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Everything posted by Stickybomb

  1. sorry just to be clear i am rerring to the symbol not the this -> i can find that be researching classes?
  2. the footer is being placed absolutely at the bottom of the window no matter what the size of the window using the bottom:0 attribute. i figured it out though thanks anyways.
  3. I have been using php for a while now and as always am looking to delv more deepily into the language. Recently i have been looking into making some modifications to the phpbb forums software. However i ran into some code i have not seen before or rather used. Normaly i would just do a search but i am clueless to what i should search for. Basically they are using something like the following... this-> It appears to be passing something or storing something, but like i said not really sure what to look up information on. So if anyone could please point me in the right direction I would appriciate it. Thanks Sticky,
  4. i have a site with a bottom aligned footer, it shows up fine in moz but in IE6 the footer is about 200px from the bottom for some reason. CSS: #footer-home { position:absolute; width:100%; bottom:0px; padding:5px; height:15px; background-color: #F78E4C; color: #FFFFFF; text-align:center; font-size: 12px; font-family: Optima, Times, Courier; font-weight: bold; } does anyone know what i am doing wrong if anything?
  5. are you looking for help making the login system itself or just doing the redirect?
  6. i just compared it to a login system of my own and the only difference was in the if statement it self maybe its not returning a value from the database try this if(mysql_num_rows($query)==1){ while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)){ $_SESSION['username'] = $_POST['username']; $_SESSION['userid'] = $row['id']; $_SESSION['controller'] = TRUE; header("Location: client.php"); } }else { echo "Not Logged In Correctly"; }
  7. this is the entire code //calendar write function //$vResults = the results from the events query //$vMonth = month to print //$vYear = year to print //creates th calendar then returns the code function fWriteCalendar($vResults,$vMonth,$vYear){ $vCalendar=array(); // Get key day informations. // We need the first and last day of the month and the actual day $today = getdate(); $temp1 = getdate(mktime(0,0,0,$vMonth,1,$vYear)); $temp2 = getdate(mktime(0,0,0,$vMonth+1,0,$vYear)); $temp3 = getdate(mktime(0,0,0,$vMonth,1,$vYear)); $introoffset = $temp1['wday']; $closeoffset = $temp2['wday']; $days=$temp2['mday']; $month=$temp3['month']; $actday = 1; //get event data $vEvent = array(); $vD = array(); $vM = array(); $vY = array(); $vId = array(); $vTitle = array(); $i=0; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($vResults)){ $vD[$i]=$row['event_day']; $vM[$i]=$row['event_month']; $vY[$i]=$row['event_year']; $vId[$i]=$row['event_id']; $vTitle[$i]=$row['event_title']; $i++; } $y=1; for($i=1;$i<=$days['mday'];$i++){ $vEvent[$i] = '<ul>'; for($x=0;$x<sizeof($vD);$x++){ if($vY[$x]==$vYear && $vM[$x]==$vMonth && $vD[$x]==$i){ $vEvent[$i].='<li>'; $vEvent[$i].='<a href="" onclick="event-'.$y.'.style.visibility=\'visible\';">'; $vEvent[$i].=$vTitle[$x]; $vEvent[$i].='</a>'; $vEvent[$i].='</li>'; $y++; } } $vEvent[$i] .= '</ul>'; } // Set begining information $vCalendar[0] = '<div id="calendar-main">'; $vCalendar[1] = ''; $vCalendar[2] = '<div id="calendar-header">'; $vCalendar[2] .= ' Calender of Events for '; $vCalendar[2] .= $month; $vCalendar[2] .