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  1. just use the mail function: http://au2.php.net/manual/en/function.mail.php. so try: mail("my_email_address@website.com", $subject, $message, "From: ".$from_email);
  2. As skali said it's not a problem with your code. Whenever a user looks at your website the server automatically generates an id number used to identify this session. With some setups the session id is passed from page to page by adding it to the end of your URL. Some scripts (such as IPB) make use of this feature when generating their own session id's so you can actually use it for some good on your site. Otherwise just ignore it, it doesn't hurt. And yes, sessions will still work fine if you add skali's code.
  3. you could also use addslashes on $lyric $lyric = addslashes($lyric); $sql = "INSERT INTO `$table` VALUES ('$pc', '$pBy', '$email', '$lyric', '$song', '$artist', '$date','','')"; mysql_query($sql);
  4. $str = 'Joe Bloggs 2345 Pleasant Road Auckland New Zealand'; $str = nl2br($str);
  5. echo '<input name="number" type="text" class="text" value="{$row['number']}" size="15"/>';
  6. try holding the shift key down while you click on the refresh button. that fully reloads the page instead of straight out of the cache.
  7. it is a likely source of the problem. try removing the 1st forward slash from the string, making it $Filename = "team/uploads/".$FileLoc; also try giving the folder full read write permissions. on a windows system by default this should already be set but make sure that it is set as 777. same goes for unix systems. you should be able do this through your FTP program
  8. see if you can get some code that checks to see if cookies are enabled and if not then use a javascript alert of something similar to ask the user to enable cookies
  9. can we have full code to cross reference? and a test username and password would be helpful.
  10. it doesn't have to be written like that at all. it just needs to have a space between include and the filename
  11. session id's are generated every time a user visits a site but if the server goes down then the session is reset so there is no way that i know of to recover a session let alone detect it.
  12. it can be a tad buggy if you just print it straight away. i've noticed older versions of php going a bit crazy over that. use $_GET['variable_name'] if you can.
  13. ProjectFear's script should do the trick. Thats pretty much how i do my logins when i need to code one.
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