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  1. Thanks for the suggestions, but so far nothing is working.. the redirect in the meta tag probably isn't an option since the php script is a server side include in an html file.. the page would refrest before they could type in their responses. Here is the script itself.. and the html that has it as a server side include is ordinary.. but the thank you opens the script url NOT the original contact.html page :-( Even if i could figure out how to put a link back to the home page in the script I'd be happy! <?php session_start(); // Secure PHP Form Mailer Script v4.21 // Created by Aleister // http://www.dagondesign.com/articles/secure-php-form-mailer-script/ // Visit site for help, and new versions, including a Wordpress plugin version // -------------------------------- // START OF OPTIONS // -------------------------------- // RECIPIENTS // ---------- // One: "onerecip|(email)" // Multiple: "mulrecip|(cc or bcc)|(email 1)|(email 2) etc.. " // Drop-down: "selrecip" // (the drop-down data must be added to the form structure below) $recipients = "onerecip|user@domain.com"; // FORM STRUCTURE // -------------- // Please see the website for a full explanation of the structure. // It is easy to use, but a bit too long to explain here $form_structure = array( "openfieldset|fmset", "info|fminfofull|Send me an email...", "text|fmtext|Name|fm_name|32|100|true|none", "text|fmtext|Email|fm_email|32|100|false|email", "text|fmtext|Subject|fm_subject|32|100|false|none", "text|fmtext|Verify|fm_verify|7|5|true|none", "textarea|fmtextarea|Message|fm_message|6 |26 |true", "closefieldset" ); // SPECIAL FIELDS // ---------------- // This lets the script know the names of the 'special' fields // // VERIFICATION FIELD // To disable verification, set this to "", and // remove the verification line from the form structure $field_verification = "fm_verify"; // EMAIL HEADER FIELDS // These are the fields that will be used to generate the header // for the email(s). If these are set to "", the email will use // the default values (and you will not see the user's info in // the email header - only in the message) $field_name = "fm_name"; $field_subject = "fm_subject"; $field_email = "fm_email"; // DROP DOWN RECIPIENT // Only applies if you are using a drop down to select a recipient $field_dropdownrecip = "fm_sendto"; // FORM OPTIONS // ------------ // SHOW USER WHICH FIELDS ARE REQUIRED // // If enabled, this will put an asterisk next to required fields. // (styled with .fmrequired) $show_required = TRUE; // MESSAGE GENERATION // ------------------ // SUBJECT [PREFIX] // If you ask for a subject, this will be its prefix. // If not, this will be the complete subject line. $subject = 'Website Contact: '; // SHOW HEADER FIELDS IN MESSAGE // If using name, email, and/or subject fields in the email header, // disabling this option will keep those fields from being shown in the // body of the message. (since the information will already be in the header) $show_headers_in_message = FALSE; // SHOW VERIFICATION CODE IN MESSAGE // If enabled, this will show the entered code in the email. $show_code_in_message = FALSE; // WRAP MESSAGES // Required to meet RFC specifications (70 characters per line). $wrap_messages = TRUE; // INCLUDE IP // If enabled, adds the sender's IP and host info to the message $include_ip = FALSE; // LANGUAGE OPTIONS // ---------------- // SERVER ERROR MESSAGE // Shown when message cannot be sent (do not use html tags). $msg_mailserver = "No connection to the mailserver. Please try again later."; // SUCCESS MESSAGE // Shown when message has been sent (you can use html tags). $msg_sent = "<h2>Thank you!</h2><p>Your message has been sent!