= '-'; $vCalendar[2] .= $vYear; $vCalendar[2] .= '</div>'; $vCalendar[3] = ''; $vCalendar[4] = '<div id="calendar-week">Sunday</div>'; $vCalendar[5] = '<div id="calendar-week">Monday</div>'; $vCalendar[6] = '<div id="calendar-week">Tuesday</div>'; $vCalendar[7] = '<div id="calendar-week">Wednesday</div>'; $vCalendar[8] = '<div id="calendar-week">Thursday</div>'; $vCalendar[9] = '<div id="calendar-week">Friday</div>'; $vCalendar[10] = '<div id="calendar-week">Saturday</div>'; $vCalendar[11] = '<div id="clear"></div>'; $vCalendar[12] = ''; $x=13; //Display First week // Display the intro blanks for($i=0;$i<$introoffset;$i++){ $vCalendar[$x] = '<div id="calendar-blank-day"></div>'; $x++; } // Display the first week for($i=$introoffset;$i<7;$i++){ if($actday==$today['mday']){ $vCalendar[$x] = '<div id="calendar-day-current"> <div id="day">'.$actday.'</div> <div id="events">'.$vEvent[$actday].'</div> </div>'; }else{ $vCalendar[$x] = '<div id="calendar-day"> <div id="day">'.$actday.'</div> <div id="events">'.$vEvent[$actday].'</div> </div>'; } $actday++; $x++; } $vCalendar[$x] = '<div id="clear"></div>'; $x++; //Display full weeks //Get how many complete weeks are in the actual month $fullWeeks = floor(($days-$actday)/7); for ($i=0;$i<$fullWeeks;$i++){ //Display full week for ($j=0;$j<7;$j++){ if($actday==$today['mday']){ $vCalendar[$x] = '<div id="calendar-day-current"> <div id="day">'.$actday.'</div> <div id="events">'.$vEvent[$actday].'</div> </div>'; }else{ $vCalendar[$x] = '<div id="calendar-day"> <div id="day">'.$actday.'</div> <div id="events">'.$vEvent[$actday].'</div> </div>'; } $actday++; $x++; } $vCalendar[$x] = '<div id="clear"></div>'; $x++; } //Display Last Week //Now display the rest of the month while ($actday <= $days){ if($actday==$today['mday']){ $vCalendar[$x] = '<div id="calendar-day-current"> <div id="day">'.$actday.'</div> <div id="events">'.$vEvent[$actday].'</div> </div>'; }else{ $vCalendar[$x] = '<div id="calendar-day"> <div id="day">'.$actday.'</div> <div id="events">'.$vEvent[$actday].'</div> </div>'; } $actday++; $x++; } for ($i=($closeoffset+1);$i<7;$i++){ $vCalendar[$x] = '<div id="calendar-blank-day"></div>'; $x++; } $vCalendar[$x] = '<div id="clear"></div>'; $x++; $vCalendar[$x] = '</div>'; //Write Calendar for($i=0;$i<sizeof($vCalendar);$i++){ echo $vCalendar[$i]."\n"; } } i am geting the errors on the lines with this code Notice: Undefined offset: 1 happens for the whole array 1-30 <div id="events">'.$vEvent[$actday].'</div>
  8. the error is when i am trying to read the value stored in the array basically i just use a for loop to go through each day of the month and pass the array value for that day to a variable to be echoed like this $vCalendar = $vEvent[$i] it is giving me an undefined offset:1,2,3... error for each value of $i 1-30 or however many days in that month
  9. ok i am working on a simple event system, bsically i pass the information from the database to an array for a given month then use the array to wirte the events. for some reason though i am getting index undefined for each day heres the code i am using to create the array $vEvent = array(); $vD = array(); $vM = array(); $vY = array(); $vId = array(); $vTitle = array(); $i=0; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($vResults)){ $vD[$i]=$row['event_day']; $vM[$i]=$row['event_month']; $vY[$i]=$row['event_year']; $vId[$i]=$row['event_id']; $vTitle[$i]=$row['event_title']; $i++; } $y=1; for($i=1;$i<=$days['mday'];$i++){ $vEvent[$i] = '<ul>'; for($x=0;$x<sizeof($vD);$x++){ if($vY[$x]==$vYear && $vM[$x]==$vMonth && $vD[$x]==$i){ $vEvent[$i].='<li>'; $vEvent[$i].='<a href="" onclick="event-'.$y.'.style.visibility=\'visible\';">'; $vEvent[$i].=$vTitle[$x]; $vEvent[$i].='</a>'; $vEvent[$i].='</li>'; $y++; } } $vEvent[$i] .= '</ul>'; } i can not seem to figure this one out any help is greatly appriciated thnks sticky
