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  1. I see, apologies for the conciseness. The exact XML output from my distributors will look like this: <?xml version="1.0" ?> - <!-- Target Components Ltd Product Information --> - <product> <result>OK</result> <responsedatetime>30/04/2008 14:21:39</responsedatetime> <stockcode>CATAR-56031</stockcode> <description>S-809 4BAY 255W MAX BLACK/SILVER USB/AUD</description> <extendeddescription><b>Key Features:</b> <li>Chassis Form Factor: ATX Mid Tower</li> <li>Power Supply Form Factor: ATX</li> <li>Bezel Colors: Black with Silver Frame</li> <li>Bezel ID Available status: Mass Production Now</li> <li>Slide Door: None</li> <li>Air Duct without Filter: Air Duct without Filter</li> <li>5.25: 4</li> <li>3.5: 2</li> <li>Internal 3.5: 4</li> <li>USB + Audio + MIC: USB 2.0 x 2, Audio + Mic</li> <b>Specifications:</b> <li>Slots: 7</li> <li>Reset-Button Front Panel: Yes</li> <li>Fan: 80mm / Sleeve</li> <li>Case Dimension mm: 440*185*420</li> <li>Carton Dimension mm: 495*230*460</li> <li>Power Supply Model: PSN-255PP 355PP </li> <li>20+4 PIN: Yes</li> <li>115/230 SWITCH: Yes</li> <li>Safety / CE Certification: No</li></extendeddescription> <overview><ul><li>Form Factor: ATX</li><li>Colour: Black & Silver</li><li>Front I/O: USB,Audio</li><li>PSU: 255W</li><li>Power Cord: No</li></ul></overview> <imageurl></imageurl> <weight>4.3</weight> <stock>1197</stock> <delivery>24</delivery> <price>999.99</price> <price5off>999.99</price5off> <price20off>999.99</price20off> </product> So ideally I would parse that code, and whilst doing so host the product image locally on my own servers. As for the rest of it, just populate those fields in my database? Admittedly I'm a bit out of my depth here, regardless, I need to get this done! I'm using cubecart software sadly, not a custom codded jobby (that's definitely out of my depth!). But aside from the table names I can't see how that would make much difference? I have had a look around for existing solutions but have been unsucsessful, so thought I'd give it a bash on my own, or hopefully with a little help.
  2. Basically I have a XML data source (to be speicifc it's product listings). I need something to read that XML data and place everything in tags into MySQL tables. Example: <product>Jar of sweeties</product> is is in an XML feed, PHP reads that XML and takes the contents of <product> and places it in the product_listing table under "Description". Php seems the best option, then I can just set it as a daily cron job. Is there a template script I can get for this? Any help massively appreciated.
  3. Thanks for your comments guys. The current tutorials in there are just given the turkleton url, which is why they re-direct you to the home page. I do plan on having the review and scripting sections in the colours they represent, and almost have that functioning. Will try and clean up the login box.
  4. Hey all, I've pretty much completed the design on my website and was looking for feedback, I'm going for a professional yet memorable look. Please let me know what you think, and if you think there is anything I can improve on. [url=http://www.turkleton.com]www.turkleton.com[/url]
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