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  1. how can i convert a string ascii value array if string is "my name" i want a array = {109,121,32,.....}
  2. i need one for array indexing like in C.
  3. is there any thing like char data type in php as in C.
  4. i posted the full problem again under name problem with a static array __ plz check this out
  5. <?php class foo { public static $arr = array(0 => 1,2,2,3,4); public function foo() { } public function test() { echo "X".$arr[3]."X"; } } ?> <?php $f = new foo(); $f->test(); ?> it should print "X2X" but it prints "XX" i can't understand whats the problem here??? plz help
  6. suppose i have the code:: class foo { public static $arr = array(0 => 1,2,2,3,4); }
  7. the 3rd line is: $system = new Java('java.lang.System'); and i am running the server on my own laptop so there is no one here to block anything
  8. i am trying to integrate java and php so that i can call java functions from php. i googled it and found out avout javabridge i am using php/5.2.0 and Apache/2.0.59 & windows XP SP2 but i can't configure phpbridge to work correctly getting the error <<Fatal error: Class 'Java' not found in E:\wamp\www\hello.php on line 3>> help is urgently needed...... ???
  9. how can i fax from web i want to send fax from a website....
  10. actually the site asked me to arrange something so that its counter (unique ip) is increamented.....
  11. the website is not mine. i have to enter data to increament its hit counter...users with unique email address and ip address.....
  12. this the code for a webpage ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// <HTML>  <HEAD>   <TITLE>Plz Help</TITLE> </head> <BODY bgcolor="ffffff" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"> <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="send.php" name="form_act" onSubmit="return check_email(this);" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <INPUT type = "hidden" name = "typ_act_e" value="e_mail"> <INPUT type = "hidden" name = "typ_act_f" value="csv_file"> <INPUT type = "hidden" name = "redirect_url" value="http://www.somesite.com/somepagehtml"> <INPUT type = "hidden" name = "direct_file" value="Beta_Test_Signup"> <INPUT type = "hidden" name = "direct_email" value="someone@somesite.com"> <INPUT type = "hidden" name = "subject" value="Registration from someOne"> <INPUT type = "hidden" name = "ip" value=""> <table width=100% cellpadding=8 cellspacing=0 border=0 bgcolor=eeeeee><tr><td valign=top><BR> <table width=300 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 border=0><tr><td valign=top> <font size=2>Full Name*</td><td><INPUT type="text" style='width:170' name="text0" id="text0"></td></tr><tr><td> <font size=2>Email*</td><td><INPUT type="text"  style='width:170'  name="s_email0" id="s_email0"></td></tr><tr><td> <font size=2>Country*</td><td><INPUT type="text" style='width:170'  name="text1" id="text1"></td></tr><tr><td> <font size=2>Occupation*</td><td><INPUT type="text" style='width:170'  name="text2" id="text2"></td></tr><tr><td> <font size=2>Main Interest*</td><td><select size="1" name="interest" id="interest"> <option value="Arts">Please Select ></option> <option value="Arts">Arts</option> <option value="Film Making">Film Making</option> <option value="Animation">Animation</option> <option value="Movies">Movies</option> <option value="Music">Music</option> <option value="Videos">Videos</option> <option value="Writing">Writing</option> <option value="Photography">Photography</option> <option value="Cartoons">Cartoons</option> <option value="Cinematography">Cinematography</option> <option value="Directing">Directing</option> <option value="Photography">3D</option> <option value="Photography">Photography</option> <option value="Networking">Networking</option> <option value="Other">Other</option></select></td></tr><tr><td> <font size=2>Do you use:*</td><td><select size="1" name="use" id="use"> <option value="Yahoo360">Yahoo360</option> <option value="YouTube">YouTube</option> <option value="MySpace">MySpace</option> <option value="Bebo">Bebo</option> <option value="Orkut">Orkut</option> <option value="Friend Finder">Friend Finder</option> <option value="Facebook">Facebook</option> <option value="Other">Other</option> <option value="Other">None</option></select></td></tr><tr><td> <font size=2>Your Comments</td><td><TEXTAREA name="comments" id="comments" COLS=22 ROWS=2></textarea> </td></tr></table> <BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><center> <INPUT class=button1 type ="submit" name = "action" value = "Send Registration" onClick="exit=false"><BR><BR> <INPUT type= "hidden" name = "requ" id = "requ" value = "|,|Name||text0|,|Email Address||s_email0|,|Country||text1|,|Occupation||text2|,|Main Interest||interest"> <INPUT type= "hidden" name="all_name" id="all_name" value = "Name|!|text0|*|Email Address|!|s_email0|*|Country|!|text1|*|Occupation|!|text2|*|Main Interest|!|interest|*|Uses|!|use|*|Comments or Points|!|comments|*|IP Address|!|ip|*|"> <INPUT type="hidden" name="senders_subject" value ="BETA TESTING PROGRAM"> <INPUT type="hidden" name="senders_text" value=" *  * Thank you for your registration. We will be in contact soon to give you more information about the progress and launch of the project, which is visible at *">             </FORM> </body> </html> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// what i need to do is to enter a massive amount of data in this site from a comma delimeted file. now i have entered about 100 data. but its taking too  long. so i need to some how automate it. so that the program reads data from a file and send them to the website...... plz help..... very very urgent as i have a very short left to finish my work.....
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