  10. reply sorry i am having 2 issues 1. the header does not fully expand all the way across the screen for some reason the widow is always scrollable and when you scroll to the left you see that the header does not reach the other side. 2. I need the footer to be placed at the bottom of the content no matter how much content there is i provided some images to illistrate whats happening whats happening what i need i have search all over and tried alomst everything. i even gave up and tried tables and this is the funny part it still did not expand the header all the way even with tables! any help is appriciated
  11. i am confused what is it you are trying to do exactly? is this a phostshop file you sliced and exported and want to make it functional? if is it layered. From the looks of the source code you have way to many divs for what you really need header content top-overhaning-image text bottom-overhanging-image footer this is all the divs you should need from what i can see. Sorry if this does not help but try providing alot mre detailed information about what you are trying to accomplish.
  12. ok i am horrible with css layouts i guess because i am trying to create a simple 3 row layout header,content,footer. Where the content is 797px wide and the height is auto, and the head and footer are 100% in width and 25px in height. I have the content wrapped in a container that is 100% wide and auto in height. If anyone could assist me i would appriciate it. here is the basic layout //CSS #top { position:relative; width:100%; height:25px; background-color: #F78E4C; } #container { position:relative; width:100%; height:auto; background-color: #F8E39D; } #content { position:relative; width:797px; height:auto; margin:0px auto; } #footer { position:relative; width:100%; height:15px; background-color: #F78E4C; padding:5px; z-index:3; color: #FFFFFF; text-align:center; font-size: 12px; font-family: Optima, Times, Courier; font-weight: bold; line-height: 15px; } //HTML <div id="top"></div> <div id="container"> <div id="content"> </div> </div> <div id="footer">
  13. i didn't mean for you to use istocks i meant look through it and combine it with what you already have. basically you just need to put the image in a div with auto height and width and let the image size affect the size of the div then give it a white background and a solid border to match the back image and your set. if you create the html for this and then plug it into the script from istock you should achieve your desired effect.
  14. does your server have php capabilities if so then i would suggest writing it in php, alot easier to pass variables back and forth between pages. As far as i know and i am no expert the ony way to do this is with server side scripting such as php.
  15. i am working on a script to make a div move around on the sceen when you mouse over an image for some reason i cant get it to work i think i have a DOM issue but not sure here is the code i am using. onmouseover="document.families-head.style.top='500px'; i have a similar out call that moves the div back. both of which are being from an image. if anyone could assist me with this it would help alot thks!
