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Everything posted by MadTechie

  1. LOL, i'm sure someone will move this.. personally i started small.. first i was creating functions and including them.. then i guess when i need the function's to hold that data, and share it with the other functions.. kinda hard to explain it now i have tried!! MOVE'd yay cheers Barand
  2. Well its being called via a include not an include_once.. back referance until you find the include
  3. LOL Andy, if he said that i would hardly be helping trying to help
  4. the bug is in functions.php not the one you posted in functions.php you include that file right.. now change the include from include to include_once or require to require_once
  5. try print_r($_COOKIES); or $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS to check their set
  6. USE CODE TAGS NEXT TIME ok in functions.php line 68 use include_once (or require_once)
  7. CLI = Command Line Interface not double click the weird thing is you said when you used exec("start wmplayer.exe") is did something.. what exatly did it do ? (ie quick flash of a black screen)
  8. OK first you need to close that if statement.. second.. what was you expecting to appear? because that logic says if add3 then show this if add4 show nothing!
  9. erm.. untill someone else posts a better suggestion i guess you could look here, also post a description of your setup. PHP version, OS, webserver+version..
  10. Sure thing.. $target = "docs/"; $target = $target . basename( $_FILES['uploaded']['name']) ; //<--setsup the target (being copied to) $ok=1; $filename = "./".basename( $_FILES['uploaded']['name']) ; // <--doesn get used if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploaded']['tmp_name'], $target)) //<--moves from temp to target thus the file exists in $target
  11. erm.. what about shell_exec (i really don't know this area too well, i never use them and i have a linux box as my server)
  12. you added that.. where!
  14. it may not of found media player try this Command Prompt exec("start cmd /p");
  15. lol good point (plus line number) remove my first post NOTE { = open } = CLOSE
  16. *wonders if you tried my suggection*
  17. OK look at it this way you assume it will expire in 12 hours but they can change that to 12 years.. cookies are not secure.. anything that a user can edit is basically a security risk.. to make it harder i guess you could have 2 cookies 1. $_COOKIE['user_logged'] = date&time (12 hour from set) 2. $_COOKIE['user_loggedH'] = MD5+SALT of $_COOKIE['user_logged'] the salt could be static to your site (dynamic is better) so you check salt+md5 = $_COOKIE['user_logged'] then check if that time has expired.. just an idea
  18. bad idea to store login settings in a cookie, store their name sure but they could edit the cookie in anyway they see fit ie without loggin in they could chage the cookie to true and their in.. unless you have other checks
  19. I guess windows as his trying to run wmplayer "windows media player" try exec("start wmplayer.exe")
  20. when you "login" create a session with a random key.. store that key in with the users ID in a sessions table (mysql) the script then checks if your logged inn (matched the session key to the one in the database). now User A logs in, session key (AAAFF) is created and a session for UserID , now in the sessions database user ID A doesn't exist so it creates one (stores USER ID & SESSION KEY). now as the user uses the system the system will check if the sessions match the ones in the database. ok Now he logs in again session key (BBBFF) is created and a session for UserID , now in the sessions database user ID A does exist so it updates the session key. now that account will work but the first login will never match as it now has a new session key..
  21. try $fcontents = file ($target);
  22. <?php function MadTechie() { include "taith"; $slave = new taiths_echo; echo $slave->last_msg(); } ?> Sorry private joke
  23. index.html action=login.html will fail you can't do it unless you mod the server to handle html as php in which case why have login.html action=log.php, re-think the logic index.html action=log.php (including login.html) log.php
  24. Try using fread if you have problems let me know i'll see what i can come up with. or post some code so i can review it
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