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Everything posted by MadTechie
How are the wage and payrate tables linked? i am guessing its username so try this <?php $d = (int)$_POST['day']; $m = (int)$_POST['month']; $y = (int)$_POST['year']; $date = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $d, $y)); $test = mysql_query("SELECT wage FROM `dynamitepayrate` LEFT JOIN payrate ON `dynamitepayrate`.`username` = `payrate`.`username` WHERE username = '$mysite_username' AND `payrate`.`start date` <= $date AND `payrate`.`end date` >= $date "); ?> EDIT: oops wrong format for date (now fixed)
i have only read the last post, so i maybe missing something here but the SQL should be SOMETHING like this $start_period = '2008-01-01'; $end_period = '2008-01-31'; $test = mysql_query("select wage from dynamitepayrate where username = '".$mysite_username."' AND `date` BETWEEN $start_period and $end_period"); //or $sd = $_POST['sday']; $sm = $_POST['smonth']; $sy = $_POST['syear']; $ed = $_POST['eday']; $em = $_POST['emonth']; $ey = $_POST['eyear']; $test = mysql_query("select wage from dynamitepayrate where username = '".$mysite_username."' AND day(`date`) > $sd and month(`date`) > $sm and year(`date`) > $sy and day(`date`) < $ed and month(`date`) < $em and year(`date`) < $ey ");
desesperatly need help to fix this upload script
MadTechie replied to gdfhghjdfghgfhf's topic in PHP Coding Help
Speak to the Host provider as if the script works then it problem with their permissions, i have done tons of scripts with file access and never had these problems, with any host. so theirs something else going -
your need to update this line edit src and alt $show_url="<a href='$ascii_url' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'><img class='css_post_url_image' src='$var_website_image_path' alt='url' />
bad move, you can still over write files.. well attempt to write one and post the code and where your stuck, if you really don't want to spend the time then try the freelance section
can you post the code you have so far.. may i ask why you want it random! (just curious)
probaby change /* remove all invalid chars from url field */ $_REQUEST[gburl] = preg_replace("/[^a-z-0-9-_,.:?&%=\/]+/i", "", $_REQUEST[gburl]); // check url adress were is valid if(strlen($_REQUEST[gburl])>=1 || $var_require_url == 1) { if(preg_match ("/^([^.-:\/][a-z0-9-.:\/]*)\.?+([a-z0-9-]+)*\.([a-z]{2,6})(\/)?([a-z0-9-_,.?&%=\/]*)$/i", $_REQUEST[gburl])) {$urlcheck="1";} else {$error3 = "$lang_url_error ";} } to $urlcheck="1";
what do you have so far ? how did it fail ?
whats the question ? what do you have so far EDIT: thorpe's post is more to the point
depends on the game, a few use a xml as a config, either that or monitor traffic from the app, but your probably breaking copyright law..
