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only one

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Everything posted by only one

  1. if you can put it on your CV it will help...
  2. the files your trying to include dont exists... check the files for capitals, every letter case makes a difference
  3. yes everything should work besides echo ' <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- window.location = "create.php?page=3;" //--> </script>'; try it the other way round echo " <script type'text/javascript'> <!-- window.location = 'create.php?page=3'; //--> </script>";
  4. can i see the rest of the pages you have included, i think its something to do with <? if ($preuserID == 0) { include ("../oops.htm"); die; } ?> its dieing your code whet $preuserID isnt set..., check oops.htm aswell, is it coming from the right directory?
  5. lol silly idea pasting your password... your gonna get hacked, better change it quick dude!
  6. my foroption feild was on int.... lol
  7. you may call me an idiot because i get this allot.. im trying to insert the value of the radio button but it keeps inserting it as 0, anyone help? <?php session_start(); echo "<font face=Arial size=2>"; $poll = $_GET['poll']; $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; include("cons.php"); $checkip = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT ip FROM polls WHERE ip = '$ip' AND poll = '$poll'")); if($checkip>0){ header("location: pollresults.php"); }else{ $checkpoll = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM poll WHERE id = '$poll'")); if($checkpoll==0){ echo "No such poll"; }else{ $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM poll WHERE id = '$poll'"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { if (!isset($_POST[submit])) { echo " <form acion='$_SERVER[php_SELF]' method=POST> <label><input name=radio type=radio value=option1 />$row[option1]</label><br /> <label><input name=radio type=radio value=option2 />$row[option2]</label><br />"; if(!$row[option3]==NULL){ echo "<label><input name=radio type=radio value=option3 />$row[option3]</label><br />"; } if(!$row[option4]==NULL){ echo "<label><input name=radio type=radio value=option4 />$row[option4]</label><br />"; } if(!$row[option5]==NULL){ echo "<label><input name=radio type=radio value=option5 />$row[option5]</label><br />"; } if(!$row[option6]==NULL){ echo "<label><input name=radio type=radio value=option6 />$row[option6]</label><br />"; } if(!$row[option7]==NULL){ echo "<label><input name=radio type=radio value=option7 />$row[option7]</label><br />"; } if(!$row[option8]==NULL){ echo "<label><input name=radio type=radio value=option8 />$row[option8]</label><br />"; } if(!$row[option9]==NULL){ echo "<label><input name=radio type=radio value=option9 />$row[option9]</label><br />"; } if(!$row[option10]==NULL){ echo "<label><input name=radio type=radio value=option10 />$row[option10]</label><br />"; } echo "<input name=submit type=submit value=Vote></form>"; } if (isset($_POST[submit])) { if($radio==NULL){ echo "<font color=#ff0000>Error</font>: Please select something to vote for<br /> <form acion='$_SERVER[php_SELF]' method=POST> <label><input name=radio type=radio value=option1 />$row[option1]</label><br /> <label><input name=radio type=radio value=option2 />$row[option2]</label><br />"; if(!$row[option3]==NULL){ echo "<label><input name=radio type=radio value=option3 />$row[option3]</label><br />"; } if(!$row[option4]==NULL){ echo "<label><input name=radio type=radio value=option4 />$row[option4]</label><br />"; } if(!$row[option5]==NULL){ echo "<label><input name=radio type=radio value=option5 />$row[option5]</label><br />"; } if(!$row[option6]==NULL){ echo "<label><input name=radio type=radio value=option6 />$row[option6]</label><br />"; } if(!$row[option7]==NULL){ echo "<label><input name=radio type=radio value=option7 />$row[option7]</label><br />"; } if(!$row[option8]==NULL){ echo "<label><input name=radio type=radio value=option8 />$row[option8]</label><br />"; } if(!$row[option9]==NULL){ echo "<label><input name=radio type=radio value=option9 />$row[option9]</label><br />"; } if(!$row[option10]==NULL){ echo "<label><input name=radio type=radio value=option10 />$row[option10]</label><br />"; } echo "<input name=submit type=submit value=Vote></form>"; }else{ $radio = $_POST[radio]; echo "<font color=#00ff00>Succesfully</font>: Casted vote<br /><a href=pollresults.php>Click here to view the results</a>"; mysql_query("INSERT INTO polls(`ip`, `foroption`, `poll`)VALUES('$ip', '$radio', '$poll')"); }}}}} echo "</font>"; ?>[code] updated code, still isnt working [/code]
  8. there are no advantages and disadvantages, it depends on how you want it to work if you want people to be able to use special characters such as. <>*!@#$%^&*() etc.. varchar will let this happen...
