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Everything posted by flappy_warbucks

  1. to make a button disabled in HTML you have to set the attribute to that object. for example <input type="button" value="Click Me" disabled> this will create a button with the wording "Click Me" but it will be disabled, if you remove the disabled attribute then then button will be active. I notice on your code you have the disabled attribute within quotes in the value attribute. that will cause the attribute to be printed in the button. <input type="button" onclick="redirect_selection(1);" value="Selection by Set<?php echo $disabled ?>" name="btnset" class="button_assess"> Remove the quotes and that should work
  2. What i would be tempted to do is see if the session has been set. for example using isset() In your case what i would do is this: <select name="birthmonth" id="birthmonth" value="Select"> <?php // There's input in session data if ($birthMonth != 'selectdob'){ print "<option value=\"$birthMonth\" selected=\"selected\">{$nameOfMonths["$birthMonth"]}</option>"; foreach ($nameOfMonths as $intMonth => $months){ print "<option value='$intMonth'>$months</option>\n"; } } else if (!isset($_SESSION['varable_name'])) //notice i am checking to see if the varable is set. { // What users see on first load, with NO session data print "<option value=\"selectdob\" selected=\"selected\">Select a month</option>"; foreach ($nameOfMonths as $intMonth => $months){ print "<option value='$intMonth'>$months</option>\n"; } } ?> </select>
  3. http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex11/xpprogressbar.htm I use that on one of my sites, the js file is customizable so you can set the length yourself (i.e. 10seconds before the page reloads type thing)
  4. If you have 2 Web servers running on the same machine (tomcat and IIS) then you will get conflicts. either develop in Tomcat or IIS and loose one of the other servers, as anything would be buggy with 2 servers running on a single machine.
  5. as CSV files are pretty standered in the layout as value1,value2,value3\n then you could write a script that would load the whole file into a single varable, split that into an array and then from there, you would then write several functions to handle the removal of the comma's and also to find the newlines and so on. i did write a script to do that, but i appear to have misplaced it, but thats how i done it, and it worked.
  6. Which is interesting, but not very helpful for me. I could really use a simple example please. Thank you. what i would do is this: <?php foreach($_REQUEST as $key => value) { echo "$key => $value<br>\n"; } ?>
  7. <?php $sub = $_REQUEST['sub']; $combo = $_RESUEST['combo']; if (!isset($sub)) { enter(); } else if ($sub) { validation($combo); } function enter() { // action depening on what you want done if there is no submission in the $sub varable i.e. HTML form asking for input from a combo box // the $sub varable will be passed by <input type="hidden" name="sub" value="1"> in the HTML element of the form. } function validation($combo) { // action depending on what you want done once you have that information and the form has been submitted } ?>
  8. thanks... The server this will be running on is a remote windows server thats hosted by a outside company.
  9. Hi, what i would do is just do this: if (!isset($_POST) | sizeof($_POST) == 0) { //action depending on empty array }
  10. Hi peps, I am trying to write a script that allows for events to be executed at any given time regardless if there is a visitor on the page or not. Basically i am trying to get the website to email me reports at 16:00 everyday, and i cant actually see a way of doing this without having a visitor on the site to create an action that will start that event. I have tried looking online but nothing really points to what i want, so i am asking if anyone knows of any sites that will teach me how to do this. Many thanks /- flappy -\
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