  16. I am attempting to write a script that when you mouse over an image, a div containing the title of it or what not will slide out from the top of the image. my problem is that i have not had much luck with delays and timers, and can not seem to find any descent tutorials to my liking. here is what i have so far //css// <style> #img1_ { position:absolute; left:797px; top:250px; width:115px; height:112px; z-index:3; } #img1-head { position:absolute; left:800px; top:260px;/*210px*/ width:100px; z-index:2; color: #FE5F10; text-align:center; font-size: 14px; font-family: Optima, Times, Courier; font-weight: bold; line-height: 15px; } #img2_ { position:absolute; left:620px; top:539px; width:112px; height:152px; z-index:3; } #img2-head { position:absolute; left:625px; top:550px;/*500px*/ width:100px; z-index:2; color: #FE5F10; text-align:center; font-size: 14px; font-family: Optima, Times, Courier; font-weight: bold; line-height: 15px; } #img3_ { position:absolute; left:451px; top:587px; width:112px; height:152px; z-index:3; } #img3-head { position:absolute; left:460px; top:600px;/*550px*/ width:100px; z-index:2; color: #FE5F10; text-align:center; font-size: 14px; font-family: Optima, Times, Courier; font-weight: bold; line-height: 15px; } #img4_ { position:absolute; left:284px; top:625px; width:112px; height:152px; z-index:3; } #img4-head { position:absolute; left:290px; top:635px;/*585px*/ width:100px; z-index:2; color: #FE5F10; text-align:center; font-size: 14px; font-family: Optima, Times, Courier; font-weight: bold; line-height: 15px; } #img5_ { position:absolute; left:111px; top:648px; width:113px; height:153px; z-index:3; } #img5-head { position:absolute; left:116px; top:650px;/*600px*/ width:100px; z-index:2; color: #FE5F10; text-align:center; font-size: 14px; font-family: Optima, Times, Courier; font-weight: bold; line-height: 15px; } #img6_ { position:absolute; left:785px; top:402px; width:122px; height:122px; z-index:3; } #img6-head { position:absolute; left:795px; top:480px;/*530px*/ width:100px; z-index:2; color: #FE5F10; text-align:center; font-size: 14px; font-family: Optima, Times, Courier; font-weight: bold; line-height: 15px; } </style> //javascrpt// <script> function delay(millis) { var date = new Date(); var curDate = null; do { curDate = new Date(); } while(curDate-date < millis); } function animate(startTimer,moveTimer,moveSpeed){ delay(startTimer); for(var i = 0; i= move; i++){ delay(moveTimer); title = title + moveSpeed; } } function TitleShow(get){ var id = get + '-head'; var title = document.getElementById(id).style.top; var move = 50; var inc = 2; var timer = 50; var delay = 5; animate(timer.delay,inc); } function TitleHide(get){ var id = get + '-head'; var title = document.getElementById(id).style.top; var move = 50; var inc = -2; var timer = 50; var delay = 5; animate(timer.delay,inc); } </script> //title div// <div id="img1-head">image 1</div> <div id="img2-head">image 2</div> <div id="img3-head">image 3</div> <div id="img4-head">image 4</div> <div id="img5-head">image 5</div> <div id="img6-head">image 6</div> //image divs// <div id="img1_"> <img id="img1" src="images/1.png" width="115" height="112" alt="" onmouseover="TitleShow(this)" onmouseout="TitleHide(this)" /> </div> <div id="img2_"> <img id="img2" src="images/2.png" width="122" height="122" alt="" onmouseover="TitleHide(this)" onmouseout="TitleShow(this)" /> </div> <div id="img3_"> <img id="img3" src="images/3.gif" width="112" height="152" alt="" onmouseover="TitleShow(this)" onmouseout="TitleHide(this)" /> </div> <div id="img4_"> <img id="img4" src="images/4.gif" width="112" height="152" alt="" onmouseover="TitleShow(this)" onmouseout="TitleHide(this)" /> </div> <div id="img5_"> <img id="img5" src="images/5.gif" width="112" height="152" alt="" onmouseover="TitleShow(this)" onmouseout="TitleHide(this)" /> </div> <div id="img6_"> <img id="img6" src="images/6.gif" width="113" height="153" alt="" onmouseover="TitleShow(this)" onmouseout="TitleHide(this)" /> </div> any help with this would be greatly appriciated Thanks -Sticky-
  17. i have no desire to drudge through all of there code at this time but they are using a modified version of a free script to attach an image to your cusor. /* Simple Image Trail script- By JavaScriptKit.com Visit http://www.javascriptkit.com for this script and more This notice must stay intact */ http://www.istockphoto.com/js/filesearchhover.js you can mess with this file to obtain the same eefect. hope this helps
