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  1. Im having trouble with this script, Iv installed it and set up the MySQL database correctly -but it still wont work (users cant register, and cannot login)... Im new to PHP and I have no clue what im doing wrong! heres a link to the site and to the script. take a look if you think you can help please. Link To my site::: www.kionamails.com Link to Download the script::: www.kionamails.com/phpPaidMail.zip Problems: -Users cant register/login -> I dont know where to begin trying to fix it lol!
  2. Ok.. Im back again lol. My scripts are installed for a Paid Mail website, but they aren't doing anything! Im new to PHP and MySQL, so Im suprised I got this far hehehe... So, If you go to my site here:www.kionamails.com, and try to register, the script just doesnt do anything! I have a hunch that the login and, well, all the scripts aren't doing their jobs... I'v tried re-installing and re-uploading... and I just dont know what to do anymore! help? =(
  3. Omgosh... The files are being found properly, but arent doing anything hahaha! ='(
  4. Ok.. Im a retard, I misunderstood Physical and Virtual paths... and mixed the two up hahaha! Well, Im sorry if I've wasted you're time... Though, Ill probably screw something up and be back for more help lol! Thanks for trying to help me jesirose! Im a dumb blond like everyone says
  5. could uploading in Binary vs. ASCII be the problem? I uploaded in Binary.
  6. Re-Uploading didnt work.. And I cant access it directly through the browser. HrmMM Would it make a difference that I set up the MySQL tables after I installed the script?
  7. Sorry for the longless =/ Uhm, is it a problem with the php file? IM SO NOOB ASDLFNASDF ='( Code for email_req.php include ("../includes/global.php"); links(); if($email && $ps) { $out_message= <<<MSG <b>You are already signed up.</b> <META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT="1; URL=$site_url/member_area.php?email=$email&ps=$ps"> MSG; //function to display message out_message($out_message,$color_feedback_bad); } $contents=file_reader("$site_html_path/email_req.html"); $contents=str_replace("[site_url]",$site_url,$contents); $contents=str_replace("[refid]",$refid,$contents); print $contents; print "$html_footer"; ?> code for send_email.php <? include ("../includes/global.php"); print "<center>"; links(); print "</center><br><br>"; //connecting DB $link=dbconnect(); print "<html><body>"; //This query will give the count of email id which is duplicated ie if it occours more than once $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM member_details where email_id='$email' "; if($res = mysql_query ($sql)) { $mail = mysql_fetch_array($res); //This condition will check for wheather the email id given already present in the DB or not. if($mail[0] > 0) { $out_message= " <br><center><b>The email address that you entered is already in use. <br><br>Please login with your email address and password.</font>"; //function to display message out_message($out_message,$color_feedback_bad); } else { //If not present this part will execute $query = "SELECT count(*),max(mem_id) FROM member_details"; if($result = mysql_query ($query)) { $id = mysql_fetch_array($result); if($id[0] == 0) { $memid = 1; } else { $memid = $id[1] +1; } } $msg= " <p>This is your sign up confirmation email!</p> <table><tr><th>Click the link below to continue with the registration</th></tr><tr><th> <a href=\"$site_url/member_regn.php?memid=$memid&email=$email&refid=$refid\" target=\"new\">$site_url/member_regn.php?memid=$memid&email=$email&refid=$refid</a> </th></tr><tr><td></td></tr> </table>"; //function to send a mail to the subscriber as a confirmation for sign up if(send_mail($email,$admin_mail_id,$email_signup_subject,$msg)) { $out_message= " <h4>A confirmation email has been sent to your email address.<br> You must follow the instructions in that confirmation email<br> in order to finish signing up.</h4> Your Email Address is : $email<BR><BR>"; //function to display message out_message($out_message,$color_feedback_good); } else { $out_message= " <b>Error in your mail id or wrong mail id /n <br><br> If you want to continue further provide a valid email id.</b>"; //function to display message out_message($out_message,$color_feedback_bad); } } } dbclose($link); print "<br><br><br><br>$html_footer"; ?>
  8. Iv spend the last 2 days trying to make this script work (Iv never tried anything php before!). Iv installed the script, and everything seemed to finally be working w/mysql, but PHP files are not being found - and i know they're there!! Uhmm, if youd wanna take a look the url is http://www.kionamails.com/paidmail -try and register your email adress on the signup link, the error says: but that directory list is correct, and the file is there! help? ='(
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