ooops edit: $subject = (substr($subject,0,3)=="RE:")?$subject:"RE: $subject"; <?php session_start(); include("header.php"); include("members.php"); $a = $_GET['action']; $u = $_SESSION['ELv2']; $id = $_GET['id']; ?> <h2>Message Center</h2> <input type='button' value='Send a New Message!' onClick='parent.location="/mail.php?action=newmsg"' class='text_box' style='width: 200px' alt='Send a message!' title='Send a message!'> <input type='button' value='Inbox!' onClick='parent.location="/mail.php?action=inbox"' class='text_box' style='width: 200px' alt='View your recieved mail!' title='View your recieved mail!'> <input type='button' value='Outbox!' onClick='parent.location="/mail.php?action=outbox"' class='text_box' style='width: 200px' alt='View mail you have sent!' title='View mail you have sent!'> <?php switch($a) { case "inbox": print "<br><h1>Inbox</h1><p> <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"1\" width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"#000000\"> <tr> <Td bgcolor=\"#dddddd\" class=\"text_box\">Subject</td> <td bgcolor=\"#dddddd\" class=\"text_box\">From</td> <td bgcolor=\"#dddddd\" class=\"text_box\">Date</td> <td bgcolor=\"#dddddd\" class=\"text_box\">Status</td> <td bgcolor=\"#dddddd\" class=\"text_box\">Actions</td> </tr>"; $query = "SELECT * FROM `messages` WHERE `to` = '{$u}' AND `site` = '$Z' ORDER BY `id` DESC"; $sql = mysql_query($query) or die("MySQL Error in query: ".$query."<br />".mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { extract($row); print "<tr> <td bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" class=\"other\">" . $subject . "</td> <td bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" class=\"other\">" . $from . "</td> <td bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" class=\"other\">" . $date . "</td> <td bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" class=\"other\">" . $status . "</td> <td bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" class=\"other\"><a href=\"mail.php?action=sview&id=" . $id . "\">Read - <a href=\"mail.php?action=delete&id=" . $id . "\">Delete</td> </tr>"; } print "</table>"; break; case "outbox": print "<br><h1>Outbox</h2><p> <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"1\" width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"#000000\"> <tr> <Td bgcolor=\"#dddddd\" class=\"text_box\">Subject</td> <td bgcolor=\"#dddddd\" class=\"text_box\">To</td> <td bgcolor=\"#dddddd\" class=\"text_box\">Date</td> <td bgcolor=\"#dddddd\" class=\"text_box\">Status</td> <td bgcolor=\"#dddddd\" class=\"text_box\">Actions</td> </tr>"; $query = "SELECT * FROM `messages` WHERE `from` = '{$u}' AND `site` = '$Z' ORDER BY `id` DESC"; $sql = mysql_query($query) or die("MySQL Error in query: ".$query."<br />".mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { extract($row); print "<tr> <td bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" class=\"other\">$subject</td> <td bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" class=\"other\">$to</td> <td bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" class=\"other\">$date</td> <td bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" class=\"other\">$status</td> <td bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" class=\"other\"><a href=\"mail.php?action=view&id=$id\">Read - <a href=\"mail.php?action=delete&id=$id\">Delete</td> </tr>"; } print "</table>"; break; case "delete": $del = mysql_query("DELETE FROM `messages` WHERE `id` = '$id' AND `site` = '$Z'"); if($del) { Header("Location: mail.php?action=inbox"); } else { print mysql_error(); } break; case "view": $update = mysql_query("UPDATE `messages` SET `status`='read' WHERE `id`='$id' AND `site`='$Z'"); $query = "SELECT * FROM `messages` WHERE `id`='$id' AND `site` = '$Z'"; $sql = mysql_query($query) or die("MySQL Error in query: ".$query."<br />".mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { extract($row); $subject = (substr($subject,0,3)=="RE:")?$subject:"RE: $subject"; print "<h2>$subject</h2><p> To: $to<br> From: $from<br> Date: $date<p> <form action=\"mail.php?action=sendmsg\" method=\"post\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"to\" value=\"$from\" class=\"text_box\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"subject\" value=\"$subject\" class=\"text_box\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"type\" value=\"2\" class=\"text_box\"> Message:<br> <textarea rows=\"6\" cols=\"60\" nowrap name=\"message\" class=\"text_box\"> $body </textarea><p>"; } break; case "sendmsg": if($_POST['type'] == "1") { $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; $headers .