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Everything posted by HIV

  1. For example, there is a site http://emza.lt And i can get there through any adrress like http://ajdghiahdiad.jahjdhajkhd.hagduahkad.emza.lt How to do it?
  2. How to record into txt file with javascript?
  3. What's the problem?
  4. How to upload image file to my server from url. For example i have image http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/Smileys/default/cry.gif and how can i upload it, without using any inputs?
  5. HIV

    How to make?

    Is it possible to make it in one query? For example if the same record exists, it will be updated in database, if not exists it will be inserted. How to make it in one query?
  6. HIV

    How to make?

    How to make two submits in one form? For example where is text input, and two selections to different pages.
  7. yes, for exampe img or br tag
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