</p>"; // FORM ERROR MESSAGE // Shown when there is a mistake on the form // (do not use html tags - styled with .fmerrortitle). $msg_error = "Error!"; // SUBMIT BUTTON // The text for the send button (do not use html tags). $msg_submit = "Send Email"; // -------------------------------- // END OF OPTIONS // -------------------------------- // -------------------------------- // CSS DECLARATIONS // -------------------------------- // It is best to put these declarations in your main style sheet // Since it is not always proper to have CSS declarations in the middle // of a file. // In the form structure above, you can specify custom class names // for each input field if you like. ?> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .mailwrapper { text-align: center; } .maildiv { margin: 0 auto 0 auto; text-align: left; width: 365px; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 90%; } .maildiv form { text-align: left; } .maildiv label { /* used for right side captions */ vertical-align: top; padding: 0 0 0 3px; } .maildiv .sidelbl { /* used for left side labels */ width: 95px; text-align: right; padding: 0 10px 0 0; vertical-align: top; position: relative; display: block; float: left; clear: left; } .maildiv a { color: #005ABE; } .maildiv h2 { color: #005ABE; font-size: 120%; } .maildiv input { margin-bottom: 10px; } .maildiv select { margin-bottom: 10px; } .maildiv textarea { margin-bottom: 10px; } .maildiv .ver_img { padding: 0; margin: 0 0 10px 10px; vertical-align:bottom; border: 1px solid #005ABE; } .maildiv fieldset { padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; } .maildiv .legendspacing { height: 10px; } .maildiv .fmcredits { float: left; font-size: 90%; } .maildiv .fmsubmit { float: right; } .maildiv .fmrequired { color: #005ABE; font-size: 90%; float: left; margin-top: 3px; margin-left: 5px; } .maildiv .fmspacer { height: 10px; } .maildiv .fminfofull { padding: 0 10px 0 10px; color: #005ABE; margin-bottom: 15px; } .maildiv .fminfohalf { padding: 0 10px 0 10px; color: #005ABE; margin-left: 110px; margin-bottom: 15px; } .maildiv .fmerrorbox { text-align: left; } .maildiv li { margin: 0 0 4px 0; } .maildiv .fmerrortitle { color: #FF0000; font-size: 120%; } --> </style> <?php // -------------------------------- // END OF CSS DECLARATIONS // -------------------------------- // Do not edit anything below unless you know what you are doing $email_sent = FALSE; $t_out = ""; // turn $recipients into a useable array $recipients = explode("|", $recipients); for ($i = 0; $i < count($recipients); $i++) { $recipients[$i] = trim($recipients[$i]); } // turn form fields into a useable array for ($i = 0; $i < count($form_structure); $i++) { $form_structure[$i] = explode("|", $form_structure[$i]); for ($j = 0; $j < count($form_structure[$i]); $j++) { $form_structure[$i][$j] = trim($form_structure[$i][$j]); } } function is_valid_url($link) { // returns TRUE if url actually exists if (strpos($link, "http://") === FALSE) { $link = "http://" . $link; } $url_parts = @parse_url($link); if (empty($url_parts["host"])) return( false ); if (!empty($url_parts["path"])) { $documentpath = $url_parts["path"]; } else { $documentpath = "/"; } if (!empty($url_parts["query"])) { $documentpath .= "?" . $url_parts["query"]; } $host = $url_parts["host"]; $port = $url_parts["port"]; if (empty($port)) $port = "80"; $socket = @fsockopen( $host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 30 ); if (!$socket) { return(false); } else {fwrite ($socket, "HEAD ".