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Everything posted by NathanS

  1. Hi guys, N00bish question: I get a parse error for the below, any ideas why? $body = 'Dear ,<br /><br />Upgrade Form!<br /><br /> '.$form['CurrentVersion'].'<br /><br />'Regards, <br/> <b>The Team</b>'; Thanks, Nathan
  2. Incidently, if I copy/paste the variables into the index instead of including them, it works fine...
  3. function layout_text( $header, $text ) { echo "<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=600 border=0>\r\n<TBODY>\r\n<TR>\r\n<TD vAlign=top colSpan=2>\r\n<TABLE class=TextBoxFull cellSpacing=0 width=585>\r\n<TBODY>\r\n<TR>\r\n</TR>\r\n<TR>\r\n</TR>\r\n<TR>\r\n<TD>\r\n<B>{$header}</B>\r\n</TD>\r\n</TR>\r\n<TR>\r\n<TD>{$text}<BR>\r\n</TD>\r\n</TR>\r\n</TBODY>\r\n</TABLE>\r\n</TD>\r\n</TR>\r\n</TBODY>\r\n</TABLE>"; } And yes, include the language file!
  4. Hi guys, I'm rectifing an old website, and everything works flawlessly bar the languages - its been coded for multiple languages, as such the index page looks like this: echo "<TABLE class=NewsTicker width=585><TBODY><TR><TD><a href=\"chatroom.php?rhx=2523457370726573736F426172\">EspressoBar</a> - <i>All ages welcome at the EspressoBar - Fun and friendly chat!</i></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>"; layout_text( "{$_index[0]}", "{$_index[1]} {$_index[2]}" ); layout_text( "{$_index[3]}", "{$_index[4]}<br>{$_index[5]} <a href=\"includes/NPPGWrap.exe\">{$_index[6]}</a> {$_index['7']}" ); layout_text( "{$_index[8]}", "{$_index[9]}" ); layout_footer( ); } With $_index[0] etc being the relative text which is defined in the language files, as below: $_index[0] = "Welcome to N2N Chat!"; $_index[1] = "A new network made especially for you! Why? Because we want to make your online experience as enjoyable as possible, N2N Chat is your best msn chat alternative!"; $_index[2] = "Chat now and get acquainted with the possibilities of N2N Chat today!"; But the error I'm getting is: Notice: Undefined variable: _index in d:\domains\korix.co.uk\wwwroot\n2nchat\index.php on line 9 Over and over again. Any ideas? Thanks!
  5. Hi guys, Got a highly random problem which I can't figure out - have an "edit profile page" where you can fill in info about yourself, and it writes back to a MySQL database. All fields work fine apart from two: Gender and Website. The code is below - anyone any ideas what on earth I'm doing wrong? Thanks! if ($_POST["submit"]) { $form["fullname"] = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST["fullname"])); $form["location"] = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST["location"])); $form["website"] = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST["website"]));; $form["gender"] = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST["gender"]));; $form["favbands"] = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(trim($_POST["favbands"]))); $form["bio"] = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(trim($_POST["bio"]))); $form["level"] = (int)$_POST["level"]; if ($form["gender"] && $form["gender"] != "M" && $form["gender"] != "F") { $form["gender"] = ""; } if ($_FILES["avatar"]["name"]) { $size = getimagesize($_FILES["avatar"]["tmp_name"]); if ($size[0] <= 100 && $size[1] <= 100 && $_FILES["avatar"]["size"] <= 112640) { $current_av = $user->get_avatar(); if (file_exists($current_av) && $current_av != "images/default_av.png") { unlink($current_av); } $new_av = "images/avatars/".$user->_id.".".substr(strrchr($_FILES["avatar"]["name"], '.'), 1); move_uploaded_file($_FILES["avatar"]["tmp_name"], $new_av); } } $user->_fullname = $form["fullname"]; $user->_location = $form["location"]; if (ereg("^http\://[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(:[a-zA-Z0-9]*)?/?([a-zA-Z0-9\._\?\,\'/\\\+&%\$#\=~\-])*$", $form["website"]) || (!$form["website"])) { $user->_website = $form["website"]; } $user->_gender = $form["gender"]; $user->_favbands = $form["favbands"]; $user->_bio = $form["bio"]; if ($me->_level >= 3) { $user->_level = $form["level"]; } $user->update_profile(); $saved = true; And the writing back to database: function update_profile() { @mysql_query("update `members` set `fullname` = '".sanitize_sql_string($this->_fullname)."', `location` = '".sanitize_sql_string($this->_location)."', `birthday` = '".sanitize_sql_string($this->_birthday)."', `website` = '".sanitize_sql_string($this->_website)."', `gender` = '".sanitize_sql_string($this->_gender)."', `favbands` = '".sanitize_sql_string($this->_favbands)."', `bio` = '".sanitize_sql_string($this->_bio)."', `level` = ".$this->_level." where `id` = ".$this->_id." limit 1"); }