  18. wow that helps me out alot, basically you can set a complete different set of stylesheets for each set of browsers using all of that. Thats exactly what i have been looking for... THKS Toon
  19. he i have a page that lines up and works perfect in all browsers accept IE, it offsets everything differently or something, i heard some say that it had something to do with borders or what not and that there was a hack or something to make E play well with others so to speak. basically i am offsetting some divs -20 to the left and this lines everything up fine accept in IE if anyone could help fix this or point me in the direction of where a good reference on the difference between the browsers I would greatly be appriciated Thks;)
  20. ok i have a liquid/fixed layout with header,footer and 2 columns. i am wanting to center a div inside of the right column, with no luck so far. This is the basic layout that i have. //CSS body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } #header { height: 100px; background-color: #000; } #nav { float: left; width: 180px; height: auto; background-color: #666; } #content { margin-left: 10px; margin-top: 10px; height: auto; background-color: #fff; } #footer { clear: both; height: 30px; background-color: #000; } //html <div id="header"></div> <div id="nav"></div> <div id="content"> <div id="box"> </div> <div id="footer"></div> any help would greatly be appriciated! thanks
  21. not sure i under stand what you are asking, you want to display one layer directyl over another layer? if so try changing the z-index of the layers and position them over top of one another exp: //style #layer 1{position:relative;z-index:1;width:100px;height:100px;} #layer 2{position:relative;z-index:2;width:100px;height:100px;top:-100px;} //html <div id="layer 1"></div> <div id="layer 2"></div> try that, if this is not what you are trying to do then sorry;)
  22. im not tesing my script in internet explorer im on a mac using firefox and safari, i just thought this was rather wierd since it works fine on ie and the only problem is with the sub menu but thanks anyway
  23. how does css prevent links form functioning? here is the source code <ul id="nav_Main"> <li><a href="/link1.php">link1</a> <li><a href="/link2.php">link2</a> <li><a href="/section3/link3.php" class="current">link3</a> <li class="sub"><a href="/section3/sub1.php">sub1</a> <li class="sub"><a href="/section3/sub2.php">sub2</a> <li class="sub"><a href="/section3/sub3.php">sub3</a> <li><a href="/link4">link4</a> <li><a href="home.php" target="_blank">home</a> </ul> i cant see any reason y the sub links would not be links according to this, but when i try to click them its as if they were text and as for the css these are the classes referenced #nav_Main { text-align: right; padding-top: 13px; z-index: 5; width: 175px; float: left } #nav_Main li { list-style-type: none; padding-bottom: 3px } #nav_Main a {text-decoration: none;} #nav_Main li.sub { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 2px } #nav_Main li.sub a {color:#000; font-size: 8pt;} a.current {font-weight: bold; color: #000}
  24. hi, i am having a problem with a very simple php nav is causeing roblems when viewed on a mac browser. here is the code for the nav <?php //Section is declared on php page that calls this file ?> <!--MAIN NAVIGATION--> <ul id="nav_Main"> <li><a href="/link1.php"<?php if ($section == "1") echo " class=\"current\"";?>>link1</a> <li><a href="/link2.php"<?php if ($section == "2") echo " class=\"current\"";?>>link2</a> <li><a href="/section3/link3.php"<?php if ($section == "3") echo " class=\"current\"";?>>link3</a> <?php if ($section == "3") { ?> <li class="sub"><a href="/section3/sub1.php">sub1</a> <li class="sub"><a href="/section3/sub2.php">sub2</a> <li class="sub"><a href="/section3/sub3.php">sub3</a> <?php } ?> <li><a href="/link4.php"<?php if ($section == "4") echo " class=\"current\"";?>>link4</a> <li><a href="home.php" target="_blank">home</a> </ul> ?> then i just declare a simple variable at the top of each page for the section that it is in. The problem is that for some reason when i go to one of he sub pages all of the links below the page that i am on do not function. that is to say that i can click and nothing happens, they do not even register as links. if anyone can help me with this it would be great. thks- -stickybomb-
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