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Everything posted by LegosJedi

  1. Okay, so, I'm trying to make a table that's styled like Mac OS X's tables and has the alternating backgrounds. Here's the thing. I currently have the alternating backgrounds set to be a background image, and I've put no rows in the <tbody>, so there's no height. Is there a way I can set the height of the <tbody> in CSS without actually have any rows in it?
  2. Okay, so I have a BBCode parser. Currently, if a user posts something like 'javascript:alert('hacked!')' in the url of a url BBCode, when you click on it, it will execute the javascript. I want to have a way to check to see if javascript is found in the url of the url BBCode, and then take them out. Then, you can also hack it by closing off the url tag with a quote, and adding other attributes, like javascript event handlers. I want to be able to take those out, too.
  3. Yeah, but I want to actually remove the handlers, not the code inside them.
  4. No, I mean the javascript events, not the script tags. I mean things like onmouseover="function()". That stuff.
  5. Hey, I'm working with BBCodes, and I'm trying to figure out how to remove Javascript event handlers from BBCodes who have arguments, as in the url BBCode. I know this can be done with Regular Expressions, but I can't find anything on removing the events. There's alot on just taking away the script tags, but no events.
  6. Ugh, I am such an idiot! I loaded the variables into the template array first, and then run the stripslashes function on the variable that was loaded into the array, not the variable in the array. It'll work now.
  7. See, that's the problem. I do perform the slashes function to remove the slashes, but it acts like I haven't performed the function, and displays it with slashes.
  8. So, I have a form, and when I submit it, if there are errors, what the user submits gets loaded back into the form. Magic Quotes is turned on, and you'd think that by using stripslashes(), I'd get rid of the slashes. It's not working for some reason. I don't know why. Here's the code for the page. <?php if(!defined('FLEXBB')) die('Index.php must be included with this file!<br /><br /><b>Hacking Attempt by '.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'</b>'); if(!$loguser['id']) { // Uh-oh! A guest! Guests can't post submissions! $Replace['template']['header']['1'][] = "{PAGE_NAME}"; $Replace['template']['header']['1'][] = "{USER_LOCATION}"; $Replace['template']['header']['2'][] = "Error!"; $Replace['template']['header']['2'][] = '<img border="0" src="templates/default/images/tree/folder.gif" style="vertical-align:bottom;"> <a href="index.php">{WEBSITE_NAME}</a><br /><img border="0" src="templates/default/images/tree/joinbottom.gif" style="vertical-align:bottom;"><img border="0" src="templates/default/images/tree/file.gif" style="vertical-align:bottom;"> <b>Error!</b>'; $TMPL->show("header","header.template.html"); echo "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\" class=\"table\"> <tr> <td width=\"20%\" valign=\"top\">"; $TMPL->show("link", "link.template.html"); echo "</td> <td width=\"80%\" valign=\"top\" style=\"padding-left: 10px;\">"; $Replace['template']['mods']['1'] = array("{HEADER_TEXT}","{MESSAGE_TEXT}"); $Replace['template']['mods']['2'] = array( "Error!", "You are not logged in. You need to be logged in to be able to submit your modification or template. Please <a href=\"http://flexbbmods.hyperphp.com/forums.php?page=login\">login</a>. If you are not a registered member, why not take the time to <a href=\"http://flexbbmods.hyperphp.com/forums.php?page=register\"register</a>? It'll only take a few seconds, and there are so many features that are enabled for memebers, including posting in the forum, submitting mods and templates, and more!" ); $TMPL->show("mods","general-table.template.html"); } else { $Replace['template']['submit']['1'] = array( "{NAME}", "{SHORT_DESCRIPTION}", "{DESCRIPTION}", "{VERSION}", "{LICENSE}", "{ERRORS}" ); $Replace['template']['submit']['2'] = array( "", "", "", "", "", "" ); if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $name = $_POST['name']; $short = $_POST['short']; $description = $_POST['description']; $version = $_POST['version']; $type = intval($_POST['type']); $fversion = intval($_POST['fversion']); $category = intval($_POST['category']); $license = $_POST['license']; if(!isset($license)) { $license = $set['default_license']; } $license = str_replace('{USERNAME}', $_SESSION['flexbb_username'], $license); $license = str_replace('{DATE}', date('Y'), $license); $errors = array(); if(!isset($name) || !isset($short) || !isset($description) || !isset($version) || !isset($category) || !isset($license)) { $errors[] = "You left one or more fields blank. Please fix this."; $_POST['submit'] = ''; } $versionQuery = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."versions WHERE vid='".$version."'"); if($DB->num_rows($versionQuery) <= 0) { $errors[] = "That version does not exist! Please select a new one."; $_POST['submit'] = ''; } $categoryQuery = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."categories WHERE cid='".$category."'"); if($DB->num_rows($categoryQuery) <= 0) { $errors[] = "That category does not exist! Please select a new one."; $_POST['submit'] = ''; } if($_FILES['file']['error'] == "0") { $filename = $_FILES['file']['name']; $postfile = $_FILES['file']['name']; $filesize = round($_FILES['file']['size']/1024, 2); $filetmp = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']; $filetype = strtolower(substr($filename, strrpos($filename, '.'))); $filetype = str_replace(".","",$filetype); $typeallow = explode(",", 'zip,rar'); // Is it over the allowed size if($filesize > 500 || $filesize == 0) { $errors[] = "The file you uploaded is too big! Please re-upload a smaller file."; $_POST['submit'] = ''; } if(!in_array($filetype, $typeallow)) { $errors[] = "The file you uploaded is not a zip file or a rar file."; $_POST['submit'] = ''; } if(file_exists('uploads/submissions/' . $filename)) { $errors[] = "The file you are trying to upload already exists. Please rename the file and upload it again"; $_POST['submit'] = ''; } } else { $errors[] = "You didn't include a file. Please select one to upload."; $_POST['submit'] = ''; } if(count($errors) > 0) { $Replace['template']['submit']['2'] = array( $name, $short, $description, $version, $license ); } else { $upload = move_uploaded_file($filetmp, 'uploads/submissions/' . $filename); if(!$upload) { $errors[] = "There was a problem with us uploading the file. Please try again."; $_POST['submit'] = ''; } $DB->query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."submissions VALUES ('', '".$name."', '".$short."', '".$description."', '".$license."', '0', '".time()."', '0', '".$loguser[id]."', '".$version."', '".$fversion."', '".$category."', '".$type."', '0', '".basename($filename)."')"); $Replace['template']['header']['1'][] = "{PAGE_NAME}"; $Replace['template']['header']['1'][] = "{USER_LOCATION}"; $Replace['template']['header']['2'][] = "Thank You!"; $Replace['template']['header']['2'][] = '<img border="0" src="templates/default/images/tree/folder.gif" style="vertical-align:bottom;"> <a href="index.php">{WEBSITE_NAME}</a><br /><img border="0" src="templates/default/images/tree/joinbottom.gif" style="vertical-align:bottom;"><img border="0" src="templates/default/images/tree/file.gif" style="vertical-align:bottom;"> <b>Thank You!</b>'; $TMPL->show("header","header.template.html"); echo "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\" class=\"table\"> <tr> <td width=\"20%\" valign=\"top\">"; $TMPL->show("link", "link.template.html"); echo "</td> <td width=\"80%\" valign=\"top\" style=\"padding-left: 10px;\">"; $Replace['template']['mods']['1'] = array("{HEADER_TEXT}","{MESSAGE_TEXT}"); $Replace['template']['mods']['2'] = array( "Thank You!", "Thank you for your submission. It will now be reviewed by one of our staff members, and then should be added to the database. This shouldn't take more that 24 hours." ); $TMPL->show("mods","general-table.template.html"); } } if(!isset($_POST['submit']) || $_POST['submit'] == '') { $name = stripslashes($name); $short = stripslashes($short); $description = stripslashes($description); $version = stripslashes($version); $license = stripslashes($license); $Replace['template']['header']['1'][] = "{PAGE_NAME}"; $Replace['template']['header']['1'][] = "{USER_LOCATION}"; $Replace['template']['header']['2'][] = "Submit"; $Replace['template']['header']['2'][] = '<img