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ABo YaSSeR 4 EvER's Achievements


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  1. hello, I had a table which contains text in the type of (latin1-swedish-ci), and I want to change this type to UTF-8 Unicode. How can I do this within the PHP script? I tried to create new TABLE and insert values in the OLD table to the new one? but it is failed! I'm using MySQL DB, PHP Please help me!
  2. Hello, When I read MING objects and its features, I had some questions... When using Bitmap, Only JPG pictures can be loaded to this obj., and my question is if the JPG size is too large, is this possible or not? since I loaded too large pic (500 KB), in Win platform, so the APACHE stopped and parse an error. Second, can I load SWF file (file.swf) and add some motions to it? Thanks for your future answers It is Important please.
  3. That is all I need. I need u to give me book or article or so on that speak about SSL. I'm developing website, it has CC Payment. so I want to know if I should use SSL, And I got the answer from u. Now How to use it, I dont need CODEs or Scipts, Just I want u to put me on the way to expert SSL. Sorry because I disscussed this article here. My reply was: -------------- When I see SSL Plans in GoDaddy.com, I had some ??? see (Compare Certificates), .... I wnat to protect my website, it uses CC and sensetive informations. so WHO AM I? (Turbo SSL, High-Assurance, Extended Validation) ??????????? and why godaddy cheaper than the others like (VeriSign, ....)
  4. Thank u alot. everyone as I understood, some informations such as Credit Card number may be Known by somebody? right? Who is this (somebody) ? I mean how can a (somebody) see this information, I expect he must be ISP? or not ? However, Assuming that I Used SSL from (VeriSign), on my server. How can I use it? just use https:// insted of http:// ??? or I have to use OpenSSL PHP Functions ??? Is there any body using SSL in his website? to tell me How ??
  5. Hi, How can I use SSL in with PHP ? Why It's important to use SSL? and When ? What is SSL Certifications? ??? ??? ???
  6. Hi, Nowadays, I'm developing a website. You can in this site buy a (product), But HOW? You can buy (Recharge cards) which have different types (100unit, 200, 500, ....) Here is my problem. 1. When and Why and How can i use SSL? 2. My cards have (secret code), What shall i do? store all my cards SECRET codes in a Database? or use algorithm by crypts functions used in PHP, which has tow sides? by super secret key? and have a nice day. bye.
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