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Everything posted by WebGeek182

  1. Proposals can be hard at first. Over time, it will get easier. I would say make your best estimate and then multiply it by 3. Seriously. When you're new you tend to underestimate the amount of time required. As you go, log your time for each project and you'll be able to estimate it a lot more accurately before too long.
  2. Web 2.0 is an evolving entity, and more of a mindset than something you can define by rules and such. The main definition is interactive and more like a program than a static web page from the early 90's.
  3. In my opinion, there are two main issues to bear in mind when Search Engine Optimizing AJAX: Problem #1: Lack of content and navigational links on initial page load. This is a problem because the initial HTML page load is all the search engine spiders will see. Search engine spiders do not read JavaScript. Period. Problem #2: Lack of unique URL's for search engines to index. AJAX makes it easy to serve all your content on one page, just like Flash. Unfortunately, search engines need unique URL's. However, each of these problems has a solution. Solution to Prob #1: The initial load of the page definitely needs to contain valid HTML content and navigation. Solution to Prob #2: You need to think like a search engine spider when creating the structure of an AJAX site. Make sure that they can get to a unique page with valid, quality content. You can still have dynamic pages, but you may want to consider using URL rewrites to create unique Search Engine Friendly URL's. If you're interested, here's more info on AJAX SEO.
  4. Very easy my friend. Simple add this to the beginning of your .htaccess: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.example\.com RewriteRule ^/(.*) http://www.example.com/$1 [R=301,L] If you need more help, please let me know. Also you may want to check out this .htaccess reference.
  5. Self taught. Let's be honest, they don't teach you THAT much in college. (Even though I DID go to college.)  :D
  6. Just checking, but this is still a [i][b]PHP[/b][/i] forum, right? So we're talking about Assembly language......why?  (said with friendly sarcasm) ;)
  7. I am man. (Beating chest in a Tarzan-like manner.)
  8. Have you tried adding a / before "index.php?user=$1"? Also you're typing in hxxp://www.yourdomain.com/Ryan (hxxp = http) and it's still coming out wrong?
  9. Here's more info from PayPal on Website Payments Standard: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_wp-standard-overview-outside and Website Payments Pro: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_wp-pro-overview-outside
  10. Question: Are you wanting to make the page dynamic on the server side?
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