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  1. I am quite new in making web sites. I have one question: How to implement, I mena how to insert codes if I have two onload functions? For example, I have this code: onload="preloadImages();" and this one: onload="MyJSScrollerHandler.initByClassName('scrollable');" How to insert both codes, that both of them works in same page? thanks
  2. I do not know why, but from my home computer I can see this error, but from my work computer, there is no error. Also In opera this erro is not there, but in Explorer and Firefor, that eror appears. Can you look if you see this error on www.um-design.com ? If you do no see it, than this error doesn't metter. Please notify me if you see it... ???
  3. I received this error today: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/www/web900/html/index.php:2) in /home/www/web900/html/mainfile.php on line 182 In mainfile.php, 182 line is this: setcookie("lang",$language,time()+31536000); This is code from line 170 to line 200: setcookie("lang",$newlang,time()+31536000); include("language/lang-".$newlang.".php"); $currentlang = $newlang; } else { setcookie("lang",$language,time()+31536000); include("language/lang-".$language.".php"); $currentlang = $language; } } elseif (isset($lang)) { include("language/lang-".$lang.".php"); $currentlang = $lang; } else { setcookie("lang",$language,time()+31536000); include("language/lang-".$language.".php"); $currentlang = $language; } } function get_lang($module) { global $currentlang, $language; if (file_exists("modules/$module/language/lang-".$currentlang.".php")) { if ($module == admin) { include_once("admin/language/lang-".$currentlang.".php"); } else { include_once("modules/$module/language/lang-".$currentlang.".php"); } } else { if ($module == admin) { include_once("admin/language/lang-".$currentlang.".php"); } else { include_once("modules/$module/language/lang-".$language.".php"); Also, I can forget to tell you this: In Opera I cant se this waning, but in Explorer and Firefox error is always on top of the screen. I have insert adsense, and everything seems to be OK, except this error. Can you tell me what to do, please? Thank you!
  4. I have this code: <A HREF="free.php" ONMOUSEOVER="window.status='Free'; changeImages('Free', 'images/butt_free_over.gif'); return true;" ONMOUSEOUT="window.status=''; changeImages('Free', 'images/butt_free_out.gif'); return true;"> <IMG NAME="Free" SRC="images/butt_free.jpg" WIDTH=76 HEIGHT=20 BORDER=0 ALT="Free"></A> (there is few other codes inside this site, you know that) Picture is changed on mouse over, but in this same picture. I know how to do that picture is changed on mous over and mouse out, but I dont know what and where to insert when you are on one picture and picture is changed on other side of the site... ???
  5. Thank you both. AndyB, this was the thing I have search - THANK YOU A LOT!!!
  6. Can you please give me some small example of it?
  7. Well,, I am new here... Is it to much for asking someone to show me example how to do this? What to insert in line where it has to bi mouse over function and what to insert in table where other picture will be shown. Thanks
  8. ups... I'm sorry. Anyway, how to do this? thanks in advance...
  9. I would like to do this in .php: when i go with mouse over one picture, I would like that in specific table on the other side of screen appears other picture. example: --- I....I I....I --- This is picture 1 --------- I............I I............I I............I I............I I............I --------- This is table where it has to appear other picture when you go vith mouse over picture 1 I would like that in this table appear totaly different picture. Thanks
  10. I have insert iFrame, but inside I cant see google results. I dont know why. When I insert some other site inside, everything is OK, but when I insert what I would like to have inside iFrame, it doesnt work. I guess that maybe google code has something to do with that?
  11. I would like to do something like here: http://www.mdom.hr/ponuda.htm choose something (in orange menu) and you'll see that existid site will open inside this. maybe like this you will better understand.
  12. can you explain to me a little wider please? Maybe to post some small code? thanks!
  13. Well, I am not such expert to do that by my self...
  14. Hello, can someone please help me. I would like to insert google reults inside my site, but after the results is shown to my site, my site just expands. Can you please look at here: www.piranhastudio.com/search/ can you please inset some word into search and press search, afte that you will see how result are shown. I would like that result are shown in table with (for example) 570x400pix, so if search results are more than 400pix than to see other result you must scroll inside this 570x400pix. Hope you did understand me, if you didn't then go to reply of this topic and inside board where you type answer, insert 20 rows of some text, you will see that after 12 rows, text "dissapear". it goes under board, so if you would like to see this disapeard text, you must scroll it back. Something like that I need, but without possibility to insert text, I just need to show search results.
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