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Everything posted by MadTechie

  1. Yeah..Great product....(not), slower than WinRAR & Zip7, with a lower compression radio! faster than KGB (but everthing is but KGB's compression is cool but due to the time it takes i rarely use it) I just installed the latest version, opened an ISO, it only showed 1 file and failed to extract So i tried the same ISO with WinRAR (works as always) Zipgenius has been out for about 4 years, i'll admit it has its use's but WinRAR is a staple in my book [attachment deleted by admin]
  2. Can you post both the scripts The form and contactengine.php
  3. if its ONLY the first letter you should use ucfirst() ucfirst(strtolower("MADTECHIE")); also note the Topic Solved button bottom left
  4. don't forget the session_start(); session_start(); if(isset($_SESSION['attemps'])){ echo "Then do this"; }else{ //$this->attemps(); $_SESSION['attemps'] = 1; echo "Refresh me"; }
  5. simplexml examples
  6. I Just quickly skimmed the code, first this $clean = explode("<entry>", $feed); returns an array then you have this, which is wrong for ($i = 1; $i <= $tweets; $i++) { arrays start at 0 for ($i = 0; $i <= $tweets; $i++) { PS I hope the programmer was cheap.. EDIT: Just as a note, when I work on projects, if something didn't work, and I told the client. "I don't know why" I wouldn't expect to get paid (well not the full money at least!)
  7. all you need to do is set the session.gc_maxlifetime to 1800, as for clearing session when the browser is closed, i really don't see the point but you could create a "still here" script that tells the server the client is still active but that seams totally a waste of resource and effort.
  8. Yes your getting error2.htm because your not sending a valid ToEmail,
  9. if your getting more then one records while using LIMIT 0,1 then you have a code problem.
  10. shouldn't it be switch($_POST['name']) as your using post in your form!
  11. did you try that code ?
  12. To check for errors I would normally just login as that person, and do what they did using the same platform and browser
  13. you could just change echo "http://www.youtube.com/get_video?video_id=".$_GET["id"]."&t=".$vars["t"]; to header('Content-Type: video/x-flv'); readfile("http://www.youtube.com/get_video?video_id=".$_GET["id"]."&t=".$vars["t"]);
  14. Person B could edit his cookie, PHPSESSION to another match another persons session ID each session ID is a hex of 32 characters, its called session hi-jacking
  15. require_once (dirname(__FILE__).'/../settings/mysqli_connect.php'); dirname(__FILE__) = is the path of the script that's running
  16. The output you supplied is incorrect then
  17. Moved: to JavaScript Help Sorry but <?php echo $_GET['category']; ?> doesn't make it a PHP issue,
  18. Hummm D & C Contact Form Submission doesn't look like a valid ToEmail to me
  19. got a blank page
  20. Well is it always in a table ? you may get away with something like this <?php $HTML = "<tr><td nowrap=\"1\" width=\"33%\"> QWE1 </td> <td nowrap=\"1\" width=\"33%\"> KSJDWS </td> <td nowrap=\"1\" width=\"33%\"> SDKSJWN </td> </tr>"; $find = "SDKSJWN"; $replace = "ABC"; if (preg_match('%<tr>.*?(<[^>]*?>)[^>]*?'.$find.'[^<]*(<[^>]*>).*?</tr>%sim', $HTML, $found)) { $start= $found[1]; $end= $found[2]; $HTML = preg_replace('#('.$start.').*?('.$end.')#sim', '\1'.$replace.'\2', $HTML); } echo $HTML; ?>
  21. have you tried echoing the value ? $success = mail($EmailTo, $Subject, $Body, "From: <$EmailFrom>"); var_dump($success); die("$EmailTo,\n$Subject,\n$Body,\nFrom: <$EmailFrom>");
  22. can you give me a id and t, i'll test here
  23. Okay you have a problem with your email, first correct the email address, to valid emails, you may want to echo our the $Body to check that as well you might as well comment out or remove // validation $validationOK=true; if (!$validationOK) { print "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;URL=error.htm\">"; exit; } as it's not doing anything
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