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Everything posted by MadTechie

  1. try this <?php class media_handler { function convert_media($filename, $rootpath, $inputpath, $outputpath, $width, $height, $bitrate, $samplingrate) { $outfile = ""; $rPath = $rootpath."\ffmpeg"; $size = $width."x".$height; $outfile =$filename; $size = Width & "x" & Height; $outfile = 'out_file.flv'; $ffmpegcmd1 = "ffmpeg -i ".$inputpath."\\".$filename. " -acodec mp3 -ar " .$samplingrate." -ab ".$bitrate." -f flv -s ".$size." ".$outputpath."\\".outfile; $ret = shell_exec($ffmpegcmd1); return $outfile; } function set_buffering($filename,$rootpath,$path) { $_rootPath = rootpath."\\flvtool"; $ffmpegcmd1 = "flvtool2 -U ".Path."\\".$filename; $ret = shell_exec($ffmpegcmd1); } function grab_image($filename, $rootpath, $inputpath,$outputpath, $no_of_thumbs, $frame_number, $image_format, $width, $height) { $_rootpath = rootpath."\\ffmpeg"; $size = width. "x".height; $outfile = "sample.png"; $ffmpegcmd1 = "ffmpeg -i ".$inputpath."\\".filename." -vframes ".$no_of_thumbs." -ss 00:00:03 -an -vcodec ". $image_format." -f rawvideo -s ".$size. " ". $outputpath."\\".$outfile; $ret = shell_exec($ffmpegcmd1); return $outfile; } } $_mediahandler as new media_handler; $rootpath ="./"; $nputpath = $rootpath."/Default"; $outputpath = $rootpath. "/FLV" $ThumbPath = $rootpath. "/Thumbs" $source = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['tmp_name']; $name = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['name']; $fileSize = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['size']; $filetype = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['type']; $dest = ''; copy($source, $inputpath.$name); $outfile = $_mediahandler.convert_media($name,$rootpath, $inputpath, $outputpath, 320, 240, 32, 22050); $image_name = $_mediahandler.grab_image($outfile, $rootpath, $outputpath, $thumbpath, 1, 2, "png", 110, 90); $_mediahandler.Set_Buffering($outfile, $rootpath, $outputpath); ?>
  2. change $_mediahandler AS NEW media_handler; to } $_mediahandler AS NEW media_handler; also youtube is slow due to the heavy traffic, and not the software, as for the "creating your own" should you be writting the code if your "creating you own" ?
  3. oops should be lower case id ie action="emailform.php?id='.$_GET['id'].'" But in anycase why you using the ID field? the form doesn't pass it ? infact how does the form know who to send the email to ?
  4. try this <?php echo '<form name="frmsendmail" method="post" action="emailform.php?ID='.$_GET['ID'].'" onSubmit="return ValidationForm()">'; ?>
  5. probably pasre the page, using http://uk2.php.net/manual/en/function.file-get-contents.php http://uk2.php.net/manual/en/ref.xml.php then store in a database maybe... the most effective way really depends what you want to do with it,
  6. yep, var_dump() and print_r(), are very usful
  7. either add it to the action ie echo "<form action='?ID={$_GET['ID']}' >"; or add a hidden field or <input type="hidden" name="ID" value="<?php echo $_GET['ID'];?>">
  8. for testing change $submit = $_POST['submit']; if($submit != "") { to $submit = $_POST['submit']; var_dump($submit); //debug if($submit != "") {
  9. i guess you could try replacing for ($n=1;$n<50;$n++) { with for ($l=65;$l<91;$l++) { $n = chr($l);
  10. true you seam to of taken it out mysql_select_db("real",$conn) or die("Unable to select database"); if( !isset($_GET['id']) ) exit("Nothing Selected"); // error capture $art = (int)$_GET['id']; //clean $sql = "SELECT * FROM items WHERE id=$art"; //ADD BACK IN as for the email not working, your link to the email MUST have ?id=number or ie will fails hence the error capture
  11. if($miles <=30 && $service_type == 1){ $etd = "Same Day."; } //true so $etd = "Same Day."; if($miles <=3000 && $service_type == 1){ $etd = "8-9 Days."; } //Also true so NOW .. $etd = "8-9 Days."; try this if($miles <=3000 && $service_type == 1){ $etd = "8-9 Days."; } if($miles <=30 && $service_type == 1){ $etd = "Same Day."; }
  12. also change $art = $_GET['id']; to if( !isset($_GET['id']) ) exit("Nothing Selected"); // error capture $art = (int)$_GET['id']; //clean
  13. as a guess i'll say the problem is here SessionStart(); if (GetSessionVar("username")) { RefreshToUrl("member.php"); exit; }
  14. <?php header("Content-type: text/plain"); for ($n=1;$n<50;$n++) { $seed = "http://www.site.com/?page=$n"; $data = file_get_contents($seed); if (preg_match_all("/http:\/\/[^\"\s']+/", $data, $links)) { for ($i=0;$i<count($links[0]);$i++) { echo $links[0][$i]. "\n"; } } } ?>
  15. keywords is an array not a string try this $keywords = preg_split("/[\s,]+/", trim($_POST['keyword'])); $keys = ""; foreach($keywords as $K) { $keys .= "AND (Abstract LIKE '%$K%' OR town LIKE '%$K%')"; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM items WHERE (country='$targetb' OR continent='$targetb') AND (type='$type' OR alltype='$type') $keys ORDER BY id DESC"; its a quick untested draft
  16. It will NOT stop DDOS attacks but can slow some of them down if (!preg_match('%https?://([^/]+)%i', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']))) { Exit ( 'warning - your operation has been banned. '); } But will also cause problems for some users, who are not doing anything bad.. so to sum up, its more trouble that its worth..
