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Everything posted by per1os

  1. Code would be nice. --FrosT
  2. Sounds like there is a problem in the session area of the server. What is the server specs, IE php version, apache version etc.? My server, using that same script mine works just fine and dandy. Seems to be a server issue. --FrosT
  3. use the is_null function http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.is-null.php --FrosT
  4. Some servers get blocked from comcast, especially if you do not specify any headers. I know my server is blocked from AOL. Best bet is to research mail headers and get the proper headers and try that. --FrosT
  5. To read contents of a file use file() for it to be in an array or file_get_contents() for a string. --FrosT
  6. try $_POST instead. http_post_vars is depreciated. --FrosT
  7. Chances are it is in the "From:" portion, If I were you I would remove that and see if the mail sends if it does than that is the issue if it doesn't than chances are it is in your POST data. I would than print_r($_POST) to make sure that my post data is what I expected. --FrosT
  8. Have you tested the query with the results in phpMyAdmin to make sure the query isn't bad? --FrosT
  9. surround the date in # signs. IE: '#03-04-2007 00:00:00#' If it were me I wouldn't use the date/time field I would do it as an int of 11 and store the time() value in it, but if you want to look at the database like that periodically your way works to. To each his own. --FrosT
  10. We need more code than just that buddy, give us like at least 10 lines in both directions from that spot. --FrosT
  11. Well in that case I would set the active field to be an int(1) and use 0 for not active and 1 for active. The enum would just be a waste of processing time. If you want when you pull it out of the DB you can (I know this works in Oracle but not sure about MySQL) do this SELECT DECODE(active, 0, 'n', 1, 'y') FROM table ... --FrosT
  12. It is probably in the php.ini configuration or it was depreciated in php. Search the php.net website for the PHP_AUTH_USER, I bet someone already answered this question there. --FrosT
  13. Than why did you ask the question in the first place if you already had an answer and the one we gave you, you did not like? --FrosT
  14. Can we see the code? --FrosT
  15. <?php extract ($_REQUEST); if (! isset ($submit_age) or $age =="") { print "You Must Submit Your Age...<br />"; exit; } if ($age < 21) { print "Sorry, youre too young to drink!"; } else { print "Cool, youre $age! Lets get fu__ed up!!!"; } ?> OR <?php extract ($_REQUEST); if (! isset ($submit_age) or $age =="") { print "You Must Submit Your Age...<br />"; exit; } if ($age < 21) { print "Sorry, youre too young to drink!"; } elseif ($age > 20 { print "Cool, youre $age! Lets get fu__ed up!!!"; } ?> The else either has to be an elseif for the condition or just an else without a condition to Barand, That is actually a really good idea. I am going to have to use it. Thanks for the insight (I have had problems with that in the past) --FrosT
  16. Did you do this? <?php extract ($_REQUEST); if (!isset($submit_age) || $age =="") { print "You Must Submit Your Age...<br />"; exit; } if ($age < 21) { print "Sorry, youre too young to drink!"; } else ($age >= 21) { print "Cool, youre $age! Lets get fu__ed up!!!"; } ?> Add the bracket on the else? If so than please post the error that it gives you. My bad barand, I forgot that php allows both. Thanks for correcting me. --FrosT
  17. I wouldn't do it via MySQL get the data first in a string than manipulate it with date IE: $offest = -2; //(in hours) $offest = ($offest * 3600) if ($offset < 0) date('h:i', (time() - $offest)); else date('h:i', (time() + $offest)); OR if you have teh date in the db $offest = -2; //(in hours) $offest = ($offest * 3600) if ($offset < 0) date('h:i', ($dbTime - $offest)); else date('h:i', ($dbTime + $offest)); --FrosT
  18. else ($age >= 21) { print "Cool, youre $age! Lets get fu__ed up!!!"; } Need curly brackets at both ends. --FrosT
  19. foreach loop is your best bet. --FrosT
  20. <?php extract ($_REQUEST); if (!isset($submit_age) || $age =="") { print "You Must Submit Your Age...<br />"; exit; } if ($age < 21) { print "Sorry, youre too young to drink!"; } else ($age >= 21) print "Cool, youre $age! Lets get fu__ed up!!!"; } ?> or = || --FrosT
  21. Bumping won't help you get the answer. Especially how frequently you do it. Good luck with trying to get help. --FrosT
  22. Give it a try, see what happens. Thats all of the fun, trial and error. --FrosT
  23. Does your PEAR functions work? PEAR and SOAP are separate. PEAR provides extra libraries with a bunch of cool features, whereas SOAP is an API utility. --FrosT
  24. <?php ob_start(); $SystemInfo->CreateCopyright("PHP RealEstate", 'txt_content01'); $copyRight = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); print str_replace("<a href=\"theirsite.com\">Link Here</a>", "Link Title Here", $copyRight); ?> Like I said I do not condone removing copyright fully at all, this is strictly to help you remove the link back. --FrosT
  25. Nope, SystemInfo is an instance of a class. The CreateCopyright is a function defined within that class that probably has "print 'copyright data here';"; Look up Object oriented Programming. --FrosT
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