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Everything posted by daq

  1. Don't delete them from there, .htaccess files only control the folder they are in, global settings go into httpd.conf. This file needs to go to the folder where apache is looking for the extensions. I forgot what it is for Windows, but just look where the other extensions are. Alternatively, you can define full path under extensions section in httpd.conf Not really. Another thing you could do though is look through log files. On windows machines apache can either log to a text file or syslog. Check them both out. There might be a message about passwords. Alternatively, since you just installed, get a fresh httpd.conf files from somewhere and replace yours with it just to make sure you didn't get any weird settings in yours. If you want to attach yours, I can check it out.
  2. Did you install a package that installs Apache, MySQL and PHP together? It might have come with a restrictive set of config files that password protect all directories by default. Look through httpd.conf --> find root directory configuration --> make sure there is nothing there about passwords. Also make sure there is not .htaccess file in the root directory, if there is, delete it.
  3. You have to escape special characters. You escape them with % when forming uri. Use %25 instead of %.
  4. Blank page doesn't really mean anything is listening, it just means the port is open in the firewall. There are programs other than apache that have http interfaces and they sometimes listen on port 80. They could have been failing before because apache started earlier and occupied the port, but now they are free to use it. Try netstat -ab just to make sure it displays everything. You can do netstat -ab>netstat.txt. This will save output to netstat.txt so you can search it. Also, just to be sure, try instead of localhost. Does apache start if you try to listen on different port? (Edit "Listen 80" line in httpd.conf) Try telnet 80. If you get any responses, there might be something non-http listening that doesn't respond to browser requests.
  5. Try netstat -b in command prompt. That will give you a list of all connections and the names of processes which established that connection. This way you can see which process is listening on port 80. Then get a program like prcviewer. It will tell you the path of the process. Kill it, then erase the exe file.
  6. Exactly the same for windows. Just download Open-SSL for Win :-)
  7. I have a folder that wwwrun (user apache runs as) has no read access to, but I need to be able to download from that folder. I realize that adding wwwrun to users group is dangerous, but that is the only solution I could find for now. I closed http ports on external interface and download files from apache through an SSH tunnel as a security measure while I'm looking for a better solution. Is there any way to give a VHost elevated privileges for one directory? I would really rather not run two apache daemons where one has elevated privileges but cannot be accessed from outside except through SSH tunnel. Any suggestions welcome.
  8. I need to authenticate over LDAP server, but I also need the info transfered to be encrypted. I got it working over LDAP, and then I just changed the address to ldaps and now authentication fails 9/10 times. Any ideas? It does occasionally work which is really strange! Any suggestions are welcome! Thanks. I'm using a basic script to test connection to ldap server: <?php // basic sequence with LDAP is connect, bind, search, interpret search // result, close connection echo "<h3>LDAP query test</h3>"; echo "Connecting ..."; $ds=ldap_connect("ldaps://myserver.com"); // must be a valid LDAP server! echo "connect result is " . $ds . "<br />"; $username = "test"; if ($ds) { echo "Binding ..."; $r=ldap_bind($ds); // this is an "anonymous" bind, typically // read-only access echo "Bind result is " . $r . "<br />"; echo "Searching for (sn=$username) ..."; // Search surname entry $sr=ldap_search($ds, "o=test", "userid=$username"); echo "Search result is " . $sr . "<br />"; echo "Number of entires returned is " . ldap_count_entries($ds, $sr) . "<br />"; echo "Getting entries ...<p>"; $info = ldap_get_entries($ds, $sr); echo "Data for " . $info["count"] . " items returned:<p>"; for ($i=0; $i<$info["count"]; $i++) { echo "dn is: " . $info[$i]["dn"] . "<br />"; echo "first cn entry is: " . $info[$i]["givenName"][0] . "<br />"; echo "first email entry is: " . $info[$i]["mail"][0] . "<br /><hr />"; } echo "Closing connection"; ldap_close($ds); } else { echo "<h4>Unable to connect to LDAP server</h4>"; } ?>
  9. .htaccess files go into the folder which you want to be affected by settings specified in them. In your case, in the cgi-bin folder. But it really sounds to me that Apache just can't access this folder, make sure your local permissions are set correctly. Check which user Apache is running as, usually "www" or something similar and change ownership of the files/folder to that user with chown.
  10. If you have little uplink bandwidth on the server, and if your clients are not using a download manager, browsers might report file as finished when there is no more data coming even though it is not complete. Also, if the files you are hosting are not on the hard drive of the server, but are served from a share, make sure the local connection to the files is solid, I've had a similar problem when I was hosting files from a network share. Apache will choke if it cannot read the source.
  11. I'm running Apache/2.2.3 (Win32) mod_ssl/2.2.3 OpenSSL/0.9.8d on Windows 2003 Server SP1. Overall, it works like magic, web pages open quickly, etc. But every time i transfer large files 500MB+ they become corrupt during transfer. I am never able to match MD5's. I am using a download manager, but it transfered much larger files (like linux iso distros) without any problems before. Apache is reporting no problems at all, neither does download manager. Before I installed mod_ssl it was transferring files of this size without any problems, now there are constant errors. Should i blame it on encryption? I'm guessing that's not normal behavior. How can I find out what at which point to the packets become corrupted? Any suggestions are welcome. Thank you very much.
  12. I already figured out my problem. I moved from one server to another and external db on this server was on the same server and i was accessing it with the same credentials unlike on the other server. hitman6003 your comment was the most helpful. Thanks to everyone who responded.
  13. Are you kidding? I already said twice that I know, but cannot use that parameter. Thanks for reply
  14. There are wrappers from DB communication -- it doesn't even matter then whether you are reading data from CSV file or MySQL.
  15. I'm sorry for not clarifying my question because you are the second person who tells me that. I know that second parameter is the link identifier, but there is a whole lot of code written without that second parameter. So what i need to do is to set the FIRST link identifier as DEFAULT again after I make, use, and close the SECOND connection. So what I'm trying to do is to save the first link identifier, make the second connection, reset the first link identifier as default. To be even more specific, I'm looking for something like $link = currentLinkID(); The FIRST $link1 = mysql_connect() is called outside of the script I'm writing within a library that handles all DB connections so I'm not sure how php stores that first link identifer ($link1), but I need to get it to restore it back to default after I make the second connection. And no, it is not the same db, so i can't use mysql_select_db, different servers. Thank you for reply, i hope i made my problem clear.
  16. /papaface I need to restore the first link identifier as default so I DON'T have to use specific identifier in the query/select_db call. Thanks for reply though.
  17. Problem is, i don't know (may not have access to) the place where the first global connection is established. I know mysql_connect returns the link. How can I get the link identifier after mysql_connect has been run?
  18. I need to access to different databases within one script. How can I save the resource identifier from the first connection into a variable? Basically what i need to do is: Establish a global connection Save link identifier Establish a second connection Close second connection Restore original link identifier so that mysql_query(select blah) without specific link identifier could work using the original global connection. Thank you very much. Please let me know if you need specifics to understand the question better.
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