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Posts posted by NathanS

  1. Hi guys,


    N00bish question: I get a parse error for the below, any ideas why?


      $body = 'Dear ,<br /><br />Upgrade Form!<br /><br /> '.$form['CurrentVersion'].'<br /><br />'Regards, <br/> <b>The Team</b>';





  2. RockSocial - The Rock Social Network


    exisiting website needs expanding upon - www.rocksocial.net




    - band profiles where bands can upload music

    - promoter profiles, similar

    - ability for users to subscribe to premium with no adverts and priority access

    - allow bands to upload their music

    - allow users to search for music and create their own playlists

    - each user needs home page with what their friends have been doing (similar to FaceBook)

    - ability to tag photos and auto resize photos in existing gallery

    - ability to become fans of bands


    And MORE! Please contact for further details. Will be paid and will also be paid on a continual basis as will be company based.

  3. function layout_text( $header, $text )
        echo "<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=600 border=0>\r\n<TBODY>\r\n<TR>\r\n<TD vAlign=top colSpan=2>\r\n<TABLE class=TextBoxFull cellSpacing=0 width=585>\r\n<TBODY>\r\n<TR>\r\n</TR>\r\n<TR>\r\n</TR>\r\n<TR>\r\n<TD>\r\n<B>{$header}</B>\r\n</TD>\r\n</TR>\r\n<TR>\r\n<TD>{$text}<BR>\r\n</TD>\r\n</TR>\r\n</TBODY>\r\n</TABLE>\r\n</TD>\r\n</TR>\r\n</TBODY>\r\n</TABLE>";


    And yes, include the language file!

  4. Hi guys,


    I'm rectifing an old website, and everything works flawlessly bar the languages - its been coded for multiple languages, as such the index page looks like this:


       echo "<TABLE class=NewsTicker width=585><TBODY><TR><TD><a href=\"chatroom.php?rhx=2523457370726573736F426172\">EspressoBar</a> - <i>All ages welcome at the EspressoBar - Fun and friendly chat!</i></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>";
        layout_text( "{$_index[0]}", "{$_index[1]} {$_index[2]}" );
        layout_text( "{$_index[3]}", "{$_index[4]}<br>{$_index[5]} <a href=\"includes/NPPGWrap.exe\">{$_index[6]}</a> {$_index['7']}" );
        layout_text( "{$_index[8]}", "{$_index[9]}" );
        layout_footer( );


    With $_index[0] etc being the relative text which is defined in the language files, as below:


    $_index[0] = "Welcome to N2N Chat!";
    $_index[1] = "A new network made especially for you! Why? Because we want to make your online experience as enjoyable as possible, N2N Chat is your best msn chat alternative!";
    $_index[2] = "Chat now and get acquainted with the possibilities of N2N Chat today!";


    But the error I'm getting is: Notice: Undefined variable: _index in d:\domains\korix.co.uk\wwwroot\n2nchat\index.php on line 9


    Over and over again. Any ideas?



  5. Hi guys,


    Got a highly random problem which I can't figure out - have an "edit profile page" where you can fill in info about yourself, and it writes back to a MySQL database.


    All fields work fine apart from two: Gender and Website.


    The code is below - anyone any ideas what on earth I'm doing wrong?




    if ($_POST["submit"]) {
    $form["fullname"] = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST["fullname"]));
    $form["location"] = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST["location"]));
    $form["website"] = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST["website"]));;
    $form["gender"] = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST["gender"]));;
    $form["favbands"] = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(trim($_POST["favbands"])));
    $form["bio"] = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(trim($_POST["bio"])));
    $form["level"] = (int)$_POST["level"];
    if ($form["gender"] && $form["gender"] != "M" && $form["gender"] != "F") {
    	$form["gender"] = "";
    if ($_FILES["avatar"]["name"]) {
    	$size = getimagesize($_FILES["avatar"]["tmp_name"]);
    	if ($size[0] <= 100 && $size[1] <= 100 && $_FILES["avatar"]["size"] <= 112640) {
    		$current_av = $user->get_avatar();
    		if (file_exists($current_av) && $current_av != "images/default_av.png") {
    		$new_av = "images/avatars/".$user->_id.".".substr(strrchr($_FILES["avatar"]["name"], '.'), 1);
    		move_uploaded_file($_FILES["avatar"]["tmp_name"], $new_av);
    $user->_fullname = $form["fullname"];
    $user->_location = $form["location"];
    if (ereg("^http\://[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(:[a-zA-Z0-9]*)?/?([a-zA-Z0-9\._\?\,\'/\\\+&%\$#\=~\-])*$", 
    $form["website"]) || (!$form["website"])) {
    	$user->_website = $form["website"];
    $user->_gender = $form["gender"];
    $user->_favbands = $form["favbands"];
    $user->_bio = $form["bio"];
    if ($me->_level >= 3) {
    	$user->_level = $form["level"];
    $saved = true;