$documentpath." HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: $host\r\n\r\n"); $http_response = fgets( $socket, 22 ); if (ereg("200 OK", $http_response, $regs)) { return(true); fclose($socket); } else { return(false); } } } function is_valid_email($email) { // returns TRUE if email address is valid $qtext = '[^\\x0d\\x22\\x5c\\x80-\\xff]'; $dtext = '[^\\x0d\\x5b-\\x5d\\x80-\\xff]'; $atom = '[^\\x00-\\x20\\x22\\x28\\x29\\x2c\\x2e\\x3a-\\x3c'. '\\x3e\\x40\\x5b-\\x5d\\x7f-\\xff]+'; $quoted_pair = '\\x5c[\\x00-\\x7f]'; $domain_literal = "\\x5b($dtext|$quoted_pair)*\\x5d"; $quoted_string = "\\x22($qtext|$quoted_pair)*\\x22"; $domain_ref = $atom; $sub_domain = "($domain_ref|$domain_literal)"; $word = "($atom|$quoted_string)"; $domain = "$sub_domain(\\x2e$sub_domain)*"; $local_part = "$word(\\x2e$word)*"; $addr_spec = "$local_part\\x40$domain"; return preg_match("!^$addr_spec$!", $email) ? 1 : 0; } function injection_chars($s) { // returns TRUE if 'bad' characters are found return (eregi("\r", $s) || eregi("\n", $s) || eregi("%0a", $s) || eregi("%0d", $s)) ? TRUE : FALSE; } function generate_verification() { srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $rand = rand(0,999999999); $thecode = substr(strtoupper(md5($rand)), 2, 5); $thecode = str_replace("O", "A", $thecode); $thecode = str_replace("0", "B", $thecode); $_SESSION["thecode"] = $thecode; } function strip_colons($s) { return str_replace(array(':', '%3a'), " ", $s); } $first_load = TRUE; if (isset($_POST["form_submitted"])) { // if the form has been submitted $first_load = FALSE; // prepare error list unset($errors); // prepare mail variables $mail_message = ""; $mail_name = "Anonymous"; $mail_subject = $subject; $mail_email = 'noone@nowhere.com'; // process input foreach ($form_structure as $form_field) { switch ($form_field[0]) { case "text": case "password": $f_type = $form_field[0]; $f_name = $form_field[2]; $f_fmname = $form_field[3]; $f_max = $form_field[5]; $f_req = $form_field[6]; $f_ver = $form_field[7]; // get data $t = (isset($_POST[$f_fmname])) ? trim($_POST[$f_fmname]) : ""; if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $t = stripslashes($t); } // check for size limits if (strlen($t) > $f_max) { $errors[] = "There is a $f_max character limit for '$f_name'."; } // check for required fields if (($f_req == "true") && ($t == "")) { if ($f_fmname != $field_verification) { // has it's own check $errors[] = "Missing required field: '$f_name'."; } } // check for injection characters if (($f_type != "textarea") && (injection_chars($t))) { $errors[] = "Invalid input in '$f_name'!"; } // check for valid email (if present/required) if (($f_ver == 'email') && ($f_req == "true" || (trim($t) != ""))) { if (!is_valid_email($t)) { $errors[] = "Invalid email address: '$f_name'"; } } // check for valid url (if present/required) if (($f_ver == 'url') && ($f_req == "true" || (trim($t) != ""))) { if (!is_valid_url($t)) { $errors[] = "Invalid link: '$f_name'"; } } // check for headers/verification fields if ($f_fmname == $field_name) { if ($t != "") { $mail_name = strip_colons($t); if ($show_headers_in_message) $mail_message .= $f_name . ' = ' . $t . "\n\n"; } } elseif ($f_fmname == $field_subject) { if ($t != "") { $mail_subject = $subject . strip_colons($t); if ($show_headers_in_message) $mail_message .= $f_name . ' = ' . $t . "\n\n"; } } elseif ($f_fmname == $field_email) { if ($t != "") { $mail_email = strip_colons($t); if ($show_headers_in_message) $mail_message .= $f_name . ' = ' . $t . "\n\n"; } } elseif ($f_fmname == $field_verification) { if ($t == "") { $errors[] = "Enter the verification code!"; } else if (trim($_SESSION["thecode"]) == "") { $errors[] = "No verification code generated!"; } else if ($_SESSION["thecode"] != strtoupper($t)) { $errors[] = "Invalid verification code!"; } else { if ($show_code_in_message) $mail_message .= $f_name . ' = ' . $t . "\n\n"; } } else { if ($t != "") { $mail_message .