border="0" src="templates/default/images/tree/folder.gif" style="vertical-align:bottom;"> <a href="index.php">{WEBSITE_NAME}</a><br /><img border="0" src="templates/default/images/tree/joinbottom.gif" style="vertical-align:bottom;"><img border="0" src="templates/default/images/tree/file.gif" style="vertical-align:bottom;"> <b>Submit</b>'; $TMPL->show("header","header.template.html"); echo "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\" class=\"table\"> <tr> <td width=\"20%\" valign=\"top\">"; $TMPL->show("link", "link.template.html"); echo "</td> <td width=\"80%\" valign=\"top\" style=\"padding-left: 10px;\">"; if(count($errors) > 0) { $error = " <br /><ul>"; foreach($errors as $err) { $error .= " <li>{$err}</li>"; } $error .= " </ul>"; $Replace['template']['submit']['2'][7] = $error; } $verQuery = $DB->query("SELECT vid, name FROM ".$prefix."versions ORDER BY name ASC"); while($ver = $DB->fetch_array($verQuery)) { if($ver['vid'] == $fversion) { $selected = " selected=\"selected\""; } $verSelect .= " <option value=\"{$ver['vid']}\"{$selected}>{$ver['name']}</option>\n"; $selected = ""; } $catQuery = $DB->query("SELECT cid, name FROM ".$prefix."categories ORDER BY name ASC"); while($cat = $DB->fetch_array($catQuery)) { if($cat['cid'] == $category) { $selected = " selected=\"selected\""; } $catSelect .= " <option value=\"{$cat['cid']}\"{$selected}>{$cat['name']}</option>\n"; $selected = ""; } $Replace['template']['submit']['1'][] = "{VERSION_SELECT}"; $Replace['template']['submit']['2'][] = $verSelect; $Replace['template']['submit']['1'][] = "{CATEGORY_SELECT}"; $Replace['template']['submit']['2'][] = $catSelect; $TMPL->show('submit', 'submit.template.html'); } } ?>
  9. I've created a Count-up script that starts counting and then stops at a certain number. The only problem is that when it reaches to right about that number, it just starts acting strangly. It doesn't stop, like I tell it to, and then some numbers start missing, and then some numbers are there that shouldn't be. I've run a debugging div to output what should be shown, and everything's fine in there, so It's a problem with the output. Here's my HTML and JavaScript. This problem needs to be fixed real soon, as this needs to be ready for Sunday, and I'm not going to be aroung tomorrow. <html> <head> <title>Commitment Sunday Total</title> <script src="./js.js"></script> </head> <body> <h1 id="count">000000</h1> <input type="button" value="Start!" onclick="increase(); return false;" /> <div id="debug" style="overflow: auto; height: 300px; width: 300px;"></div> </body> </html> var end = '123400'; var speed = 1; // 100 is slowest, 1 is fastest var timer = ""; var hundreds = '0'; var thousands = '0'; var tenthousands = '0'; var hundredthousand = '0'; function increase() { hundreds++; if(hundreds == '10') { hundreds = '0'; thousands++; } if(thousands == '10') { thousands = '0'; tenthousands++; } if(tenthousands == '10') { tenthousands = '0'; hundredthousand++; } current = hundredthousand+tenthousands+thousands+hundreds+'00'; count = document.getElementById('count'); count.innerHTML = current; if(current != end) { if(hundredthousand == end.substr(0, 1)) { document.getElementById('debug').innerHTML = document.getElementById('debug').innerHTML+'<br />'+hundredthousand+tenthousands+thousands+hundreds+'00'; var timer = setTimeout('increase()', 50*speed); } else { var timer = setTimeout('increase()', 10*speed); } } else { clearTimeout(timer); } }
  10. Okay, I'm making a MyBB theme and, for some reason, the background is repeated in every td in IE, though it displays fine in FF. Theme in IE: Theme in FF: Here's my HTML Code for the section: <tr class="tcat"> <td width="35"> </td> <td><strong>Forum</strong></td> <td style="white-space: nowrap;" align="center" width="85"><strong>Threads</strong></td> <td style="white-space: nowrap;" align="center" width="85"><strong>Posts</strong></td> <td align="center" width="200"><strong>Last Post</strong></td> </tr> And here's the CSS Code: .tcat { background: #ffffff url(wii/forum.gif) top left no-repeat; color: #000000; font-size: 12px; height: 29px; } Anyone know how I can make IE display like FF?