    And the writing back to database:


    	function update_profile() {
    	@mysql_query("update `members` set `fullname` = '".sanitize_sql_string($this->_fullname)."', `location` = '".sanitize_sql_string($this->_location)."', `birthday` = '".sanitize_sql_string($this->_birthday)."', `website` = '".sanitize_sql_string($this->_website)."', `gender` = '".sanitize_sql_string($this->_gender)."', `favbands` = '".sanitize_sql_string($this->_favbands)."', `bio` = '".sanitize_sql_string($this->_bio)."', `level` = ".$this->_level." where `id` = ".$this->_id." limit 1");

  6. Hi guys,


    Having an issue, first time using php self to submit a form - however, am getting:


    PHP Notice: Undefined index: cover in tform.php on line 2

    PHP Notice: Undefined variable: PHP_SELF intform.php on line 11


    When loading up the following page:


    $cover = $_POST["cover"];
    if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) { // if page is not submitted to itself echo the form
    <title>Cover Question</title>
    <form method="post" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF;?>">
    Do you require cover for less than 28 days? 
    <select name="cover">
    <option value="yes">Yes</option>
    <option value="no">No</option>
    <input type="submit" value="submit" name="submit">
    } else {
    if ($cover =="yes") {
    header('Location: http://www.adrianflux.co.uk/');
    header('Location: https://www.hertsinsurance.com/epa.php');


    Any ideas?



  7. Thanks for the quick reply.


    I've already done that as follows:


    echo "<INPUT TYPE='checkbox' name='EMAIL[]' VALUE='$field20' style='visibility:hidden' checked>";


    And in the php file, I have the variables declared as follows:


    $email = $_POST["EMAIL"];


    Then I use the foreach loop before the email code - However, it only sends an email to one address.


    Thanks :)

  8. hi guys,


    i have a form, which the user selects multiple entries using a tickbox. when the form is submitted, it will email each ticked person (well, that's the theory!!)


    I have tried using foreach in the below way, yet it only ever emails the first person. Any ideas on this?


    Many thanks :)


    foreach ($email as $e) {
    if ($status == 'Pending') {
    if ($sourceofbusiness == 'BusinessHere') {
    $msg = "Message Here";
    $recipient = $e;
    $subject = "Email";
    $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
    $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
    $headers .= "From: Company <company@company.com> \n";
    mail($recipient, $subject, $msg, $headers);


    (code continues in that way, dependednt on status/source of business)



  9. Hi there,


    I'm having issues where people are inserting last names such as "O'Connor" and it's not writing to the database correctly:


    $sql = "INSERT INTO customerav (TITLE, LNAME, PCODE) VALUES ('".$_POST["TITLE"]."', '.$_POST["LNAME"]."', '".$_POST["PCODE"]."')";


    How would I best go about removing the apostrophe?



  10. Still stuck on exactly how to achieve this: this is what I have now:


    first page:


    		echo "<TD WIDTH=70>";
    	echo "<font color='#FF6633'>";
    	echo "<INPUT TYPE='checkbox' ID='NEWID[]' VALUE='$id'>";
    	echo "</TD>";
    	echo "</font>";


    update page:


    $sql = "UPDATE customer_insured_party SET ACTIONEDYN  = '".$_POST["ACTIONEDYN"]."' WHERE cip_id = '".$_POST["NEWID"]."'";


    Am i missing something major?



  11. Hi guys,


    Tearing my hair out over this one! Currently returning a list from a database of customers, via an array. It displays without a problem - what I need to be able to do, is add a checkbox by each one, so someone can tick it and click submit, and it'll update the database for that record.


    How would I go about linking it in with the ID so that this would be possible?


    Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!





  12. Hi guys,


    I've setup a control panel at work - put simply, it's a way of people being able to view records retrieved from a MySQL database. Currently, they input the ID number into a box and hit "Go" as that's the only way I can think of to pull through the ID number to the next page, so I can do a "SELECT * FROM database WHERE id = $_POST['id'];"


    Any way I can make the ID's linkable, so they just click on them and it pulls through that ID number that I can use in the select statement?


    Thanks in advance!


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