= $f_name . ' = ' . $t . "\n\n"; } } break; case "textarea": $f_name = $form_field[2]; $f_fmname = $form_field[3]; $f_req = $form_field[6]; // get data $t = (isset($_POST[$f_fmname])) ? trim($_POST[$f_fmname]) : ""; if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $t = stripslashes($t); } // check for required fields if (($f_req == "true") && ($t == "")) { if ($f_fmname != $field_verification) { // has it's own check $errors[] = "Missing required field: '$f_name'."; } } if ($t != "") { $mail_message .= $f_name . " = \n" . $t . "\n\n"; } break; case "checkbox": $f_name = $form_field[2]; $t_message = $f_name . ' ='; $f = FALSE; for ($i = 3; $i < count($form_field); $i+=3) { $f_fmname = $form_field[$i]; $f_caption = $form_field[$i+1]; $t = (isset($_POST[$f_fmname])) ? trim($_POST[$f_fmname]) : ""; if ($t == 'on') { $t_message .= " " . $f_caption . ","; $f = TRUE; } } $t_message = rtrim($t_message, ','); if ($f) { $mail_message .= $t_message . "\n\n"; } break; case "radio": $f_name = $form_field[2]; $f_fmname = $form_field[3]; $t = (isset($_POST[$f_fmname])) ? trim($_POST[$f_fmname]) : ""; $f = FALSE; for ($i = 5; $i < count($form_field); $i+=2) { if ($t == $form_field[$i]) { $f = TRUE; } } if ($f) { $mail_message .= $f_name . ' = ' . $t . "\n\n"; } break; case "select": $f_name = $form_field[2]; $f_fmname = $form_field[3]; $t_message = $f_name . ' ='; $t = (isset($_POST[$f_fmname])) ? $_POST[$f_fmname] : ""; foreach ((array)$t as $tt) { $f = FALSE; for ($i = 6; $i < count($form_field); $i++) { if (($form_field[$i] == $tt) && (trim($tt) != "")) { $f = TRUE; } } if ($f) { $t_message .= ' ' . $tt . ','; } } $t_message = rtrim($t_message, ','); if ($f) { $mail_message .= $t_message . "\n\n"; } break; } } // if no errors, process if (empty($errors)) { $mail_message = trim($mail_message); // wrap messages if set if ($wrap_messages) { $mail_message = wordwrap($mail_message, 70); } // prepare the headers // \r\n seems to be the best method for most servers to handle $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $mail_header = ""; $mail_header .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $mail_header .= "X-Sender-IP: $ip\r\n"; $mail_header .= "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"; $mail_header .= "From: " . $mail_name . " <" . $mail_email . ">"; if ($recipients[0] == 'onerecip') { $mail_to = $recipients[1]; } elseif ($recipients[0] == 'mulrecip') { $mail_to = $recipients[2]; for ($i = 3; $i < count($recipients); $i++) { $mail_header .= "\r\n"; if ($recipients[1] == 'cc') { $mail_header .= "Cc: "; } else { $mail_header .= "Bcc: "; } $mail_header .= $recipients[$i]; } } elseif ($recipients[0] == 'selrecip') { $recip_number = (int)$_POST[$field_dropdownrecip]; foreach ($form_structure as $form_field) { if ($form_field[0] == 'selrecip') { $j = 1; for ($i = 4; $i < count($form_field); $i++) { if (strpos($form_field[$i], "#") === 0) { $i++; } $i++; if ($recip_number == $j) { $mail_to = $form_field[$i]; } $j++; } } } } // send mail, setting $email_sent to true or false if ($include_ip) { $mail_message .= "\n"; $mail_message .= "\nHost: " . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]; $mail_message .= "\nIP: " . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $mail_message .= "\nBrowser: " . $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]; } if (mail($mail_to, $mail_subject, $mail_message, $mail_header, "-f $mail_email")) { $email_sent = true; } else { $errors[] = $msg_mailserver; $email_sent = false; } } if (isset($errors)) { // if there were errors, list them $t_out .= '<div class="mailwrapper"><div class="maildiv"><div class="fmerrorbox">'; $t_out .= '<p class="fmerrortitle">' . $msg_error . '</p><ul>'; foreach ($errors as $f) $t_out .= '<li>' . $f . '</li>'; $t_out .= '</ul></div></div></div>'; } else { // the message was sent, display message $t_out .= '<div class="mailwrapper"><div class="maildiv">'; $t_out .= $msg_sent; $t_out .