It's me again
The origional problem was that I was trying to connect across 2 diferent domains, and was specifying a local connection, not a remote one. The fix was in my $connection to use ("", "username", "password") or die...
but here's a whole new issue for me...
Trying to load data to the db from a form and it's going there, but the fields are all shifted to one side. I'll give an example :
my code looks something like this :
$sql = "INSERT INTO $table_name (name, history, recruiting, email, im, charname, charage, bio, strengths, whatship, responsibilities,
sample, rank, position, role, sim, reportsto, comments, approved, ban, reserved) VALUES ('', '$_POST[name]', '$_POST[history]',
'$_POST[recruiting]', '$_POST[email]', '$_POST[im]', '$_POST[charname]', '$_POST[charage]', '$_POST[bio]', '$_POST[strengths]',
'$_POST[whatship]', '$_POST[responsibilities]', '$_POST[sample]', '$_POST[rank]' '$_POST[position]', '$_POST[role]',
'$_POST[sim]', '$_POST[reportsto]', '$_POST[comments]', '$_POST[approved]', '$_POST[ban]', '$_POST[reserved]')";
$result = @mysql_query($sql, $connection)
or die(mysql_error());
and what I get in my db is this :
Header: name history recruiting email
Data: name history recruiting
Any suggestions on what Im doing wrong?