= "To: ".trim($_POST['to'])."\r\n"; $headers .= "From: ".trim($_POST['from'])."\r\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: ".trim($email)."\r\nnew;reply-to: ".trim($email)."\r\n"; @mail(trim($_POST['to']), trim($_POST['subject']), $_POST['message'], $headers); echo("Mail sent to ".trim($_POST['to']) ); }elseif ($_POST['type'] == "2") { $subject = $_POST['subject']; $message = $_POST['message']; $date = date("m/d/y"); $status = "unread"; $to = $_POST['to']; if($subject && $to && $message) { $insert = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `messages` (`site`, `subject`, `body`, `status`, `date`, `to`, `from`) VALUES('$Z', '$subject', '$message', '$status', '$date', '$to', '$u')"); if($insert) { print "<h2>Message Sent</h2><p> Your message has been sent!<P>";?> <input type='button' value='Back to Inbox!' onClick='parent.location="/mail.php?action=inbox"' class='text_box' style='width: 200px' alt='Go back to the inbox!' title='Go back to the inbox!'> <?php }else { print mysql_error(); } } else { print "Subject, To User, and Message are required!"; } } break; case "sview": $update = mysql_query("UPDATE `messages` SET status = 'read' WHERE `id`='$id' AND `site`= '$Z'"); $query = "SELECT * FROM `messages` WHERE `id`='$id' AND `site` = '$Z'"; $sql = mysql_query($query) or die("MySQL Error in query: ".$query."<br />".mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { extract($row); $subject = (substr($subject,0,3)=="RE:")?$subject:"RE: $subject"; print "<h2>$subject</h2><p> To: $to <br>From: $from <br>Date: $date<p> $body<p> <form action=\"mail.php?action=sendmsg\" method=\"post\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"to\" value=\"$from\" class=\"text_box\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"type\" value=\"2\" class=\"text_box\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"subject\" value=\"$subject\" class=\"text_box\"> Reply:<br> <textarea rows=\"6\" cols=\"60\" nowrap name=\"message\" class=\"text_box\"> <p><p>Original Message --------------------------- To: $to From: $from Date: $date Message: $body</textarea><p> <input type=\"submit\" value=\" Send Reply \" class=\"text_box\"></form>"; } break; default: $query = "SELECT count(*) as msgs FROM `messages` WHERE `to` = '$u' AND `site` = '$Z' "; $sql = mysql_query($query) or die("MySQL Error in query: ".$query."<br />".mysql_error()); $msg = mysql_fetch_array($sql); echo "You have {$msg['msgs']} messages"; echo "<h1>Send Message</h1><p> <form action=\"mail.php?action=sendmsg\" method=\"post\">"; echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"type\" value=\"1\" class=\"text_box\" alt=\"Click here if you are sending your message outside this site via email\" title=\"Click here if you are sending your message outside this site via email\"> Email <input type=\"radio\" name=\"type\" value=\"2\" checked class=\"text_box\" alt=\"Click here if you are sending a message within this site and NOT via email!\" title=\"Click here if you are sending a message within this site and NOT via email!\"> Private Message <br> To: <br> <input type=\"text\" name=\"to\" class=\"text_box\" alt=\"Who do you want to send your message to?\" title=\"Who do you want to send your message to?\"><p> From:<br> <select name=\"from\" size=\"1\" class=\"text_box\" alt=\"Please choose where your sending from!\" title=\"Please choose where you are sending from!\">"; $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `members` WHERE `username`='$u'"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { $us = $row["username"]; print "<option value=\"$us\">$us</option> <option value=\"$us@eaglelegend.com\">$us@eaglelegend.com</option>"; } print "</select><p> Subject:<br> <input type=\"text\" name=\"subject\" size=\"30\" class=\"text_box\" alt=\"What is the title/subject of your message?\" title=\"What is the title/subject of your message?\"><p> Message:<br> <textarea rows=\"6\" cols=\"60\" nowrap name=\"message\" class=\"text_box\" alt=\"Please enter your message!\" title=\"Please enter your message!\"></textarea><p> <input type=\"submit\" value=\" Send Message \" class=\"text_box\" alt=\"Click here to send your message!\" title=\"Click here to send your message!\"></form>"; #$query = "SELECT `email` FROM `members` WHERE `username`='".mysql_escape_string($username)."' LIMIT 1"; break; } include("footer.php"); ?>