= '</div></div>'; generate_verification(); } } if (!$email_sent) { // SHOW FORM generate_verification(); if (!extension_loaded("gd")) { $t_out .= "<p><b>GD Support not detected!</b> GD is required for this script.</p>"; } $t_out .= '<div class="mailwrapper"><div class="maildiv">'; $t_out .= '<form method="post" action="' . basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]) . '" enctype="multipart/form-data">'; // go through fields foreach ($form_structure as $form_field) { // process field types switch ($form_field[0]) { case "openfieldset": $f_class = $form_field[1]; $t_out .= '<fieldset class="' . $f_class . '">'; if (count($form_field) > 2) { $f_legend = $form_field[2]; $t_out .= '<legend>' . $f_legend . '</legend><div class="legendspacing"></div>'; } break; case "closefieldset": $t_out .= '</fieldset>'; break; case "info": $f_class = $form_field[1]; $f_text = $form_field[2]; $t_out .= '<div class="' . $f_class . '">' . $f_text . '</div>'; break; case "text": $f_class = $form_field[1]; $f_name = $form_field[2]; $f_fmname = $form_field[3]; $f_size = $form_field[4]; $f_max = $form_field[5]; $f_req = $form_field[6]; $t_out .= '<label class="sidelbl" for="' . $f_fmname . '">'; if (($f_req == "true") && ($show_required)) $t_out .= '<span class="fmrequired">* </span>'; $t_out .= $f_name . '</label>'; $t_out .= '<input type="text" class="' . $f_class . '" name="' . $f_fmname . '" id="' . $f_fmname . '" size="' . $f_size . '" maxlength="' . $f_max . '"'; if (isset($_POST[$f_fmname])) { if ($f_fmname != $field_verification) { $t_out .= ' value="' . htmlspecialchars($_POST[$f_fmname]) . '"'; } } $t_out .= ' />'; if ($f_fmname == $field_verification) { $t_out .= '<img class="ver_img" src="formmailer_verify.php" width="60" height="20" alt="Please enter the number from this image" />'; } $t_out .= '<br />'; break; case "password": $f_class = $form_field[1]; $f_name = $form_field[2]; $f_fmname = $form_field[3]; $f_size = $form_field[4]; $f_max = $form_field[5]; $f_req = $form_field[6]; $t_out .= '<label class="sidelbl" for="' . $f_fmname . '">'; if (($f_req == "true") && ($show_required)) $t_out .= '<span class="fmrequired">* </span>'; $t_out .= $f_name . '</label>'; $t_out .= '<input type="password" class="' . $f_class . '" name="' . $f_fmname . '" id="' . $f_fmname . '" size="' . $f_size . '" maxlength="' . $f_max . '"'; if (isset($_POST[$f_fmname])) { if ($f_fmname != $field_verification) { $t_out .= ' value="' . htmlspecialchars($_POST[$f_fmname]) . '"'; } } $t_out .= ' /><br />'; break; case "textarea": $f_class = $form_field[1]; $f_name = $form_field[2]; $f_fmname = $form_field[3]; $f_rows = $form_field[4]; $f_cols = $form_field[5]; $f_req = $form_field[6]; $t_out .= '<label class="sidelbl" for="' . $f_fmname . '">'; if (($f_req == "true") && ($show_required)) $t_out .= '<span class="fmrequired">* </span>'; $t_out .= $f_name . '</label>'; $t_out .= '<textarea class="' . $f_class . '" name="' . $f_fmname . '" id="' . $f_fmname . '" rows="' . $f_rows . '" cols="' . $f_cols . '" >'; if (isset($_POST[$f_fmname])) { if ($f_fmname != $field_verification) { $t_out .= htmlspecialchars($_POST[$f_fmname]); } } $t_out .= '</textarea><br />'; break; case "checkbox": $f_class = $form_field[1]; $f_name = $form_field[2]; $t_out .= '<label class="sidelbl">' . $f_name . '</label>'; for ($i = 3; $i < count($form_field)-1; $i+=3) { if ($i > 3) { $t_out .= '<label class="sidelbl"> </label>'; } $f_fmname = $form_field[$i]; $f_caption = $form_field[$i+1]; $f_checked = $form_field[$i+2]; $t_out .= '<input class="' . $f_class . '" type="checkbox" name="' . $f_fmname . '" id="' . $f_fmname . '"'; if ($first_load) { if ($f_checked == 'true') { $t_out .= ' checked="checked" '; } } else { if (isset($_POST[$f_fmname])) { if ($_POST[$f_fmname] == "on") { $t_out .