  9. can i see the code to headermem.php? maybe youve got the problem in there
  10. <?php // This blurb starts the session for the users. session_start(); header("Cache-control: private"); // Fix for ie6 ?> <?php $msg = "Please Log In!"; ?> <?php if($_SESSION['username']==NULL) { header("location: ../login.php"); echo ("<script langauge=\"javascript\">alert(\"".$msg."\");</script>"); } else { include("headermem.php"); ?> <center><font color=white> Are you sure you want to logout?</font></center><br> <center><a href=/index.php>Yes</a> | <?php unset($_SESSION['username']); ?> <a href=javascript:history.back()>No</a>"; <?php include 'footermem.php'; } ?> try that edit: if you want to make a logout page array $_SESSION['username']
  11. maybe the server port was changed during the reinstalation, thats all i can think of
  12. in $mess just add those variables.. $mess = "<html>\n" ."<head>\n" ."<title>Test Mail</title>\n" ."</head>\n" ."<body>\n" ."This is an html email test<br />\n" ."<p><b>Your order has been processed. Please print this email as your reference</b></p>\n" ."<p>Your purchases were:-</p>\n" your variables go here.. ."</body>\n</html>\n";
  13. he means: $userfile = "img_".time().".jpg";
  14. ok.. heres something to get you started <?php session_start(); //get the poll id $poll=$_GET['poll']; //check if they have submited anything $checkip = mysql_num_rows(SELECT ip FROM poll WHERE ip = '$_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]' AND poll = '$poll'); if(!$checkip){ //if the forum hasent been submited echo it if (isset($_POST[submit])) { echo " <form acion='$_SERVER[php_SELF]' method=POST> <label><input name=radio type=radio value=image1 />image1</label><br /> <label><input name=radio type=radio value=image2 />image2</label><br /> <label><input name=radio type=radio value=image3 />image3</label><br /> <label><input name=radio type=radio value=image4 />image4</label><br /> <label><input name=radio type=radio value=image5 />image5</label><br /> <input name=submit type=submit value=submit> </forum> "; }else{ //else insert the values into your table.. you can edit this bit to suit you mysql_query(INSERT INTO poll(`ip`, `radio`, `poll`)VALUES('$_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]', '$radio', '$poll')); } //if the ip has submitted something echo the results }else{ $checkimage1= mysql_num_rows(SELECT radio FROM poll WHERE radio = 'image1' AND poll = '$poll'); $checkimage2= mysql_num_rows(SELECT radio FROM poll WHERE radio = 'image2' AND poll = '$poll'); $checkimage3= mysql_num_rows(SELECT radio FROM poll WHERE radio = 'image3' AND poll = '$poll'); $checkimage4= mysql_num_rows(SELECT radio FROM poll WHERE radio = 'image4' AND poll = '$poll'); $checkimage5= mysql_num_rows(SELECT radio FROM poll WHERE radio = 'image5' AND poll = '$poll'); $sum1 = $checkimage1 + $checkimage2 + $checkimage3 + $checkimage4 + $checkimage5; $forimage1 = 100 * $checkimage1 / $sum1; $forimage2 = 100 * $checkimage2 / $sum1; $forimage3 = 100 * $checkimage3 / $sum1; $forimage4 = 100 * $checkimage4 / $sum1; $forimage5 = 100 * $checkimage5 / $sum1; echo " image1: $forimage1 % - $checkimage1 votes<br> image2: $forimage2 % - $checkimage2 votes<br> image3: $forimage3 % - $checkimage3 votes<br> image4: $forimage4 % - $checkimage4 votes<br> image5: $forimage5 % - $checkimage5 votes<br> in total there have been $sum1 votes "; ?> $poll is determined by the the page.. page.php?poll=1 etc.. i havent tested this code, but im pretty sure it will work you will also need a table in your database called poll with the feilds.. poll, radio and ip
  15. use a while loop while(file_exists(the path)){ $userfile = $userfile+1; } or something like that
  16. thats one of the basics in gd google it...
  17. try closing your option tag... echo "<option value='$list'></option></form>";
  18. if (($HTTP_POST_FILES['file']['type']=="image/gif") || ($HTTP_POST_FILES['file']['type']=="image/pjpeg") || ($HTTP_POST_FILES['file']['type']=="image/jpeg") || ($HTTP_POST_FILES['file']['type']=="image/png")) { let it go on }else{ dont... edit bold bits
  19. i dont really like using \n, try using a <br> <?php $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM aimicons ORDER BY id DESC"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { echo "<img src=\"aimicons/" .$row->image. "\" border=\"1\"> <br>"; } mysql_free_result($result); ?>
  20. yea, you can store a url in a database... <?php $url = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; mysql_query("INSERT INTO table(`url`) VALUES ('http://$url')") //edit this ?> something like that?
  21. lol, no, Print "<a href='$url' mce_href='$url'><img src='$image2' border=0></a>";
  22. in most programming languages you find this =>(>=) = equal or greater than <=(=<) = equal or less than == = the same value as != = not the same value as -> is to do with oop
  23. if you want to show the same companys banner in two places on the page just use 2 variables.. <?php $ban1 = "/Banners/apiana_leaderboard_728x90.jpg"; $secondban1 = "banner.."; $url1 = "# target=_blank"; $randomNum = rand (1,4); $image = ${'ban'.$randomNum}; $image2 = ${'scondban'.$randomNum}; $url= ${'url'.$randomNum}; Print "<a href=".$url." mce_href=".$url."><img src=".$image." border=0></a>"; ?> now just echo $image2 further don the page..
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