note the code $subject = (substr($subject,0,3)=="RE:")$subject:"RE: $subject"; <?php session_start(); include("header.php"); include("members.php"); $a = $_GET['action']; $u = $_SESSION['ELv2']; $id = $_GET['id']; ?> <h2>Message Center</h2> <input type='button' value='Send a New Message!' onClick='parent.location="/mail.php?action=newmsg"' class='text_box' style='width: 200px' alt='Send a message!' title='Send a message!'> <input type='button' value='Inbox!' onClick='parent.location="/mail.php?action=inbox"' class='text_box' style='width: 200px' alt='View your recieved mail!' title='View your recieved mail!'> <input type='button' value='Outbox!' onClick='parent.location="/mail.php?action=outbox"' class='text_box' style='width: 200px' alt='View mail you have sent!' title='View mail you have sent!'> <?php switch($a) { case "inbox": print "<br><h1>Inbox</h1><p> <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"1\" width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"#000000\"> <tr> <Td bgcolor=\"#dddddd\" class=\"text_box\">Subject</td> <td bgcolor=\"#dddddd\" class=\"text_box\">From</td> <td bgcolor=\"#dddddd\" class=\"text_box\">Date</td> <td bgcolor=\"#dddddd\" class=\"text_box\">Status</td> <td bgcolor=\"#dddddd\" class=\"text_box\">Actions</td> </tr>"; $query = "SELECT * FROM `messages` WHERE `to` = '{$u}' AND `site` = '$Z' ORDER BY `id` DESC"; $sql = mysql_query($query) or die("MySQL Error in query: ".$query."<br />".mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { extract($row); print "<tr> <td bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" class=\"other\">" . $subject . "</td> <td bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" class=\"other\">" . $from . "</td> <td bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" class=\"other\">" . $date . "</td> <td bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" class=\"other\">" . $status . "</td> <td bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" class=\"other\"><a href=\"mail.php?action=sview&id=" . $id . "\">Read - <a href=\"mail.php?action=delete&id=" . $id . "\">Delete</td> </tr>"; } print "</table>"; break; case "outbox": print "<br><h1>Outbox</h2><p> <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"1\" width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"#000000\"> <tr> <Td bgcolor=\"#dddddd\" class=\"text_box\">Subject</td> <td bgcolor=\"#dddddd\" class=\"text_box\">To</td> <td bgcolor=\"#dddddd\" class=\"text_box\">Date</td> <td bgcolor=\"#dddddd\" class=\"text_box\">Status</td> <td bgcolor=\"#dddddd\" class=\"text_box\">Actions</td> </tr>"; $query = "SELECT * FROM `messages` WHERE `from` = '{$u}' AND `site` = '$Z' ORDER BY `id` DESC"; $sql = mysql_query($query) or die("MySQL Error in query: ".$query."<br />".mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { extract($row); print "<tr> <td bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" class=\"other\">$subject</td> <td bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" class=\"other\">$to</td> <td bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" class=\"other\">$date</td> <td bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" class=\"other\">$status</td> <td bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" class=\"other\"><a href=\"mail.php?action=view&id=$id\">Read - <a href=\"mail.php?action=delete&id=$id\">Delete</td> </tr>"; } print "</table>"; break; case "delete": $del = mysql_query("DELETE FROM `messages` WHERE `id` = '$id' AND `site` = '$Z'"); if($del) { Header("Location: mail.php?action=inbox"); } else { print mysql_error(); } break; case "view": $update = mysql_query("UPDATE `messages` SET `status`='read' WHERE `id`='$id' AND `site`='$Z'"); $query = "SELECT * FROM `messages` WHERE `id`='$id' AND `site` = '$Z'"; $sql = mysql_query($query) or die("MySQL Error in query: ".$query."