= ' checked '; } } } $t_out .= ' />'; $t_out .= '<label for="' . $f_fmname . '">' . $f_caption . '</label> <br />'; } break; case "radio": $f_class = $form_field[1]; $f_name = $form_field[2]; $f_fmname = $form_field[3]; $f_def = $form_field[4]; $t_out .= '<label class="sidelbl">' . $f_name . '</label>'; $j = 1; for ($i = 5; $i < count($form_field); $i+=2) { $f_value = $form_field[$i]; $f_caption = $form_field[$i+1]; if ($i > 5) { $t_out .= '<label class="sidelbl"> </label>'; } $t_out .= '<input class="' . $f_class . '" type="radio" name="' . $f_fmname . '" id="' . $f_fmname . $j . '" value="' . $f_value . '"'; if ($first_load) { if ((int)$f_def == $j) { $t_out .= ' checked="checked" '; } } else { if (isset($_POST[$f_fmname])) { if ($_POST[$f_fmname] == $f_value) { $t_out .= ' checked="checked" '; } } } $t_out .= ' />'; $t_out .= '<label for="' . $f_fmname . $j . '">' . $f_caption . '</label> <br />'; $j++; } break; case "select": $f_class = $form_field[1]; $f_name = $form_field[2]; $f_fmname = $form_field[3]; $f_mul = $form_field[4]; $t_out .= '<label class="sidelbl" for="' . $f_fmname . '">' . $f_name . '</label>'; $t_out .= '<select class="' . $f_class . '" name="' . $f_fmname; if ($f_mul === "true") { $t_out .= '[]'; } $t_out .= '" id="' . $f_fmname . '"'; if ($f_mul === "true") { $t_out .= ' multiple="multiple" '; } $t_out .= '>'; $grp_count = 0; for ($i = 5; $i < count($form_field)-1; $i++) { if (strpos($form_field[$i], "#") === 0) { if ($grp_count > 0) { $t_out .= "</optgroup>"; } $t_out .= '<optgroup label="' . ltrim($form_field[$i], "#") . '">'; $grp_count++; $i++; } $t_out .= '<option value="' . $form_field[$i] . '"'; if ($f_mul == "true") { if (isset($_POST[$f_fmname])) { foreach ($_POST[$f_fmname] as $p) { if ($p == $form_field[$i]) { $t_out .= ' selected'; } } } } else { if (isset($_POST[$f_fmname])) { if ($_POST[$f_fmname] == $form_field[$i]) { $t_out .= ' selected'; } } } $t_out .= ' > ' . $form_field[$i+1] . '</option>'; $i++; } if ($grp_count > 0) { $t_out .= "</optgroup>"; } $t_out .= '</select><br />'; break; case "selrecip": $f_class = $form_field[1]; $f_name = $form_field[2]; $f_fmname = $form_field[3]; $t_out .= '<label class="sidelbl" for="' . $f_fmname . '">' . $f_name . '</label>'; $t_out .= '<select class="' . $f_class . '" name="' . $f_fmname . '" id="' . $f_fmname . '" >'; $j = 1; $grp_count = 0; for ($i = 4; $i < count($form_field)-1; $i++) { if (strpos($form_field[$i], "#") === 0) { if ($grp_count > 0) { $t_out .= "</optgroup>"; } $t_out .= '<optgroup label="' . ltrim($form_field[$i], "#") . '">'; $grp_count++; $i++; } $t_out .= '<option value="' . $j . '"'; if (isset($_POST[$f_fmname])) { if ($_POST[$f_fmname] == $j) { $t_out .= ' selected'; } } $t_out .= ' > ' . $form_field[$i] . '</option>'; $i++; $j++; } if ($grp_count > 0) { $t_out .= "</optgroup>"; } $t_out .= '</select><br />'; break; } } $t_out .= '<div class="fmspacer"><!-- --></div>'; $t_out .= '<div class="fmcredits">script by <a href="http://www.dagondesign.com">dagondesign.com</a></div>'; $t_out .= '<div class="fmsubmit"><input name="form_submitted" type="submit" id="Submit" value="' . $msg_submit . '" /></div>'; $t_out .= '</form></div></div>'; } echo $t_out; ?> If anyone is playing around with this and needs the verifier code.. it's short and here: http://www.dagondesign.com/files/formmailer_verify.txt.
  2. i'm using this PhP script.. http://tinyurl.com/2ycjv7 as a server side include in an html file (works great!) but.. I would like the thank you page that shows up after the submit button is successfully hit.. to.. either include a link back to the site's home page... OR.. open a new "Thank You" page. Is there a simple way to do that within this script?
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