  17. you have 2 groups dep1_employee[] and dep2_employee[], the script gets the value from the option selected (1 or 2) thus dep = X (1 or 2) make sense ?
  18. Na, your just missing the closing form tags ie echo "<form name='approve' method='post' action='pending.php'>\n"; echo "<input type= 'Submit' name= 'approve' value='approve' "; echo "<input type= 'hidden' name= 'ID' value='{$id[$i]}' "; echo"</form>"; echo"</td>";
  19. basic filename filter $file_name = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/si', '', $file_name);
  20. If "its very very very urgent." then it should be in the freelance section.. maybe try this echo "<form name='approve' method='post' action='pending.php'>\n"; echo "<input type= 'Submit' name= 'approve' value='approve' "; echo "<input type= 'hidden' name= 'ID' value='{$id[$i]}' "; echo"</td>"; if(isset($_POST['approve'])) { $ID =(int)$_POST['ID']; $sql = "UPDATE table info SET approval=1 WHERE id=$ID "; $result = mysql_query($sql); } Then move the code below the //Trying to perform the desired action but not working above the code $query="SELECT * from info where approval=0";
  21. Review the Javascript code as Javascript CAN use <input name = "check[]" type = "checkbox" value = "'value1'"/> EDIT: example <form action="" name="myform"> dep 1<input type="checkbox" name="department[]" value="1" onclick="checkall(this)"><br> emp 1<input type="checkbox" name="dep1_employee[]" value="1"><br> emp 2<input type="checkbox" name="dep1_employee[]" value="2"><br> emp 3<input type="checkbox" name="dep1_employee[]" value="3"><br> <br> dep 2<input type="checkbox" name="department[]" value="2" onclick="checkall(this)"><br> emp 4<input type="checkbox" name="dep2_employee[]" value="4"><br> emp 5<input type="checkbox" name="dep2_employee[]" value="5"> </form> <script type="text/javascript"> function checkall(dep) { var empls = document.myform['dep' + dep.value + '_employee[]']; for (var i = 0; i < empls.length; i++) { empls[i].checked = dep.checked? true : false; } } </script>
  22. Post the code for include_test.php lines 5 to 15 will be fine (i guess)
  23. if you have extra characters then your not encoding it correctly, either in the html or the database (i guess it could just be a font issule), if the that function fails when no $encryptedString is passed just an error check! e.g. if (empty($encryptedString)) return false;
  24. erm... i don't understand what your trying to do, but mySQL supports Unicode have you got the correct CHARACTER SET and COLLATE ? ie CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; do you have a example ?
  25. this should display some useful data, <?PHP session_start(); $dbHost = "localhost"; $dbUser = "root"; $dbPass = "*******"; $dbDatabase = "users"; $db = mysql_connect("$dbHost", "$dbUser", "$dbPass") or die ("Error connecting to database."); mysql_select_db("$dbDatabase", $db) or die ("Couldn't select the database."); $user = addslashes($_POST['username']); $pass = sha1($_POST['password']); echo "User: $user<br>Pass: $pass<br>"; //removed for debugging #$result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `simple` WHERE `username`='$user' AND `password`='$pass' LIMIT 1"); //debug $result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `simple` WHERE `username`='$user'"); echo "<pre>";print_r($result); die; if(mysql_num_rows($result)==1){ $_SESSION[user]=mysql_fetch_assoc($query); echo 'Success!'; header( "Location: searchlogin.php" ); }else { echo 'Incorrect login name or password. Please try again.'; } ?> also check both the database password and the encrypted the same way
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