<br />".mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { extract($row); $subject = (substr($subject,0,3)=="RE:")$subject:"RE: $subject"; print "<h2>$subject</h2><p> To: $to<br> From: $from<br> Date: $date<p> <form action=\"mail.php?action=sendmsg\" method=\"post\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"to\" value=\"$from\" class=\"text_box\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"subject\" value=\"$subject\" class=\"text_box\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"type\" value=\"2\" class=\"text_box\"> Message:<br> <textarea rows=\"6\" cols=\"60\" nowrap name=\"message\" class=\"text_box\"> $body </textarea><p>"; } break; case "sendmsg": if($_POST['type'] == "1") { $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; $headers .= "To: ".trim($_POST['to'])."\r\n"; $headers .= "From: ".trim($_POST['from'])."\r\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: ".trim($email)."\r\nnew;reply-to: ".trim($email)."\r\n"; @mail(trim($_POST['to']), trim($_POST['subject']), $_POST['message'], $headers); echo("Mail sent to ".trim($_POST['to']) ); }elseif ($_POST['type'] == "2") { $subject = $_POST['subject']; $message = $_POST['message']; $date = date("m/d/y"); $status = "unread"; $to = $_POST['to']; if($subject && $to && $message) { $insert = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `messages` (`site`, `subject`, `body`, `status`, `date`, `to`, `from`) VALUES('$Z', '$subject', '$message', '$status', '$date', '$to', '$u')"); if($insert) { print "<h2>Message Sent</h2><p> Your message has been sent!<P>";?> <input type='button' value='Back to Inbox!' onClick='parent.location="/mail.php?action=inbox"' class='text_box' style='width: 200px' alt='Go back to the inbox!' title='Go back to the inbox!'> <?php }else { print mysql_error(); } } else { print "Subject, To User, and Message are required!"; } } break; case "sview": $update = mysql_query("UPDATE `messages` SET status = 'read' WHERE `id`='$id' AND `site`= '$Z'"); $query = "SELECT * FROM `messages` WHERE `id`='$id' AND `site` = '$Z'"; $sql = mysql_query($query) or die("MySQL Error in query: ".$query."<br />".mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { extract($row); $subject = (substr($subject,0,3)=="RE:")$subject:"RE: $subject"; print "<h2>$subject</h2><p> To: $to <br>From: $from <br>Date: $date<p> $body<p> <form action=\"mail.php?action=sendmsg\" method=\"post\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"to\" value=\"$from\" class=\"text_box\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"type\" value=\"2\" class=\"text_box\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"subject\" value=\"$subject\" class=\"text_box\"> Reply:<br> <textarea rows=\"6\" cols=\"60\" nowrap name=\"message\" class=\"text_box\"> <p><p>Original Message --------------------------- To: $to From: $from Date: $date Message: $body</textarea><p> <input type=\"submit\" value=\" Send Reply \" class=\"text_box\"></form>"; } break; default: $query = "SELECT count(*) as msgs FROM `messages` WHERE `to` = '$u' AND `site` = '$Z' "; $sql = mysql_query($query) or die("MySQL Error in query: ".$query."<br />".mysql_error()); $msg = mysql_fetch_array($sql); echo "You have {$msg['msgs']} messages"; echo "<h1>Send Message</h1><p> <form action=\"mail.php?action=sendmsg\" method=\"post\">"; echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"type\" value=\"1\" class=\"text_box\" alt=\"Click here if you are sending your message outside this site via email\" title=\"Click here if you are sending your message outside this site via email\"> Email <input type=\"radio\" name=\"type\" value=\"2\" checked class=\"text_box\" alt=\"Click here if you are sending a message within this site and NOT via email!\" title=\"Click here if you are sending a message within this site and NOT via email!\"> Private Message <br> To: <br> <input type=\"text\" name=\"to\" class=\"text_box\" alt=\"Who do you want to send your message to?\" title=\"Who do you want to send your message to?\"><p> From:<br> <select name=\"from\" size=\"1\" class=\"text_box\" alt=\"Please choose where your sending from!\" title=\"Please choose where you are sending from!\">"; $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `members` WHERE `username`='$u'"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { $us = $row["username"]; print "<option value=\"$us\">$us</option> <option value=\"$us@eaglelegend.com\">$us@eaglelegend.com</option>"; } print "</select><p> Subject:<br> <input type=\"text\" name=\"subject\" size=\"30\" class=\"text_box\" alt=\"What is the title/subject of your message?