  11. Woah. For some reason, it's working again. Strange. Thanks for your help, though!
  12. My Apache Web Server is acting up. It tries to make me download my .php files (I have correctly installed PHP), and it won't open regular HTML pages. And idea as to what might be wrong? Oh, by the way, I'm using Apache 2.2.4 (I think), and PHP 5.2.0 (I think). And It's not a problem with compatability, cause it was working before.
  13. That somewhat worked. Some of the things that need to be displayed are displayed, but they aren't where they are supposed to be. Link
  14. (Sorry for double post) Okay, I tried escaping the brackets, and that didn't work. Then I echoed the variables, and they all contained what they needed to contain. Any other tips?
  15. Okay, I will. Thanks for the tips!
  16. Okay, so I've written my own template class, but for some reason, it's not replacing any of the keys in the templates. Here's the code for the template class: <?php class template { var $all = array(); var $tmpl_name; function output($filename, $existing = "", $replace = "") { //global $settings; //$file = $settings['siteroot'].$settings['tmpl_dir'].$this->tmpl_name.$filename.".tpl"; $file = CM_ROOT.$this->tmpl_name.$filename.".tpl"; if(!file_exists($file)) { echo '<b>Error:</b> Template file cannot be located.<br /><br /> We are trying to find <a href="'.$file.'">'.$file.'</a> in.<br /> <b>PROCESS SKIPPED.</b> <font color="red">Please notify the administrator about this problem.</font><hr />'; } else { $template = file_get_contents($file); $template = str_replace("{".$existing[$filename]."}", $replace[$filename], $template); $template = str_replace("{".$this->all['existing']."}", $this->all['replace'], $template); echo $template; } } } ?> When $existing and $replace are inputted, they're supposed to be arrays.
  17. Okay, Never mind, it was a problem of giving the file a php extension, not a txt. I feel so stupid!
  18. Sorry for the double post, but there's no 'edit' button. Anyway, now, I'm trying to figure out how to check to see if a table exists. I was doing something like this: <?php $tables = $db->query("SHOW TABLES"); $mod1 = stristr($tables, 'mybb_modoptions'); $mod2 = stristr($tables, 'mybb_modsessions'); if($mod1) { $db->query("DROP TABLE ".TABLE_PREFIX."modoptions"); } if($mod2) { $db->query("DROP TABLE ".TABLE_PREFIX."modsessions"); } ?> But that doesn't seem to work.
