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  1. well even JAVA is not my solution.It has javax.comm but that to even only in windows.I want true cross platform.I am sticking to C and C++ now. A great learning is going on.Hope I can crack it up. thank you for your help buddy.
  2. Hi, I would like to communicate between serial ports and my PHP in Windows environment, is it possible? I tried googling but no good answers. If not possible I think I have to shift my project from PHP to JAVA. help me out, thanks
  3. hi KrisNz, tahks for the response. I have not tried $this->getModel(); I think thats the thing I was missing. Previously I was a little confused as in other languages we just call method name, if we are calling from inside the same class and I have tried the same thing in my script and failed.I will keep in mind that if one has to call a method it has to be this->method(); not method();
  4. hi, I believe PHP deals with classes the same way as other OOP programming languages.But surprisingly it does not, I hope. Here is a situation I came across, I have 2 classes "Controller" and "Controller_login" where class Controller_login extends Controller There is a method in "Controller" named "getModel()", which I want to call from "Controller_login". To my surprise, if I call it directly as "getModel()", PHP throws an error. To solve this I am calling the method as parent::getModel(); which solves my problem. In a general OOP environment this should not have happened?!! I am concluding that PHP has got this peculiar behaviour, so one has to live with it. Please suggest whether my understanding is correct ? thank you
  5. the email address is already a gmail address
  6. $to='2saumyaray@gmail.com'; $subject = 'A Subject'; $message = 'Hello there'; $headers = 'From: webmaster@noreply.com' . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: webmaster@noreply.com' . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); $sent = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); if ($sent){ echo "Message Sent!";} else { echo "Message could not be sent";} no luck
  7. i have modified the script and now my php file contains the below code. now it says "message sent", I think this is because "if" condition is checked after the mail() function. But the problem is still there, no mail is sent but message is "mail sent" !! $email='2saumyaray@gmail.com'; $to= '$email'; $subject = 'A Subject'; $message = 'Hello there'; $headers = 'From: webmaster@noreply.com' . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: webmaster@noreply.com' . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); $sent = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); if ($sent){ echo "Message Sent!";} else { echo "Message could not be sent";}
  8. hi DeathStar, thank you for the help. But now it says "Message could not be sent" !!
  9. hi, I have tried with below code $uName='sam'; $to = "2saumyaray@gmail.com"; $from = 'r.saumya@yahoo.com'; $subject = "site feed back"; $message = 'message'; $headers = "From: $from\r\n"; $config = "-fwebmaster@mycompany.com"; $success = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers,$config); if ($success) echo('msg=Your message has been sent successfully.'); else echo "msg=An error occurred when sending the email."; Result is showing the confirmation message, but There is actually no mail sent :( !!!!
  10. I have not tried yet buddy, but I agree with redarrow in this regard. The error is because of the Max file size. But i will try it in sometime.
  11. hi magnetica , thank you so much. I appreciate your help and concern. I am completely agreed that gifs are smaller and stuff. But I was wondering how PHP is handling the files. Well, for the solution to JPEGs, I also thought the same, to put a check for both. Lets see if we can make it any other way. Cheers magnetica and thank you for your help.
  12. ohh maan, thank you sooooooo much !! That worked great for me too . Look at http://www.subhvivaah.in/sam_simple_cms/index.php last 2 images are gif and both worked in both the browsers. I can go ahead with my project in GIF.Thank you so much. But the question is still there for JPEG. I would really like o dive into the complexions happening in JPEG .
  13. I do not mind changing it to "gif" ? But, there is no way, jpeg image will work in both FF and IE ?!! i will try for gif now, if "jpeg" is the thing which is making all the problems.
  14. hi magnetica, Thank you.I appreciate your patience. But still its not working in IE.
  15. hi magnetica, The code is the same. You are right, now it stopped working in FireFox too . I will be changing it soon and updating to the previous version.
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