\" title=\"What is the title/subject of your message?\"><p> Message:<br> <textarea rows=\"6\" cols=\"60\" nowrap name=\"message\" class=\"text_box\" alt=\"Please enter your message!\" title=\"Please enter your message!\"></textarea><p> <input type=\"submit\" value=\" Send Message \" class=\"text_box\" alt=\"Click here to send your message!\" title=\"Click here to send your message!\"></form>"; #$query = "SELECT `email` FROM `members` WHERE `username`='".mysql_escape_string($username)."' LIMIT 1"; break; } include("footer.php"); ?>
most search engines handle these quite well now days, but for some of the older ones it might be an idea to add a mod rewrite
try this <?php $folder = "articles/"; // Open a known directory, and proceed to read its contents if (is_dir($folder )) { if ($dh = opendir($folder)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if($file != "." || $file != "..") { $ufile = urlencode($file); echo "<a href='".$folder."/".$ufile."'>$file</a>"."<br />"; } } closedir($dh); } } ?>
try this (untested) (my boss is near ) <?php $dir = "/etc/php5/"; // Open a known directory, and proceed to read its contents if (is_dir($dir)) { if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if($file != "." || $file != "..") { $file = urlencode($file); echo "filename: $file : <br>\n"; } } closedir($dh); } } ?>
hide destination of the downloadable file
MadTechie replied to web_master's topic in PHP Coding Help
put the files in a hidden folder or a folder outside of the public_html folder. ie /hidden_path/myfile.jpg now a simple script (used ober's force download as a base) <?php $file = "/hidden_path/".$_REQUEST['file']; header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: 0"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Content-Type: application/force-download"); header( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".basename($file)); header( "Content-Description: File Transfer"); @readfile($file); ?> -
heres a simple example from the manual opendir <?php $dir = "/etc/php5/"; // Open a known directory, and proceed to read its contents if (is_dir($dir)) { if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { echo "filename: $file : filetype: " . filetype($dir . $file) . "\n"; } closedir($dh); } } ?>
desesperatly need help to fix this upload script
MadTechie replied to gdfhghjdfghgfhf's topic in PHP Coding Help
i have explained that if the permission are wrong on the main image that doesn't mean the permission are the same on the thumbnail image, loadup the site control panel (manager) or ftp and check the permissions from their also check the folders permissions (if its different from the thumbnails) -
Get the url that prompts for the force download and use file_put_contents("myfile.dat",file_get_contents($url));
did i miss the question ??? why not have another script on the remote server to do the downloads ? have you tried this header "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"http://blar.com/myfile.mp3\"";
is the png a valid png file? any errors? return $poo; } if(!$tmpImg) echo "FAILED ro read in image";//add this line //create destination image filename
Problem using the Make Directory Function mkdir()
MadTechie replied to kpetsche20's topic in PHP Coding Help
erm.. okay and the problem is ? Manual mkdir -
Yes is possible, but a pain your need to find the MP3 decode spec's and write a php decoder (just a rough one as your only after the the length nothing more, you could try googling "MP3 decode specs" or if your luck try "php mp3 id3"
Hard for me, might be easy for you. Please help!
MadTechie replied to ZaksHQ's topic in PHP Coding Help
its the forum where to can offer some form of payment in exchange for someone creating it for you, freelance forum considering your request isn't asking for how to fix your code it seams you want someone write it for you.. if your writing the code yourself, then you could make the request unique, by grouping by IP or something (maybe even a cookie) nothing will be 100% -
dreamweaver won't parsa the php code, for example echo "this is <strong>Bold</strong>"; will appear as echo "this is <strong>Bold</strong>"; and not this is Bold