  6. Just notepad, that's what I can't make out!
  7. Hi guys, I'm getting this symbol on my website, when rendering in firefox:  Any ideas what causes this? Thanks!
  8. Yep, also should've probably checked my php.ini for register_globals! Thanks
  9. Hi guys, Having an issue, first time using php self to submit a form - however, am getting: PHP Notice: Undefined index: cover in tform.php on line 2 PHP Notice: Undefined variable: PHP_SELF intform.php on line 11 When loading up the following page: <?php $cover = $_POST["cover"]; if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) { // if page is not submitted to itself echo the form ?> <html> <head> <title>Cover Question</title> </head> <body> <form method="post" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF;?>"> Do you require cover for less than 28 days? <select name="cover"> <option value="yes">Yes</option> <option value="no">No</option> <input type="submit" value="submit" name="submit"> </form> <? } else { if ($cover =="yes") { header('Location: http://www.adrianflux.co.uk/'); } header('Location: https://www.hertsinsurance.com/epa.php'); } ?> Any ideas? Thanks!
  10. http://www.metalmarketing.co.uk and http://www.wintersnet.net - any constructive critiscism is very welcome! thankyou
  11. Thanks for the reply Using your method, calling _POST['EMAIL'], still only sends an email to the first address. Unsure what I'm doing wrong here
  12. Thanks for the quick reply. I've already done that as follows: echo "<INPUT TYPE='checkbox' name='EMAIL[]' VALUE='$field20' style='visibility:hidden' checked>"; And in the php file, I have the variables declared as follows: $email = $_POST["EMAIL"]; Then I use the foreach loop before the email code - However, it only sends an email to one address. Thanks
  13. hi guys, i have a form, which the user selects multiple entries using a tickbox. when the form is submitted, it will email each ticked person (well, that's the theory!!) I have tried using foreach in the below way, yet it only ever emails the first person. Any ideas on this? Many thanks foreach ($email as $e) { if ($status == 'Pending') { if ($sourceofbusiness == 'BusinessHere') { $msg = "Message Here"; $recipient = $e; $subject = "Email"; $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; $headers .= "From: Company <company@company.com> \n"; mail($recipient, $subject, $msg, $headers); } (code continues in that way, dependednt on status/source of business)
  14. I turned magic_quotes off, yet it still does the same thing.. ???
  15. I see Excuse my utter ignorance, but in what format would I need to be using stripslashes prior to mysql_real_escape_string() ? Sorry, very new still!
  16. '".mysql_escape_string($_POST["LNAME"])." Many thanks for your quick reply! Using the above writes, however it still writes O\\\ to the database, as opposed to O'Connor - any ideas? Thanks again!
  17. Hi there, I'm having issues where people are inserting last names such as "O'Connor" and it's not writing to the database correctly: $sql = "INSERT INTO customerav (TITLE, LNAME, PCODE) VALUES ('".$_POST["TITLE"]."', '.$_POST["LNAME"]."', '".$_POST["PCODE"]."')"; How would I best go about removing the apostrophe? Cheers.
  18. Still stuck on exactly how to achieve this: this is what I have now: first page: echo "<TD WIDTH=70>"; echo "<font color='#FF6633'>"; echo "<INPUT TYPE='checkbox' ID='NEWID[]' VALUE='$id'>"; echo "</TD>"; echo "</font>"; update page: $sql = "UPDATE customer_insured_party SET ACTIONEDYN = '".$_POST["ACTIONEDYN"]."' WHERE cip_id = '".$_POST["NEWID"]."'"; Am i missing something major? Thanks.
  19. Hi guys, Tearing my hair out over this one! Currently returning a list from a database of customers, via an array. It displays without a problem - what I need to be able to do, is add a checkbox by each one, so someone can tick it and click submit, and it'll update the database for that record. How would I go about linking it in with the ID so that this would be possible? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Nathan.
  20. You just made my day! Thankyou very much!
  21. Hi guys, I've setup a control panel at work - put simply, it's a way of people being able to view records retrieved from a MySQL database. Currently, they input the ID number into a box and hit "Go" as that's the only way I can think of to pull through the ID number to the next page, so I can do a "SELECT * FROM database WHERE id = $_POST['id'];" Any way I can make the ID's linkable, so they just click on them and it pulls through that ID number that I can use in the select statement? Thanks in advance!
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