  19. Oooohhhhhh. Thanks. I never would have known that.
  20. Okay, I'm making a plugin for MyBB, and, I'm getting the "unexpected $end" error, but I can't figure out why. I've looked through my code, and, as far as I can tell, everything has been closed off just fine. I've got a feeling that somethings up with my <<<EOF thing I have going. I was using that cause addslashes() wasn't working for me. Anyway, here's my code, see if you can help me: <?php if(!defined("IN_MYBB")) { die("Direct initialization of this file is not allowed.<br /><br />Please make sure IN_MYBB is defined."); } $plugins->add_hook('global_start', 'modcp_link'); $plugins->add_hook("admin_index_navigation_end", "modcp_admin_nav"); // ######### Begin the Functions ########## function modcp_info() { return array( "name" => "Mod CP Plugin", "description" => "A plugin that gives the Moderators their own Control Panel", "website" => "http://www.mybboard.com", "author" => "LegosJed", "authorsite" => "http://www.mybboard.com", "version" => "0.1", ); } function modcp_activate() { global $db, $config; // Erase previous settings modcp_deactivate(); // Setup setting group $setting_group = array( 'gid' => 'NULL', 'name' => 'modcp', 'title' => 'Mod CP', 'description' => 'Settings that will add a Mod CP, and give it certain privilages.', 'disporder' => '99', 'isdefault' => 'no' ); $db->insert_query(TABLE_PREFIX."settinggroups", $insertarray); $setting_gid = $db->insert_id(); // Setup settings $setting_1 = array( 'name' => 'modcp_onoff', 'title' => 'Mod CP - On/Off Switch', 'description' => 'Enables or disables the Mod CP', 'optionscode' => 'onoff', 'value' => 'on', 'disporder' => 0, 'gid' => $setting_gid ); $setting_2 = array( 'name' => 'modcp_ban', 'title' => 'Mod CP - Ban User', 'description' => 'Can the Mod CP ban users?', 'optionscode' => 'yesno', 'value' => 'yes', 'disporder' => 1, 'gid' => $setting_gid ); $setting_3 = array( 'name' => 'modcp_ban_ip', 'title' => 'Mod CP - Ban IPs', 'description' => 'Can the Mod CP ban IP addresses?', 'optionscode' => 'yesno', 'value' => 'yesno', 'disporder' => 2, 'gid' => $setting_gid ); $setting_4 = array( 'name' => 'modcp_ban_email', 'title' => 'Mod CP - Ban Email', 'description' => 'Can the Mod CP ban Email addresses?', 'optionscode' => 'yesno', 'value' => 'yes', 'disporder' => 3, 'gid' => $setting_gid ); $setting_5 = array( 'name' => 'modcp_announce', 'title' => 'Mod CP - Forum Announcements', 'description' => 'Can the Mod CP add forum announcements?', 'optionscode' => 'yesno', 'value' => 'yes', 'disporder' => 4, 'gid' => $setting_gid ); $setting_6 = array( 'name' => 'modcp_thread_queue', 'title' => 'Mod CP - Thread Queue', 'description' => 'Can the Mod CP setup a thread queue?', 'optionscode' => 'yesno', 'value' => 'yes', 'disporder' => 5, 'gid' => $setting_gid ); $setting_7 = array( 'name' => 'modcp_post_queue', 'title' => 'Mod CP - Post Queue', 'description' => 'Can the Mod CP setup a post queue?', 'optionscode' => 'yesno', 'value' => 'yes', 'disporder' => 5, 'gid' => $setting_gid ); // Insert settings $db->insert_query(TABLE_PREFIX."settings", $setting_1); $db->insert_query(TABLE_PREFIX."settings", $setting_2); $db->insert_query(TABLE_PREFIX."settings", $setting_3); $db->insert_query(TABLE_PREFIX."settings", $setting_4); $db->insert_query(TABLE_PREFIX."settings", $setting_5); $db->insert_query(TABLE_PREFIX."settings", $setting_6); // Setup tables $tables_1 = "CREATE TABLE mybb_modoptions ( uid int(10) NOT NULL default '0', cpstyle varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', notes text NOT NULL default '', permsset int(1) NOT NULL default '0', caneditann char(3) NOT NULL default '', canmodposts char(3) NOT NULL default '', caneditusers char(3) NOT NULL default '', canban char(3) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (uid) ) TYPE=MyISAM;"; $tables_2 = "CREATE TABLE mybb_modsessions ( sid varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', uid int unsigned NOT NULL default '0', loginkey varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', ip varchar(40) NOT NULL default '', dateline bigint(30) NOT NULL default '0', lastactive bigint(30) NOT NULL default '0' ) TYPE=MyISAM;"; // Create Tables $db->query($tables_1); $db->query($tables_2); // Populate new tables $smods_query = $db->query('SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'users WHERE usergroup=3'); $mods_query = $db->query('SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'users WHERE usergroup=6'); if($db->mun_rows($smods_query)) { $smods_array = $db->fetch_array($smods_query); foreach($smods_array as $smods) { $query = array( 'uid' => $smods['uid'], 'cpstyle' => 'Axiom', 'notes' => '', 'permsset' => '1', 'caneditann' => 'yes', 'canmodposts' => 'yes', 'caneditusers' => 'yes', 'canban' => 'yes', ); $db->insert_query(TABLE_PREFIX.'modoptions', $query); } } if($db->mun_rows($mods_query)) { $mods_array = $db->fetch_array($mods_query); foreach($mods_array as $mods) { $query = array( 'uid' => $mods['uid'], 'cpstyle' => 'Axiom', 'notes' => '', 'permsset' => '1', 'caneditann' => 'yes', 'canmodposts' => 'yes', 'caneditusers' => 'yes', 'canban' => 'yes', ); $db->insert_query(TABLE_PREFIX.'modoptions', $query); } } // Edit existing template require_once MYBB_ROOT."/inc/adminfunctions_templates.php"; find_replace_templatesets("header_welcomeblock_member", '#welcome_usercp}</strong></a>#', "$0\n{$modcplink}"); // Setup new template $template = <<<EOF — <a href="{\$mybb->settings['bburl']}/{\$config['mod_dir']}/index.php">{\$lang->welcome_mod}</a> EOF; $template_1 = array( array( "title" => "header_welcomeblock_member_mod", "template" => $template, "version" => $mybb->version_code, "status" => "", "dateline" => time(), ); // Insert new template $db->insert_query(TABLE_PREFIX.'templates', $template_1); // Set Mod CP directory $config[mod_dir] = 'mod'; echo "<script language=\"JavaScript\"> parent.nav.location.href = \"./index.php?".SID."&action=navigation\"; </script>"; } function modcp_deactivate() { global $db; $db->delete_query(TABLE_PREFIX."settinggroups", "name='modcp' OR name='Mod CP'"); $db->query("DELETE FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings WHERE name IN( 'modcp_onoff', 'modcp_ban', 'modcp_ban_ip', 'modcp_ban_email', 'modcp_announce', 'modcp_thread_queue', 'modcp_post_queue' )"); $db->delete_query(TABLE_PREFIX."templates", "title='header_welcomeblock_member_mod'"); // Attempt to modify header template require_once MYBB_ROOT."/inc/adminfunctions_templates.php"; find_replace_templatesets("header_welcomeblock_member", '#{$modcplink}#', '', 0); if(isset($config[mod_dir])) { unset($config[mod_dir]); } echo "<script language=\"JavaScript\"> parent.nav.location.href = \"./index.php?".SID."&action=navigation\"; </script>"; } function modcp_link() { if($mybb->usergroup['cancp'] == "yes" || $mybb->usergroup['issupermod'] == "yes" || $mybb->usergroup['gid'] == 6) { eval("\$modcplink = \"".$templates->get("header_welcomeblock_member_mod")."\";"); } } function modcp_admin_nav() { global $menu, $mybb, $lang; $language = $mybb->settings['bblanguage']; if(!$lang->language_exists($language."/admin/ban.lang.php")) { $language = 'english'; } $lang->set_language($language, "admin"); $lang->load("ban"); end($menu); $key = key($menu)+10; $menu[$key] = array( "title" => $lang->modcp_admin, "items" => array( 10 => array("title" => $lang->modcp_options, "url" => "admin_ban.php?".SID."&action=cpopt"), 20 => array("title" => $lang->mod_options, "url" => "admin_ban.php?".SID."&action=opt"), ), ); } ?>
  21. Yeah, I did that too. Hmmm, let me try restarting Apache again. EDIT: There we go. It's working now. Thanks!
  22. I did all I thought I was supposed to. I added the PHP File types, and the path to the php.ini directory. Was there anything else I was supposed to do?
  23. Oh. Okay, thanks. Now, I run the universal PHP test file, but all it shows is the actual PHP coding. Would this be a problem with my php.ini file, or the httpd.conf file?
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