me then
  7. Hi, I am making a download script for my site and i want to make it so that if someone is already downloading a file they cant download another until its finished, I can get the users ip in to my db when the download starts but ho could i get it to remove from the db when the download has finished? Any help would be great. Thanks
  8. Hi, Im not sure if this is the correct forum so please tell me if its not. I need to get my results to display in a horizontal row and have a max of 5 per row, Here is my code so far: {section name=cat_loop loop=$cats} {section name=subcat_loop loop=$cats[cat_loop].subcats} <div class='profile_headline{if !$smarty.section.subcat_loop.first}2{/if}'><b>{lang_print id=$cats[cat_loop].subcats[subcat_loop].subcat_title}</b></div> <table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'> {* LOOP THROUGH FIELDS IN TAB, ONLY SHOW FIELDS THAT HAVE BEEN FILLED IN *} {section name=field_loop loop=$cats[cat_loop].subcats[subcat_loop].fields} <tr> <td valign='top' style='padding-right: 10px;' nowrap='nowrap'> {lang_print id=$cats[cat_loop].subcats[subcat_loop].fields[field_loop].field_title}: </td> <td> <div class='profile_field_value' style="{$cats[cat_loop].subcats[subcat_loop].fields[field_loop].field_style}"> {$cats[cat_loop].subcats[subcat_loop].fields[field_loop].field_value_formatted} {if $cats[cat_loop].subcats[subcat_loop].fields[field_loop].field_special == 1 && $cats[cat_loop].subcats[subcat_loop].fields[field_loop].field_value|substr:0:4 != "0000"} ({lang_sprintf id=852 1=$datetime->age($cats[cat_loop].subcats[subcat_loop].fields[field_loop].field_value)}){/if} </div> </td> </tr> {/section} </table> {/if} {/section} {/section} Any help would be great!
  9. Hi, Im not sure if this is possable but if it is can someone please point me in the right direction. I am wanting to create my own error pages so that if a php error occurs then it shows my error page and error info and no the php generated one. Thanks
  10. their bandwidth is stored in the database and when they are over the set limit they cant use anymore until its reset.
  11. Would this do it? <?php $member = sql_row("SELECT * FROM members"); $resetTime = strtotime('-30 days'); $nowtime = time(); $lastReset = $member['bandwidth_last_reset']; if (($nowtime - $lastReset) > $resetTime) { echo $member['username']; } ?>
  12. Yes thats 100% correct. sorry for all the confusion
  13. As i say here i want to reset the bandwidth of each user after 30 days and everything else stays as is.
  14. no, i want to reset users bandwidth after say 30 days
  15. I am wanting to include the code in the overall header of the script
  16. im not using cron due to me not having access to it, i want to do it via php but im not sure how to make the code.
  17. Hi, I am making a new file hosting script for my site and need to reset my users bandwidth every 15-30 days. I store the last reset time in the database using php time() but im not sure how to make the code work to reset at the time i say. Any help would be great. Thanks
  18. Hi, I have created some pagination code for my script and need some help to iron out a bug. When there are no more results to show i want the next button to not show but no matter what i do it always shows enableing the user to navigate through blank pages. Here is my code: <?php // Limit Results On Page $max_results = 9; $total_results = @mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as Num FROM uploads WHERE album_id = '".$_GET['galleryID']."'"),0); $total_pages = ceil($total_results / $max_results); if(!isset($_GET['startrow']) or !is_numeric($_GET['startrow'])) { $startrow = 0; }else{ $startrow = (int)$_GET['startrow']; } if($total_results > $max_results) { $next_link = $site_url . '/albums.php?galleryID='.$_GET['galleryID'].'&startrow='.($startrow+$max_results).''; $next = "<a href=\"".$next_link."\" title=\"Next\" /><img src=\"".$site_url."/templates/css/images/next.gif\" alt=\"Next\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" style=\"border:none;\" /></a>"; } if($startrow !== 0) { $previous_link = $site_url . '/albums.php?galleryID='.$_GET['galleryID'].'&startrow='.($startrow-$max_results).''; $prev = "<a href=\"".$previous_link."\" title=\"Previous\" /><img src=\"".$site_url."/templates/css/images/previous.gif\" alt=\"Previous\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" style=\"border:none;\" /></a>"; } ?> Any help would be awsome
  19. Hi, I am trying to make a mime function thet wil return the correct file icon for the file, i am not 100% with php and as you can guess i cant get my function to work Here is what i have so far: <?php function mimeIcon($params, &$smarty) { $q = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM uploads WHERE id = '".$params['fileID']."' AND owner = '".clean($_SESSION['username'])."'"); $file = @mysql_fetch_array($q); $mime = $row['file_type']; function type($mime) { $icons = array ( 'default' => 'file.gif', // images 'jpg' => 'images.gif', 'jpeg' => 'images.gif', 'png' => 'png.gif', 'gif' => 'gif.gif', // media 'avi' => 'video.gif', 'wmv' => 'video.gif', 'mpeg' => 'video2.gif', 'mpg' => 'video2.gif', 'mov' => 'quicktime.gif', 'mp3' => 'mp3.gif', // Archives 'application/x-zip-compressed' => 'zip.gif', 'application/force-download' => 'zip.gif', 'application/x-rar' => 'zip.gif', // documents 'pdf' => 'acrobat.gif', 'ppt' => 'powerpoint.gif', 'txt' => 'text.gif', 'doc' => 'word.gif', 'xls' => 'excel.gif', ); return $icons[$extension]; } } ?> Any ideas?
  20. I did this but it wont work <?php function isInstalled() { $installed_server = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $from = "from"; $email = "install@mydomain.com"; $recipient = "me@me.com"; $mail_body = "New install at: ".$installed_server.""; $subject = "New Install"; $header = "From: ". $Name . " <" . $email . ">\r\n"; if($installed == false) { mail($from, $subject, $mail_body, $header); } return; } isInstalled(); ?>
  21. Hi, Is there a way i can track installs of my script, i want to track when a user buys the script and installes it returning the url installed etc. Thanks
  22. thanks for your help, ill look in to this.
  23. so there is no way to reset limits on a users account every 24hrs without cron?
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